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Everything posted by Nebuchanezzar

  1. People can still access the site even with an IP ban, quite easily as well.
  2. Nebuchanezzar

    Nintendo DS

    It's about the only good thing for the PSP though. Don't get me wrong, DS is way better.
  3. Nebuchanezzar

    Nintendo DS

    A good thing about the PSP would be that you can use it as an imitation MP3 player (so I hear). If Nintendo had have incorparated this into their little package then it would have most certainly kicked some serious ass and the PSP would have had no chance. Now I beleive the PSP has some kind of imitation MP3 device, and I beleive that will bring quite a few Sony customers along that would like that idea. But apart from that, the PSP will suck.
  4. Nebuchanezzar

    Nintendo DS

    I reckon that the Need For Speed Underground game is really going to make my decision to buy a DS or not. If it turns out well, I'll buy one, if not, I probably won't. It's not that I have a sick obsession with NFS:U, but I think it'll be a good indicator of what normal third parties will be able to do with the DS, and if I should put the money into it or not.
  5. You'd the think Topple Tower would have to be quite heavily anchored into the ground. So I wouldn't imagine it could be a succesful travelling ride. Correct me if I'm wrong.
  6. "Endless theming possibilities. " - that seems a bit cheesy, but the rest, seems ok. It could get a bit rough, you'd think when you're happily sitting there and then suddenly you begin shifting around uncomfortably all that way in the air. Hats off to them for coming up with a unique idea, but it just sounds a little trivial and all. If it were smooth (which I doubt an earthquake simulator could be), comfortable and thrilling, it'd be brilliant. But I doubt that'll happen, so yeah.
  7. Nebuchanezzar

    Nintendo DS

    Exactly right there cordonbleu. People are blind to the fact that the PS2 and X-Box are identical, that they purchase both (or only one, yet ignore the gamecube even though it has the highest quality games [pity it doesn't have GTA]), and only a handful of people bother with the Gamecube. Which, is pretty damn sad. Also, Steve$, the whole point of a handheld console is the fact that you don't have to keep it in your house. You make it sound like the fact that you've got two (identical) home consoles, means purchasing a DS would be a waste of money. But it would be the opposite.
  8. Nebuchanezzar

    Nintendo DS

    If I had the money I would consider buying one, but once there is a greater selection of games. I played one at the store though, great little piece of hardware. So yeah, pretty groovy little thing it is.
  9. Yah, it does look pretty groovy. It would be a bit limited without the turns though. The Topple tower looks a lot cooler though.
  10. Nice, very nice. Definately better than my *cough* three ride collection *cough*. Yes, pictures would be awesome.
  11. See? The idea sucks. An please, AlexB, stop attempting to show off your manhood online. Go out and prove it in the real world buddy. You have proven you can analyse what someone has said and pick out useless faults. Congratulations.
  12. ...Uh, any pictures, of these lifting arms?
  13. Excellent to see a Flipper. I saw it at the hobbyshop but decided to buy X-Files DVD's instead downstairs at HMV. Can you tell us how the main platform of the ride elevates?
  14. I have absolutely no idea what the new rides are. I heard that one of them was to be a ride that is similar to KMG's experience, but otherwise I have absolutely no idea. I went there last year, and throughly enjoyed it, it was a great time and I can't wait to go again this year!
  15. I'm pretty sure you did, you're just trying to be difficult. Anyway, this thing just seems stupid to me. Videos and pictures of Roller-coasters on the net is one thing. But a continuous video of a ride being built? That's a bit extreme.
  16. Iuno, if they stuck it in their rides without asking me I wouldn't mind, but if they asked me if they should fork out the extra cash for it, I'd probably say meh. I could live without it is what I'm trying to say.
  17. Yah, I heard it off some website somewhere, but then, if it doesn't make a difference, why does B&M slap em on the outside anyway? To be different?
  18. Looking pretty groovy. A lot of people would think that a fairground game would become monotonous very quickly, but I reckon it looks like fun! And the fact that you can put them in with your no limits coasters is great! Now all I need is No Limits, and I'm set.
  19. I heard, off some website whos identity remains a mystery, that the fact that B&M has their side wheels on the outside of the tracks makes for a smoother ride than the widely used wheels on the inside method that many other manufacturers use.
  20. Don't worry about AlexB Adam, he is a very insecure person. He beleives that if he goes online and starts insulting their posts, he might gain friends. He also enjoys creating graphs and insulting people that have done nothing to him for fun. All he needs is help, so next time AlexB starts insulting you, or anything similar to that, just go tell his mental health doctor about it, and he'll be sedated and taken off the streets. And he lives in Penrith, lol! (no offence to others that live in Penrith, I just don't like the place)
  21. We're talking about that ticket place at the front of the park aren't we? Either way, I wish I could have known about this sooner, I want it!
  22. Ugh, what type of theme park would wanna buy that coaster. Yukko.
  23. Very...Interesting. lol, those crazy Taiwanese peoples. And surely they couldn't refuse to put it in just because it's immoral, I mean, war is immoral, there are countless war records in that book.
  24. Yah, I thought it had something to do with the wheels bumping the sides of the track (the side wheels) every now and then. And nice explanation Richard.
  25. *sigh*, can someone answer my question please?
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