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Everything posted by Nebuchanezzar

  1. Greetings HussRainbowRulz, nice to see you've finally decided to give posting a try.
  2. Indeed, I'd like to see this Gyro Swing in action rather than just the cruddy Modial one, although they cant possibly be too much different to watch, but all the same.
  3. I actually didnt mind the first Final Destination movie.
  4. But what type of person, has N64 games, yet no N64 console, to have the need for this chip? Another thing, I'd sure as hell much rather use my computer as an emulator than an X-box, computers are meant for that sort of thing, its my beleif that a console is to be used for games only, hence another reason why I got a Gamecube, and a 64 (Which I play more often...)
  5. Hmmm, I personally think a flyer would suit Dreamworld with a temple theme behind it. Just think, a flying roller coaster zooming through themed pyramids and swooping into ditches etc, Montu Style! except flying...
  6. Well Im sorry but I still dont beleive it. an emulator for the 64 on an xbox? seems unlikely to me.
  7. In the box below 'Air' it should say 30 million dollars US. and I would have used the Batman vs. Vekoma SLC debate, but that was still a good example.
  8. There is no way, rest assured, that you can play your 64 games on the X-Box. A chip that has to covert all the code from the 64's coding to X-Box coding would cost a fortune, plus the market that it'd have to be supplied to would be miniscule. My favourite is the Nintendo 64, but I also have a Gamecube, but I play the 64 most often, what with classics like Mario 64, Banjo-Kazooie, Goldeneeye, Perfact Dark, DK64, the list is endless!
  9. Yeah, I didnt mean the launched shuttle coaster, if thats what your referring to Alex-B, Im just talking about what they called 'A reverse Incline Corksrew coaster). Commonly known as the Cobra on RCT2. and yeah, the way the physics worked on the RCT games was pretty lousy compared to Hyper Rails and what not.
  10. Yes, yes I can, heres one. Go to RCDB, and then use a Vekoma SLC coaster as an example (perhaps Lethal Weapon). Check the price. Now look for a B&M Inverted coaster, of similar lenghth and layout (ish) perhaps the Batman rides as an example, check the price. Im quite sure that B&M is much more expensive.
  11. Yeah, but their more expensive than Vekomas, perhaps they'll opt for the cheap version all the same...
  12. Im guessing we picked up this idea from Roller Coaster Tycoon, because I often wondered the same thing. I mean, if it can do it on RCT, then surely it doesnt need a lift hill to go back round Nah, makes sense, but It does seem odd to have it there I guess...
  13. Yeah, by Kumba I meant all palm tree-ey, and nice and landscaped, with cool inversions and nice lush gardens.
  14. Can you specify what game its in, Hyper Rails (I have) No limits (I dont have). Even though its only 5 k, you should probably specify what it is, you know?
  15. Slick my man, thats exactally what I meant buddy. Stupid false advertising.
  16. I certainly didnt say that I thought someone had died, after all, what type of person has the name 'Section 2'?
  17. Jesus Wonderbus, I've never quite met anyone like you before, that was a little harsh want it?
  18. But could it get to 200km/h in the space of its drop, I doubt it.
  19. Bolligers name is crap in comparison to Mabillard. Im sorry, I just love the name (Claude?) Mabillard! however the pronounciation of the name is somewhat different, it does not share that love.
  20. But surely you cannot compare the Claw to the Tower of Terror, thats grossly unfair! The Tower is so much more of a ride than the poor little Claw.
  21. Indeed it will, although still, I dont like too much red, and that rides got it in bucketfulls. Once their finished this little project, if it even goes ahead, perhaps they can put a nice B&M Stand up where BB used to be, trash that ol dump I say.
  22. Hmmmm in relation to djrappas comment , I was reading, er, some website the other day, and I read, that it was infact Mr's. Bolliger & Mabillard that produced Intamin, I think it was coasterforce or summat, of course I could have read wrong...
  23. Why rename the Tower of Terror, I like that name! not so much where the entrance is though...
  24. My goodness!!! Who dares say that Tivoli makes the Moveit series!!! they should be ashamed of themselves! Apologise to KMG, and all their worthfullness.
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