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Everything posted by TommyDig
I saw a poster about the program at Uni last year and it seemed quite interesting. I wasn't able to go to the meeting about it because I had a lecture or something on which was annoying. Do you have to study a subject while you are over there?
Village Roadshow to sell Sydney Attractions Group
TommyDig replied to GoGoBoy's topic in Theme Park Discussion
So does this mean we might be getting a LEGOLAND!? Also because Village Roadshow are selling their Sydney attractions hopefully they will put it up on the Gold Coast. It's been a life long dream for me to go to a LEGOLAND. Fingers crossed! -
WnW 2010: Aqua Loop, Flowrider, Zipline, Skycoaster
TommyDig replied to Intamin's topic in Theme Park Discussion
Are they water spraying things on outside of the slide? (The things that kind of look like stethoscopes). If they are, would they provide all of the water to the slide? -
What are these Dreamworld Rides Like
TommyDig replied to MaxxTheMonster's topic in Theme Park Discussion
The ride I will never go on again is the Reef Diver, that thing is way scarier and more sickening than the TOT and The Claw put together. As soon as it began tilting up I felt sick and it seems like it's never going to end, meanwhile all of the children in the other seats were loving it. My friends and I vowed to never go on it again, one of my mates was green afterwards. If you can survive the Reef Diver you can survive The Claw. -
What are these Dreamworld Rides Like
TommyDig replied to MaxxTheMonster's topic in Theme Park Discussion
Not to scare you off The Claw, but you do lose your stomach quite a lot. Whenever you "experience zero gravity" at the peak of each swing, but that's the best bit! It is like a pirate ship ride on steroids. I also have a fear of heights, the TOT comes nowhere near the Giant Drop in terms of being scared by the height. As revolutionx said, you don't really notice the height unless you look to the side. I think you should go on the TOT first, it would be less likely to make you sick. The first time I went on it I was freaking out, but as soon as it started I didn't want it to stop. -
1 - Superman Escape 2 - Giant Drop 3 - Scooby Doo Spooky Coaster 4 - The Claw 5 - Tower of Terror 6 - Wild West Falls 7 - Bat Wing SpaceShot 8 - Surf Rider 9 - Bermuda Triangle 10 - Super Tubes HydroCoaster
I did work experience at Dreamworld in October 2007 and it was amazing. I strongly recommend it to anyone who is interested in the industry. I was 17 when I did the work experience. My NSW School offered work experience in Year 10 and I did an Entertainment course for Years 11 and 12 which required work experience. So I think any age from 15 or 16 upwards would be fine. I had to find my own way up there, but I didn’t enquire about any free transport options. I’m pretty sure they don’t take any work experience kids in the holidays as that would be peak season. If you have the chance to do work experience at Dreamword, do it. It’s an awesome week and was the most fun I have had at Dreamworld. I posted an overview of my week here http://www.parkz.com.au/forums/index.php?showtopic=3822
PS3 I have stuck with Playstation from the begining. I have a Playstation, PS2, PSP, and PS3 and have had no trouble with any. Although if you are in the middle of the never ending fued between Xbox and Playstation, read up on both, way up the pros and cons, look at the game range and the features. Good Game on ABC2 is on at 9.00pm on Mondays, it is good show for looking at the different consoles, however the hosts are quite annoying. You can also go on the website and download Podcasts.
They did use the lifts back in the day. I suppose the lifts increased que time and needed more staff.
I have been stuck on the claw when it didn't align properly. There are two sensors in the ditch and underneath the pendulum. Each time the pendulum swings past it registers on the computer. When the ride is ending and the sensors don't line up the Claw then becomes a carousel as Spotty said. Also when I was on work placement, the hydrocoaster needed to be tested. I got to go on it five time in total and the first four times the slide checkers and I got stuck at the top of the last hill. The slide checkers have the best job. A different experience was the Reef Diver. Now this may seem a bit lame but it is by far the scariest ride at Dreamworld. Four friends and I decided to ride it. The fact that you are in a cage with a dodgy door, held in by velcro and your spinning 10 - 20 metres in the air is the most frightening experience at Dreamworld.
i've seen it breakdown once. The seatbelt in one of the cars broke off.
I did see no point for him to go to dolphin cove and be launched into the air. And the guy seems too helpful. "I'll help this guy, I'll help that lady, I'll help this guy struggling with a simple dome tent, ow then I'll go to SeaWorld, jump into the dolphin pool and be launched into the air perfectly and then go home"
Has anyone else noticed the poor quality speakers all around Dreamworld (excluding the Motocoaster), compared to the BOSE speakers at WetnWild, Dreamworld's speakers make it painful to listen to music while waiting in ques.
I also have both expansions the are great as there is heaps more stuff to do, but, Gazza's idea for a 'Waterpark Tycoon' would be great as 'Soaked' only has about 5 or 6 types of water slides.
Yeah. I went in the back of it, through the big wooden doors, and I didn't realise where we were until i looked up and saw the Mine Ride's track. It looked really cool. There are tubes of fake rock everywhere. Anthony, the man I was with, showed me how they get the trains on and off the main track. I asked him if Dreamworld was ever going to fix it and he said Yes without saying the actual word Yes.
