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Everything posted by BigMal
just to let you know. i used to work at Dreamworld on Wipeout. When you feel the pain the harnesses it is often the ride op tightening the harnesses extra tight. Wipeout is designed to loosen up during the ride. I know i was taught to double lock the harness. Whatever you do, do not in any way hold the harnesses out, a kid did that one day when i was working. Harnesses got triple locked that day. everyone bitched but the kid could of fallen out. Btw when the wipeout pool is drained and the ride operating. Leaves some fun times to **** with the guests heads had one girl ask why the pool was drained. we had her thinking the harness she was in failed the day before and we had to clean out the blood.
the reason he may of gotten to ride it is the staff preview was tonight as well as a promo done for channel 7 chatting to my mate now who got to sit next to one of the channel 7 presenters (hes not to sure who it was he was to busy wanting to go on the ride more). he assures me it "owns"
ive been under the cyclone area. although that was at the end of season staff party after i dropped something and it fell all the wya to the bottom. luckily it wasnt broken
i hate to burst all your bubbles but Dreamworld rep came into work the other day and he has told me that there are NO plans for ANOTHER roller coaster in the future as not enough $$ for a new coaster. sorry guys.
i did report it actually, but because i was there with work it had to go through different channels because ie my boss > to her boss > sales and marketing > movieworld sales and marketing and then on up the ride.
u want to talk bad safety. last time i went to movieworld the lap bar would not secure on the wild wild west the words out of the ride op were "dont worry bout it" i almost fell out of the ride coming down the drop. never again will i be going to movieworld. o and there is ALWAYS two ops on cyclone. u just dont see one of them.
with the paint issue on cyclone im sure that its getting close to the time they shut down for annual maintenance and i wouldnt mind betting it would get a repaint it then as for tower it could need to be down for maintenance as well for a bit, last ride i knew they were doing was log ride. who knows which one is next
hrm 32 seats still not the biggest ride in the park but still the wait times wont be to bad
dreamworld has rides (plural notice) in the pipeline for the old thunderbolt area i know that, next time i see the Movieworld sales rep at work ill try and get some info out of them. i know for this year there is no new rides they advised us that they will be "upgrading" and focusing on older rides. dont know when they will be around next but i do have an email of the sales rep
dont even try and get the new ride info out of current staff most of them wont give it up. i have nagged my mate something cronic and he wont give it up, when i went to big brother i ran into a few of the ride ops and they wouldnt give it up, i even bugged the Dreamworld Sales rep when he came to work for 20 minutes and he wouldnt give it up bastards
i just didnt fully explain it well i never really paid that much attention in training
sadly no, my stint at Dreamworld was stuck as a Level 1 on Wipeout and Wild Thornburies Memories of kiddy hell do bring back bad memories i still get Dora the Explorer stuck in my head every now and then, although i do have a dora doll on my desk simply as a joke from when i was at DW. If you ever talk to anyone about the Summer 03/04 group i was known by a few nicknames (Dora/Eliza/Thornburies Nazi)
"Operational" means that the ride is "broken" but still safe to operate "Code 6" is the ride is broken and Unsafe to operate if you ever hear the words "Wet Mess" at dreamworld that means someome has thrown up or in the case of Nick Central it means someone has peed or taken a dump in one of the kiddy rides (dont laugh it has happened and it happened twice to me ) other than that thats all the codes we had
the only noise that i dont like about ToT is the warning signal, otherwise its fine but only other noise i didnt like at Dreamworld was the Nick CD, hearing Dora the Explorer for that long was VERY annoying by the way slick i looked on that site you linked to for the video but couldnt find it, could u email me a link to it please kaell116@optusnet.com.au
Ride Breakdowns, welcome to every day life at Dreamworld, You can guarantee at least 10 "operationals" or "code 6" at ToT a day, its a given simply with rain, the computers or power spikes or e brakes, always happens Wipeout stops half the time and you wouldnt even know it, when it is trying to re dock the computer will just not dock it properly, that technically is a operational we would just reset the computer and it would dock properly Reptar being Code 6 is a new one to me, ive never once seen it ****ed up, if they are working on it during the day in the open then something really is wrong with it O and for those who have been to Wild Thornburies before I am the only staff member to ever call a Code 6 on that ride Giant Drop has had problems since i was working there, when i was there the West side was closed half of the summer holidays (03/04) no idea why it just was
ok thought i might actually have some say with this thread 1. Wipeouts water features were turned off for legitamite reasons imposed by the Gold Coast City Council not by managements request. The depth charges use to much water and with the Gold Coast in a drought effected area they get turned off. as for the water that streams down the wave that was told to be turned off by the council as it was rusting the wave and became a danger to safety if it was kept on 2. Adding more staff in non holiday periods is STUPID, they roster staff as per the program they run and always have the right amount. I was a staff member and rostering to many staff on days when they are not needed is stupid as with the wipeout on some days u might have 4 ride ops on (3 deck hands and a senior op) and you may be begging for riders. One morning there was 3 of us on (2 deckies and an op) and we didnt have anyone come near us from 9am - 10am, deckies get $15 an hour, ops get close to $20 an hour, thats an hour for all of us that could of gone back into dreamworlds pocket 3. Tower of Terror does not run in the rain simply because the car will not get grip, the wheels are similar to roller skates, when it is wet it wont grip and wont go anywhere, ever seen what happens when the rain stops, the ride ops and deckies have to go out onto the track and dry it, not because of live electricity but for grip. 4. With all those lifts you mentioned your leaving it open to more things breaking down, steps dont malfunction so no matter what people can always get in and out of the ride, add in lifts and if one of them breaks you have to shut the ride and then you have people bitching and moaning, lifts on rides SUCK! now im not saying this as most of you who are just theme park fanatics, I have previously worked for dreamworld and KNOW whats its like putting up with guests who are morons and idiotic. What would i do if i ran dreamworld? give me my old job back and kick that supervisors ass who woudlnt keep me on. bastard
actually there is no real rule about being drunk on rides, its at your own risk, we were made aware that unruly behaviour is not to be tolerated. hell i put a guy with a bad hangover on the wipeout then sent him straight to vortex
the rides are part of the Entertainment and Attractions department. the rides come under the attractions part.
