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Everything posted by pin142

  1. Don't recall lethal ever being painted those colours, also trains differ in colour which leads me to believe it is footage from another SLC.
  2. Thanks for the reports. Served as a good warning for what I experienced in Melbourne. Always good to get the view of someone who isn't a local on the parks and what they liked and disliked about them.
  3. Best way to describe it would be aggressively bounces your body between the seat and the lap bar. First and second drops (and surprisingly following up hill section) I found to be the worst. Still running same trains with brake person. Have to agree on the no airtime thing. The climbing course is a school holidays only thing according to the park map. Was also surprised to find they had organised the "Great Luna Park Easter Egg Hunt" on Easter Sunday and even had a Easter Bunny character out roaming the park at times through the day. I didn't get to go on Power Surge as it was closed on the day I visited.
  4. Must have been unlucky with the spider as when I was there on Sunday had no issues with it spinning. Will be honest and say I enjoyed it more than Scenic Railway. I must have been sitting in the wrong part of the train for Scenic Railway as I didn't really experience much airtime from it from the final three hills and experiencing the rest of it twice was more than enough for me. I didn't find the operations that bad and will say the friendliness of the staff was great. The one real positive for the park.
  5. Will say painting another Mario gold isn't the same as the NFC in it has different information to differentiate that it is a gold Mario when used in a game.
  6. You can attach photos here in a two step process 1. Go to another thread, more reply options, upload the file, cancel the new post. 2. More reply options on this thread, My Media, Attachments, select the photo. Before anyone says anything that photo is from 2010 so the height being reached in it is irrelevant.
  7. My Super Mario series are somewhere in the Australia Post network. Did see them at Big W yesterday in Ballina and didn't mind the look of them. Would also seem the original release look to be more permanent as there was Donkey Kong, Peach, Mario, Yoshi, Kirby and Pikachu in stock. Nintendo Australia looks to be getting Japanese stock and localising via the use of stickers for them though.
  8. My amiibo collection currently looks like this. Have all of the next wave on pre-order though. Not playing Big W hunting this time round. Phone camera, blah blah, poor quality, too much flash, usual phone camera bashing.
  9. What mugs/cups do you have, looking at getting another one of these I picked up during my 2001 visit to the park if you have one, possibly even others depending on what's available.
  10. I may be wrong but I am sure that most of the shops and facilities in the area are still there, wouldn't be hard to re-purpose them for a new ride. Maybe even add a station for the train.
  11. What if I told you that you don't need to go to a theme park to buy it, in fact most shopping centres have somewhere that sells it. http://www.wendys.com.au/menu-flv-rainbow.php
  12. I am missing 3-4 from the last wave. Would order them from Amazon but they are too expensive before currency conversion and shipping.
  13. Parks in the US have done it with NASCAR, doubt we would see anything like the i305 coasters here though.
  14. When the local paper is a Limited News owned paper which has a main goal of click bait of course they are going to sensationalise anything. If this was like the Boomerang that had the train failure resulting in separation of cars earlier this year I can understand the attention but this doesn't deserve anywhere near the attention it is getting. Ride has issue, is closed whilst cause is identified properly and brought back to full safe operation standard. The end. Doesn't sound as interesting or click baited when written like that.
  15. Green Lantern is normally run better but that seems to be the norm now for Superman. Will say I was there the same day and got lucky on Superman managing the single rider jump and bypassing most of the queue. Wild West and Scooby however were the opposite and run well. Didn't bother with Arkham as a queue the length of the ramp means a good 45-60 minute wait and limited on time meant it was an easy pass. If you haven't already been things should be better at Dreamworld if it is anything like Monday. Minimal waits for most rides when I was there around 3-4pm.
  16. Was on Scooby this afternoon (around 2:30pm) and found a decent amount of fog and the coloured lasers look great, first half of the ride was very hit and miss for working effects. Totally agree with Wild West, seeing that mist at the top looked great today.
  17. Seems to be only getting attention because they are giving it some. Outside of dirt farming and rock growing looks to be nothing happening there.
  18. Monorail photo appears to be the fountain one doubled up.
  19. Think you are confusing photos with videos. Photos from a phone taken vertically are ok, videos however are never ok to take vertically.
  20. I would say they have a transfer track to bring them into a maintenance bay where they could remove them from the track. Also doubt they would be welded to the track with rust given most coaster wheels are either nylon or polyurethane and at last check that doesn't rust.
  21. Well if the side show stalls that currently occupy the queue line disappear then it is definitely much safer to say it is returning. Will be interesting to see how this all unfolds or if this results in being the best trolling of an online community conducted by a park yet.
  22. Because a Facebook page said it was therefore it must be true!
  23. Guess it is a wait and see but personally would think giving the existing kids area an update would make more sense than using the old Seascrew land. Last time I was there there was a number of former ride pads that had become "Table and Chairs: The Ride" so it isn't like they don't have space. The space where Corkviper was would be more suited to a more thrilling ride. Seems to be the general area for the more thrilling attractions. Would save a bit on confusion as people would already have a general idea where the kids rides are currently located.
  24. Dreamworld does kind of give it away in that it is easily visible from the Cyclone queue.
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