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Everything posted by ILUV SUPERMAN ESCAPE

  1. I think he faked it, I mean since when would the people at dreamworld let him?
  2. They're A little faster than the previous slides and have a less wide track.
  3. I went on them about one month ago, They're OK but nothing special, Not a long wait and you can choose either enclosed or not.
  4. Yeah they could improve the outside castle look and change the storyline a bit To fit in with The Dark Knight, and put in something like, http://rcdb.com/m/id1549.htm (Though with a different number of inversions) , OR they could keep it a simulator but redo the simulation and improve the theming.
  5. I think they Should, With the Opening of the new Batman movie,Replace Batman Adventure the ride 2 with another simulator With better theming and graphics Called The Dark Knight. And by the way gazza The only reason I don't want a big ride is because if the ride is big it'll cost alot and won't leave too much money for theming.
  6. But it wouldn't have to be to tall and fast as it is about airtime more than the speed and G Forces. it could be a little smaller than the corkscrew though with a longer length and some actuall theming, I mean balders max drop angle is 75 degrees I think so this ride's could be say 60-70 degrees. And I mean We've recently gotten Superman Escape and Batwing Spaceshot so lets lower the thrills for a bit and get back to theming like they used to have. So overall it would be a bit more fast paced than Wild West With a little higher a cost (21-26 million).
  7. For some of you who didn't know Warner Bros. are making (Or Distributing)a Movie based on Where the wild things are http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Where_the_Wil..._Are_%28film%29 which could open up a whole lot of possibilities for rides, so I think Movieworld Should either Get a Vekoma Rollercoaster similar to Expedition Everest OR A wooden rollercoaster similar to balder though with a tropical mountain built around the lift hill and a few mountain tunnels near the bottom and have a big Tropical Island Theme With Waterfalls and Palm trees.
  8. I agree A wooden coaster would be good and it could be more family orientated then Superman And Batwing and if they weren't focusing on thrills but theming instead it could be a great ride.
  9. My favourite of those pictures is The Incredible Hulk and I think Movieworld need another looping ride, But I wouldn't mind a eurofighter either or a Floorless Vertical Drop Coaster. We just need something that loops and With good theming. EDIT: I wouldn't mind a coaster like the Griffon, http://rcdb.com/id3631.htm .
  10. I'm sorry but the reason I want an indoor coaster is because it gives better theming possibilities Just look at Revenge Of The Mummy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIPYUTgDBjQ. And anyway it could have a small outside section, A cobra roll Followed by a corkscrew.
  11. I think If they did terminator 4 down here they could add a rollercoaster or maybe replace shrek 4D or Batman Adventure the Ride2 with a Terminator themed ride.
  12. Maybe for their sixth coaster but movieworld currently only have one launched coaster as opposed to Dreamworld having two. I think its time Movieworld stole MDMC's Thunder (If it has any ), But they also need another looping coaster and it has to go for awhile. Something similar to rocking rollercoaster http://rcdb.com/m/id1444.htm except with a cobra roll instead of a roll over (And maybe made by a less headbanging Manufacturer).It would also be fully inside(Except maybe the cobra roll could go outside) And it could be placed behind The Police Academy/Hotwheels stage area.
  13. http://rcdb.com/m/id3602.htm Change the length to 500 m, the height to 20 and the speed= 0-76 kmph in 3.6 seconds
  14. I think that one looks like the way to go.
  15. Are their any other good manufacturers for rides with inversions?
  16. Well it is DREAMworld and thats probably their excuse as some dreams are really weird, And others suck .
  17. It could be a Vekoma Launched coaster Similar to Space mountain in Paris. Besides, didn't they just whack a name on Lethal Weapon . And Anyway they could have a few themed sections.
  18. What I think they should do is add a launched looping coaster (Mostly indoors) to do with The new GET SMART movie . It could be B&M Similar to the incredible hulk but not as big.
  19. I think it would be cool for Movieworld to get a ride like the Incredible Hulk at Universal Studios Islands of Adventure though themed around Iron Man. It could get launched on a maybe 45 degree angle up a big tunnel before doing a sharp drop and diving through another large tunnel coming through a big cloud of mist and doing a cobra roll over a big obstacle such as a rock or maybe spike.So the ride could be themed in a desert like a certain scene in the Movie were he has to get past all these soldiers.
  20. Yeh I certainly wouldn't ride a bucket coaster or anything as ridiculous as that.
  21. I think that would be a great option for dreamworld I mean it looks quite thrilling and if they had enough cars it could be quite high capacity which would be a first for dreamworld .
  22. Yeh and have you heard about the new batman themed ride at one of the six flags parks.... The Dark Knight? I personally think they should do a ride similar to that. A launched indoor looping coaster where you "can't see the track".
  23. What I think they should do is build a Flying Coaster to tie in with the Release of Iron Man, something big silver and looping.
  24. I looked at the thinkwell site and they look like someone I wouldn't mind seeing installing an attraction at movieworld.
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