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  1. Dreamworlds Facebook page posted this gallery http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=1547...;id=30639128612
  2. wow man i feel for you. Don't give up though, if you know your right be persistant. Once they admit to their mistake you might even be rewarded an extra year entry or something for the hasstle. I'd be fighting for it. Let us know what happens
  3. the place looks amazing. just did a search on flight centre, you can get return flights from brisbane for about $700.
  4. so many ignorant people these days. Michael Jackson created most of what we know today as music. It was ingnorant people like you also that made false allegations, attempted to steal his successes, which ultimately killed him. How about you guys come back when a theme park is made in your name, until then, keep your misguided opinions to yourself.
  5. I went there once when i was little, it was a shame to see it knocked down. Anyhow, i was in surfers yesterday and saw that the brand new attraction was pretty much finished, all computer displays were up and running, it was if it was already open. I found its website here http://surfersparadise.ripleys.com/ check it out.
  6. if i remember right, in the last series of big brother, one task required the use of a few segways. Maybe dreamworld acquired ownership?
  7. hey mate, i think your best chances are calling up the park tomorrow as soon as they open and explain your situation. If they give you any hasstles just tell them you will go n get the vip pass that dreamworld is offering.
  8. i have seen the show a couple times before i viewed it this morning. I think the cars were going much slower than usual due to the rainfall. Regardless i think the show is crap and would love the PA show back.
  9. I also went this morning, first group at 10.00 am. Small world huh. Check out my photos here. I thought the set was amazing and loved the atmosphere surrounding the backlot. I emailed the park with my feedback, i would love something permanent.
  10. i would love to see the narnia sets, i already checked out the narnia set that was built at southport and also the triangle set built just opposite the southport seaway jetty. Crappy movies or not, i like going to movie world as i love movies. I love knowing the who, what, where, when and how of movies are made, especially local productions. That is one of the main concepts to movie related parks, which unfortunately movie world is lacking.
  11. mm find that hard to believe as my whole family purchased vip passes through myfun when they were first released, in our household we have about three registered my fun users and none of us were emailed. Also i have seen tv commercials with wally lewis or whoever stating 'due to popular demand' etc but it didnt state in the ad there was no longer a blackout period, it just didnt mention it at all. I just assumed it was in the tiny writing at the bottom. you might be right, however i believe they are keeping quiet about it to keep numbers slighly reduced.
  12. You guys have no idea. There is a constant stream of productions at the studios, big budget hollywood productions come once or twice a year, lower budget hollywood productions and also Australian productions for both film and television. As of now i can list two productions taking up residence at the studios; "Sanctum" a 3D thriller presented by James Cameron about a group of travellers getting trapped in the largest cave system in the world. This will be utilizing the sound stages and also the large tank facilities. "Bait" is another 3D film from the director of the Highlander films, Resident Evil 3 Extinction and other films. Sea Patrol, H20 Just Add Water, Triangle, Narnia and others all have shot there within the last 12 months. Although filming may not be occuring every day, sets are being constructed, planned, props are being built daily. Backlot tours would be a killer for business, and frankly im surprised at how so many people say whaaaat when i inform them a certain movie was filmed just around the corner at Movie World. With the release of Daybreakers (filmed at movie world)imminent, why not put some props on display, do a bit of cross promotion? I would be more than content with at least a prop museum filled with souveneirs of each production to pass through the movie world gates. On another note i only just found out the blackout period for the vip passes has been lifted. You sly dogs warner village, way to inform us.
  13. Theres a difference between obessed and like.. gotta gay like seriously? learn to type. Harry Potter isnt even bad compared to that rubbish film twilight.
  14. The Wizarding World of Harry Potter Official WebsiteWatch the video, the park will be amazing once completed.
  15. that would have most likely still been Narnia. They have been filming since around July and the Narnia books/movies are set around the second world war. They always do scenes in the normal world before travelling to Narnia.
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