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Everything posted by PattieBoi

  1. I've been on several B&M's, that's why I want one in Australia.
  2. Maybe a B&M Floorless Giant Boomerang Like the one I posted....hehehehe. Seriously though, it would be AWESOME to see a B&M Floorless Giant Boomerang like the one I created on RCT2 in real life.
  3. Click here Gazza. You'll see what it is. I think it would be kinda cool to see a ride themed as Blood Diamond.
  4. How about a Blood Diamond themed ride that goes through the bush behind WWF at high speeds. Would be great to see a Maverick (like the one at CP) copy in Australia. Or a B&M Diver. The car goes up the hill, turns then stops for 15 seconds. Then it drops into a tunnel and so on.....
  5. Were you on that roll-back SE did on April 23, 2006? Then they had to close the ride for about half-an hour...
  6. I didn't say themeing didn't matter. Yes themeing makes a ride look more exciting and presentable. But why are some of you still going on about how Batwing's themeing is crap? Seriously, we can't do anything about it....so just live with it. It's the ride that counts....
  7. Why are you people still going on about not having enough themeing? Yes Movie World should of put a little more effort in themeing the ride but who cares. We have another Australian first....that's all that matters right?
  8. Thought so, I had that phone. Got stolen Anyway, thanks for shaing the pics. Movie World could put a little more effort in themeing. But who cares we got another Australia first. That's all that matters.....
  9. saberon.....You used a Nokia 6230i to take them pictures didn't you?
  10. I agree with Adam. Movie World's website sucks! THey could atleast put like Multi-Media things on it like On-Ride videos, Pictures etc. etc.
  11. Stupid Sydney....We always miss out on everything!
  12. I don't if I just missed it or something but it wasn't on TEN News
  13. Is it a show? Is ita ride or something....I can't be bothered reading it...
  14. Batwing in Action! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h1hkHx6bHN8&NR
  15. Well one thing's for sure! They hid it from the operators because you can see how they try to hide the camera just as it hits the brakes...
  16. Did any of you happen to take this video?
  17. ^ Like a Giant Inverted Boomerang like Deja Vu?
  18. Something I came up with while playing RCT II. I wouldn't mind seeing this at Dreamworld
  19. Reading them calculations made my brain hurt
  20. Oh....how about Australia's very own Deja Vu? How cool would that be!
  21. Please don't be a Boomerang.....HELL NO!
  22. Six Flags Sydney doesn't sound bad at all =)
  23. If a "Inverted Wooden Roller Coaster" was invented...then I might consider choosing Wooden Roller Coasters over Steel....
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