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Everything posted by ILUV SUPERMAN ESCAPE

  1. I went To Seaworld today and got some photos of the new Sesame Street Beach area. This looks like a stage kind of thing.
  2. Well i have never ridden a B&M, but, I think i'll still go for Intamin as SE is by far the best ride i've ever ridden.
  3. ^ I agree.I mean I'm not criticizing people about their spelling because if they're good spellers they're good spellers and if they're not they're not.
  4. Well That is a much better site than the last one , Though I they add some more pics.
  5. Whoah That's insane!! Do you know where that is or what shows it goes to?
  6. Well I went there, I've been a couple of times. It's quite good but I'm more of a rides person so I didn't really think it was something i'd do over and over.
  7. I know this is off subject but it's regarding movieworlds service. I went to Movieworld on Wednesday and we were going on SE for the second time and we put our money in for the lockers and they wouldn't open, They also wouldn't open for about 3 other people and the lady running the ride called guest services and they took about 30 mins and then when we finally got inline the ride stopped running for about another 25 mins so we had to wait in line for ages.
  8. Well mine are 1. Six Flags Magic Mountain 2.Cedar Point 3. Islands of Adventure 4.Movie Park Germany.
  9. I don't remember the ghosts but I remember sparks as you neared the top of the final chain lift. I heard the sparks started a fire which is why they took them away.
  10. But it is the final twist in the movie. Ohh and will any of the rides be under refurbishment on Wednesday?
  11. Good idea sounds cool. And when you exit you could walk past lots of big glass cases with his bodies in them.(Have you seen that bit?)
  12. I think that sums it up for me and that movieworld overall is a better park.
  13. Well after I saw Final Destination 3 I had a dream about the same thing happening ( The rollercoaster coming off the tracks on a loop due to a a camera on the tracks). Freaky But a couple of days later I went on SE so I guess i'm not as scared now.
  14. Well the story for Superman Is what I tended to like, i mean For wild west, Why are you going up into the mountain?
  15. I had no pain whatsoever.... I guess maybe the speed pushed your neck hard against the restraint.
  16. I think the most well themed ride I have ridden would be Superman Escape and coming close behind is wild west falls. They are both great rides and the theming inhances the experiance .
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