Let me start by saying that if you ever get the chance to do Work Placement/Experience at Dreamworld take up the opportunity. I'm doing a VET Entertainment course at school and each student is required to 35 hours of work placement. We were given a list of places and Dreamworld was an option. I applied and was accepted for a week of work placement. MONDAY I was placed in guest services and was inducted really well and all the staff were really nice. In the morning I got to issue the World Pass wristbands to guests, which did get a bit monotonous. After lunch I went to the upgrade booths and gave pass out stamps and swiped annual passes. TUESDAY I was taken over to WhiteWater World and got to see what lifeguards do throughout the day. I became the splashdown lifeguard’s assistant, putting the tubes up the conveyors. I was taken behind the Cave of Waves and shown the controls for it. It was a really fun day, surprisingly. WEDNESDAY The Entertainment department was next. I became a chaperone of Spongebob, Patrick and Dorothy. I got to see how the Spongebob and Slimetime shows are set up and run. There is a pantry full of slime powder! The people in this department are really laid back and friendly, in their breaks they take turns trying to finish Crash Bandicoot on the ageing Psone. THURSDAY The week kept getting better, as I was placed in the rides and attractions department. I was given a tour of the back of house areas and the Mine Ride’s mountain. I wish I had my camera on me to take some pics. I was shown The Claw’s control panel and the IMAX theatre’s bio-box. There was a training at the Giant Drop and I was shown to dispatch the ride. And I didn’t know this but, the catch car thing is left at the top each night, it’s something to do with the maintenance people. FRIDAY (BEST DAY EVER) This was my day of choosing. The training coordinators told me that I could come in early and watch slide checks be done. The lifeguards have to check the slides for any cracks, bumps and sharp bits by walking up the slides, then turning them on and then sliding down. After being soaked by the bucket on Pipeline Plunge, I got to go to the Tower of Terror as there was an operator being trained. Here I was told what has to be done during an E-Brake and power trips. If an E-Brake occurs the operators have to get their supervisors and get them to pull the car back to the station. If a power trip happens the level two operator (the one on the side where the guests get on) has to flick a switch at the right moment to get the car to come back to the station. I then got to go do the Slime Time show again and a chaperone of Henry at WhiteWater World. After lunch I went to the log ride and was told that you have to be the highest level operator to run the ride. I was then told to go and see Joan (who is the nicest lady I’ve met) at the Motocoaster. I got to go into the control booth which is the coolest out of them all. It has a picture of the track on the screen, how fast it launches each time, the total number of launches and the where the trains are on the track. The day was nearing its end and i got to go on the last three launches for the day. So that was my work placement experience at Dreamworld. If anyone else has been on work placement at Dreamworld or other parks please post them up.
Thanks for the info Derwan. I thought only one would be used because the current one is massive and i don't think they would be buying another IMAX projector.
Before the 3D movie was there I got to go up the top where the projector is and see how it is all done. I was wondering if they would have to have two projectors now for the 3D movie to work or do they just layer the images on top of each other?
When I was on work experience I got to go into the mountain and look at the track inside. It was really cool, there were fake rock tubes everywhere. (This has probably been said before) The man I was with said that the wiring that the ride uses was covered by the fake rock foam so it is very difficult to fix a minor problem. He also said that they want to get it fixed but it will just take time.
There is a decking on the beach now, protruding into the water. I'm not sure if it has covered the jets in the pool. Does anyone know if the deck is just themeing or does it have a purpose?
Mick Doohan Motocoaster construction discussion
TommyDig replied to AugustVonPolen's topic in Theme Park Discussion
The ad on TV hypes it up quite a lot. It makes it look faster and longer than the actual ride is. So if you think the ad is lame I s'pose you are gonna think the ride is too. But still it is a fun ride. I went to Dreamworld on Friday and had my 10th ride and I still found it fun. -
I was talking to one of the lifeguards there last week and he told me that WWW may be putting in a lazy river as part of their Stage 2 development. So i guess they will try to compete with Wet n Wild with both biggest and best as well as Australian firsts
Mick Doohan Motocoaster construction discussion
TommyDig replied to AugustVonPolen's topic in Theme Park Discussion
I was there on the 16th and there was hardly any ques. Motocoaster had two trains running fine and it was about a three cycle wait. Giant Drop and Cyclone was walk on. The Tower of Terror however was stuck at the bottom of the track. It was there for quite a while. I am going to be at Dreamworld for the whole week and then again the next friday, i think i will be sick of the place! Forgot to add my opinion of the ride: The first time around it was quite exciting but it felt like it got slower each time i rode it. But Pole Position is great as you get the full veiw of the track. -
Mick Doohan Motocoaster construction discussion
TommyDig replied to AugustVonPolen's topic in Theme Park Discussion
Great Update! Can't wait to see it in action. I'll be up there for a week in October. The launch track looks really long in some of the photos. How long is it? -
Its a great site. Much better than the other one. I think there will only be mist sprays for safety issues but where would they be put on the ride?