often during Xmas periods the longest line that is noticeable is Wipeout or ToT. However wipeout lines move quickly with 40 people to a ride. its been worked out that if you were up to the section near the exit door that is 3 rides. so over Xmas periods with a full DH staffing you would only be waiting 20 mins for your ride. over normal periods thats half an hour and during non holiday periods your lucky if you have enough for one ride in the queue.
i know this is and old thread but i thought i should just add that Guest Relations has nothing to do with the running of Rides at Dreamworld. It is handled by the Entertianment and Attractions department at Dreamworld. Also adding to your point about giving a free pass to anyone who gets denied from a ride. When i was a ride op myself i had to deny many people from rides for being to short or in the case of thornburies to tall. does that mean they should all get free passes? i was denied myself from riding the Scooby Doo coaster after waiting in the queue for an hour and i was denied when i literally was boarding the ride. i never got a free pass. free passes arent just issued out willy nilly
Sorry for the spelling its a force of habit for some things. I even have to spell in a special short hand at work so things get a bit different. a 2 min cycle on the ToT is the standard. when you worked out your ratio you did not take into account all the times that ToT is down for Code 6 (unsafe to operate usually wet track) or Operationals (emergency brakes, computer resets) these incidents are often 10-15 a day and often take 2mins and as long as 2 hours to fix. and the Giant Drop over the Xmas season has always had problems with the west tour. something was not right maintenance wise :/
nope the middle op area spins with the ride and the seat can move independantly vortex ops in winter may have to work the shift for nine hours during holiday periods but over summer they work a morning or afternoon shift. it is the first Level 2 ride you are given it is also the one that most of the more experienced ops come up with excuses to not work it. my mate just got his training on it last week and loves it. but thats just the way some people are. the worst ride to work imo is Thornburies or as it was more commonly known "kiddy hell" u try working in that thing for 9 hours *shudders*
i thought id disprove a lot of your "theories" i was a Ride Operator at Dreamworld. I worked Wipeout and Wild Thornburies for the Xmas 03/04 season. a lot of the capacity for rides at dreamworld works on a staffing basis as well as on a "program" basis. if they are expecting a lot of people then a high program will be set and more staff allocated per ride. during off peak times (non school holidays mid week) u will often find they are running on the lowest program with the lowest amount of staff and most queues at that stage are generally 10-15 minutes at MOST sometimes there is no wait at all (wipeout is notorious for this due to the 20 min minimum) now ur estimate for wipeout is pretty close for an off peak time. Wipeout has 3 different staffing levels. Minimum for the ride is 1 op and 1 deckhand. the deckhand works from the Cyclone end of the ride with the entry, holding area and the queues while the op has the harness controls and the ride controls in the shack. now during these 1dh times they operate off 10 min cycles. thats enough time to get 40 people through the door in 10 people stages making sure they have NO PERSONAL BELONGINGS on them (we get nazi over it trust me no one wants to go swimming in that water but hats another story) and get them all onto the ride sitting right, storage area configured properly ready for departure and the flags set, harnesses locked (which is often the most time consuming with annoying guests) and then wait for the op to go back into the shack and start the ride, during this time with 1 dh u CAN NOT add another queue into the wave for safety reasons as you can not monitor the back row of the wipeout from the shack. when the ride is over you let everyone out and the process starts again. now as you add more deck hands you can do it much quicker. with 4 deckhands you can wave load with one person watching the ride from the shack one from the holding area observation spot, one counting and one watching the end of the wave making sure no one jumps the chain. during this time u often get cycles down to 6 mins so to summarize during peak times u often get approx 400 per hour without fail on the wipeout with non peak times approx 240 per hour. it all depends on staffing level projections o and dont even go there with tower. ive heard of days where tower has pushed through 2500 people in a 9 hour day. thats a very high number with a cycle taking 2 mins, give them a break i dont see you guys going in to be a ride operator rather than just judging them. they work long hours and often in very dangerous conditions (ever tried riding vortex for 9 hours? straight like the ride op has to) and dont get much pay compared to other customer service jobs, add the abuse you get on to that from people like yourselves when u dont get ur ride in 2 mins flat its not the best job in the world but the ride ops are there because they want to be. GIVE THEM A BREAK