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DJKostya last won the day on June 29 2023

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About DJKostya

  • Birthday February 28

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  1. Is it just me or have they used the signs in Roller Coaster Tycoon for the ENTRY and EXIT signs on the new map?
  2. Yeah Big Splash is closed this summer, since it was last sold they haven't kept up the maintenance as @themagician said. While they did write to the local government saying that they would reopen after repairs have been competed I will believe it when I see it. I can definitely see sometime next winter that it will quietly be announced that the required maintenance and repairs is just not cost effective and Canberra will lose another summer activity. Canberra currently has 5 outdoor pools, Big Splash being closed brings it down to 4, Phillip pool has also been announced as going as part of another apartment development so we'll have 3 outdoor pools left, 1 of which is very old and not very big
  3. I'll add my 2 cents in LOL Admittedly I haven't worked in the industry for quite some time, but it used to be a legal requirement to know how many people were in a hotel room. This is usually to do with emergency situations where they need to confirm that everyone has been safely evacuated. Hotels also use the numbers to make sure that people are only sleeping in the beds and not camping out on floors etc. For example the policy the hotel chain I worked for had was that the maximum occupancy of a room was 2 per double/queen bed, 1 per single and 1 adult/2 children per sofa bed (We didn't have rollaways). It also helps in determining that the room hasn't been booked for a party for example (Though people would always lie and say it was just them in the room).
  4. Living in Canberra we get advertisements for Jamberoo and the Gold Coast parks (When it existed also Wonderland). I have never seen an advertisement for WnW/Raging Waters since it commenced operations, it's an easy day trip from Canberra so it does make me wonder why they don't bother advertising.
  5. I tend to agree with what others are saying above, Intamin is not likely to be announcing something minor such as a MC refit, unless it is with some massive new innovation that they have come up with or if it was massively changing a la TTD. To me this reads as either a completely new flat ride not seen before or it's a new coaster, be it a record breaker or again something completely new. With regards to a new water ride, i'm sceptical of this only because Intamin lists a number of water ride models on their website, some of which haven't been built yet (that i'm aware of) like the Giga and Mega Splash models. I don't think they'd waste a press conference on announcing that someone has final bought a model they've had available. If it were to be a water ride my thoughts looking at the Intamin website would be perhaps a Slow Boat ride using the old Murrissippi river and themed around the new area, though how this is worthy of a press conference I have no idea LOL
  6. That's very cool. Looking at the map though, would I be right in thinking that none of the rides that are on that map are in the park today? I'm not super familiar with Dreamworld pre about 2010 as I only visited once before then way back in about 1992.
  7. Excusing my ignorance here but I'm assuming the sign we're talking about is the one next to the 3 white umbrellas casting a shadow? Perhaps the removal might be part of planning for things happening in that space? Maybe around DD? Make the Wild West area smaller to expand the DD area for the whatever replacement they may be planning? I have absolutely no insights, just spitballing here LOL
  8. As @aaronm stated above light rain seems to be OK, but heavy rain or lightning and they stop. I visited Happy Valley in Beijing in 2010 on a miserable day and the coaster operations were sporadic depending on how heavy the rain was. Additionally (Not sure if Happy Valley Guangzhou does the same) the coasters were on a rotating schedule, some opened with the park, others opened later in the day while the early opening ones closed.
  9. I'm no WHS expert, but surely some of those things above clearly don't meet WHS standards, especially some of the electrical things. Being a theme park with lots of families I would be deeply concerned about some of those and what would happen if small hands got hold of them. To me it looks like MW is 1 accident away from another major disaster.
  10. I haven't done the daytrip from Canberra for a while, might be worthwhile next summer to grab a ride
  11. If things are getting this bad I don't understand why the parks don't just move to seasonal operations like many overseas parks, then do all of their maintenance on rides/shops etc. during the off season.
  12. I don't think Canberra is gonna give it up that easily LOL
  13. That theming is looking pretty amazing, it's good to see our parks starting to put some more effort into this kind of thing, only time will tell though if they keep it maintained
  14. I really need to go back to IOA, last time I was there was 2006, Duelling Dragons was still duelling then (which was awesome!)
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