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Dreamworld Ride Op

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Everything posted by Dreamworld Ride Op

  1. Sorry folks, but the ride Dreamworld will be building won't be a thrill ride, nor will it be classified as one. Over the last year, there were plans at Macquarie Leisure to build a landmark thrill ride, but thanks to a lot of money being spent on WhiteWaterWorld and Big Brother facilities, it just wasn't accomplishable. Then there was news of an Intamin Motorcycle Accelerator ride, and we wre all quite excited and anxious to see what it held. When I did some research on thee rides, I was even more so excited and looking forward to this ride. But it seems, in recent weeks, that Dreamworld executives have contacted Intamin to ask them to construct the same type of ride, but to make sure it caters for younger people. In my personal opinion, and this isn't coming from any factual material but my brain, I believe Dreamworld is holding off its next big thrill ride. I know for a fact that we don't have the money to go and buy the type of ride Dreamworld wants. So possibly, they may be getting smaller rides, not worse, but smaller, and leaving the big ones until later. Thanks guys.
  2. A new attraction is planned for sure, as the vintage cars have already been relocated so that construction can begin. What I'm not so confident about is that it will be a Motorcycle Accelerator coaster. If it is though, it will be a slower version of the ride, as we have already been told that it will suit younger riders. So don't get hopes up for any big thrill rides!!
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