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Everything posted by themeparker

  1. i actually have been in the scooby doo ride wen notmin operation they had problems oneday when i was dere and i got a tour like thing and i actaually mangaed to help out and the block system is very basic no way it couldve been that but i yahve worked on it and the cars have emergency breaks on them their selved which have a sytem that determines how far away from one car it is and if it has to send a signal to put the breaks on mayb it was the cars jsut a slight mis hap in the distances and wham u got a stop and go ride lol
  2. hey guys lucky for yous i jsut got back from qld went to all the themeparks ill let u in on the lowdown wats happening up their: white water world is cool best i reckon,dreamworld ne ride coming alter this year *yay*,snow world has been pulled down,wet'n'wild has a roller coaster coming soon and it has nothing to do with water lol terror canyon has been pulled down ,infinity has new rooms coming yay,never been to ripleys ,space walker has closed down officaily and thats all i can remember at the moment ohh and also the new Q1 tower has a beautiful view its worth the $20 to get up. so thats the lowdown on whats happening in the gold coast ohhh yes and the freezer in dreamworld is nto scary at all neither is angoscia but one of the people in my line left throguh the emergency exit and my sis who stayed outside saw the grim reeper walk in after it/he/she scared her
  3. my mums friend was one of the first people to get cut by razor blades on the slides and is the reason it closed down his name was dwayne purcell or something like that cant remmeber spelling she gave me
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