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daltma10 last won the day on May 22 2020

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About daltma10

  • Birthday 23/01/1997

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  1. I think an observation tower would be even better. Smaller ride area for better views. Something like an Intamin Gyro Tower. This means Sea World can have more space for further expansion or relaxing areas/greenery.
  2. End of year I will be going away for 6 weeks, mainly to visit theme parks. Some I have visited, some have not. Any advice for the theme parks I have not visited, if you have to go about it a different way to the other parks. Visited: Universal Singapore, Tokyo Disneyland, Tokyo DisneySea, Universal Hollywood, Knotts Have not visited: Fuji-Q Highland, Nagashima Spaland, Universal Japan, Shanghai Disneyland, Universal Beijing, Happy Valley Beijing, Leofoo Village Theme Park, Gyeongju World, Six Flags Magic Mountain
  3. The theming and the direction seems great and all, but, do we have a track and support colour yet? All artworks released show either brown, yellow, or orange. I reckon the colour of the ride itself will impact the theming.
  4. Not sure if there is already a thread like this but do you think they will incorporate Motocoaster into Rivertown? If so, some possible ideas on what they could do and hopefully at minimal cost. I’ve put some ideas here, just a track recolour, Quad trains, one piece of theming (an Aztec/Mayan gate over a portion of ride) and recolour of the shades on the launch and queue. It’s a rough job done on my phone, but hopefully brings an idea. Do you think they will do anything with this ride to bring into the theme of Rivertown or Gold Rush, or just wait until it’s retirement?
  5. I wish they spent more money and put doomsday in the middle of Superman and Surfrider where doomsday is and make it a cute lil other area. But they didn’t do it doesn’t matter. Just leaving that here.
  6. A B&M hyper would be perfection but I think something small but full of airtime would be perfect for Dreamworld. It doesn’t need to show off, just offer something that other parks nearby don’t have. A raptor (the prototype clone) or Intamin’s new-style ultra coasters would be unlike anything else in the area. I added a fun edit I made 2 years ago in a different thread that still kinda holds up.
  7. I got bored. Here's a rough $100-150 mil investment idea.
  8. Yeah it’d be a tight fit but I wouldn’t mind a bit of a spaghetti bowl of coasters if it means more coasters and a decent flat haha
  9. My editing skills are non-existent and this is a pipe dream, but if Dreamworld invested money into a new plaza with another world-class coaster and flat ride (I chose Batman: The Ride clone and a Mondial Top Scan). And in the future when they remove Sidewinder, as mentioned previously, a shoot-the-chutes to make Ocean Parade feel like it has an ocean theme.I added a scaled down shoot-the-chutes but even if it is small, it'll add a family water ride which will complete the line up at that point.
  10. Gazza, I see your point. Timber Mountain at Knotts has been around longer and was refurbed in 2013 as I don’t think log flumes have as short of a use by date. And I agree with your in-house point for sure as I forgot it was built by Dreamworld.
  11. Well none, that’s my point. But to bring in a new log ride, it would have to be fully themed and completely new, otherwise there is no point to get a new log ride. It’s better to refurb the existing one and add better theming. (More cost-effective to refurb rather than demolish and rebuild imo)
  12. I think that replacing HWSW with something along the lines of a RMC Raptor Clone or another compact, rare and decent-priced attraction would be perfect. The Raptor Clone would be no more than AUD$15m and would have higher capacity than the slow operations that HWSW holds, and would be unique to Australia/Southern Hemisphere. As for RHLR, log flumes are extremely expensive now due to high theming and immersion. I think maybe a refurb or something would be better (taller drop, new theming) rather than a completely new flume.
  13. It may sound like a load of shit and probably is but it isn't that far fetched. LPS may be the shittest theme park ever but it would have copious amounts of money lying around fro not building anything new and having all portable rides don't you think.
  14. It says on Luna Park Sydney's wikipedia page that in 2015 it will be getting a B&M Sit Down called "The Big Dipper".
  15. I completely agree. Australia needs a new park especially a large one like USS
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