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Everything posted by biomenace

  1. The website is www.adventureworld.net.au have a look and you might see something you like greg :cool:
  2. they do have a similar ride its called the Rampage...I still like the wipeout better but it isnt to bad.If they could get a hold of some of the rides from the show over here for the summer it would be great.They have built a few new rides in the last couple of years but they are aimed at the very young age group with not much else on the drawing board.I did mention to the manager there a couple of years ago that he should get out and see the rides around the rest of australia or even the show but he couldnt be told.Like most execs as long as he thinks he is corrrect he is.As it is only a small park built on a hill with only a small following over here i suppose we have to wait for the good things to come...(i might die before then) We just had a spinning wild mouse(crazy mouse) at the show for the second year,,It is a hit over here(its owned by a Taz Piggot i think )From over east.I got his number and tried to get the guys from AW to contact him or even have a look at it for maybe an update but to no avail... Greg :cool:
  3. Hi Guys, Forgive me as i am new to posting or replying so here goes.I am from Perth and live about 10 minutes from Adventure World.To be brutally honest i wouldnt think that anybody would fly over here from the east coast to visit Adventure World.The Perth Royal Show was just here and had twenty times more class with new and better rides.The only coaster at Adventure woorld is a steel wild mouse type,very old and in need of some money to be spent on it but even a coat of paint seems to be asking too much. It has nothing and i mean nothing on DW,MW,SW,WnW or even Wonderland.We will be heading to the Gold Coast in about a week for some real theme park time as well as watching Indy.If you want to know anything else about Adventure World i will try to give some posiyives about it...but for me and my family there isnt much to say. Greg :cool:
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