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Everything posted by Nebuchanezzar

  1. Damn, that sounds dangerous. Oh well, I guess it ain't, these fancy European companies are known for their quality (minus the recent Mercedes-Benz recall).
  2. Um...If, in the master plan they they said Maloney's corner was to be used for a kiddys area (and they detailed the amount of noise they expected to get from this kiddy's area), it seems that they really have no case. It'd be the same as lodging a development thingo for a shopping complex, and building a 100 story skyscraper, it's just not acceptable. They said they wanted a kiddy's area, then really, it shouldn't be used for thrill rides (unless you count the Ranger and Spider to be kiddy rides). Don't get me wrong, all of those ass-ish residents can go straight to hell, I'm not on their side, but I would imagine the legal system, if the above case is true wouldn't favour Luna Park. Hopefully they'll move them to the front end of the park
  3. But It'd look great! Besides the big tower doesn't look that oil riggy anyway, apart from the base, and even then, it's a bit...thin. Consider the following photos. http://www.mms.gov/mmskids/explore/q1s.jpg http://www.ride-extravaganza.com/rides/gia...ant_drop_03.jpg Don't exactly look too similar do they. Full credit to those who took the photos of course.
  4. It's a pity that they couldn't focus huge neon spotlights on the Dreamworld tower. It would have looked pretty awesome with green, yellow, red & blue lights all streamin up the side of the tower. The Claw looked great!
  5. On Bounty's Revenge, did the wheel at the base of the ride do all the work in driving the gondola? Or was there some kind of small hydraulic motor at the, er, pivot point thingo to help it along (like the Ranger). If the answer is that the wheel (or wheels, I forget) did all the work, in freak conditions, does that not mean that the gondola could have been caught upside down and not been able to be retreived (for a while anyway). Thanks.
  6. Indeed, my favourite ride was definately the Bush Beast, it was so much damn fun. Although I personally thought the best part was the banked turn which passes over (nearly) the station. Most people would know what turn I'm on about. As you come out of that turn and go down the hill it was pretty good fun, rough as guts too! Favourite other ride was Bounty's Revenge, first ever type of swinging ship ride I ever rode, great fun. Horrid restraints.
  7. Indeed, and the Ranger, I've always thought should be removed towards the front of the park (next to the swimming center or summat). The other temporary ride they were talking about was the Hard Rock.
  8. Dr Teeth: Yeah, I thought that was the case, the physics teacher was going on about some kind of currents not being able to bring anything to a complete stop, but rather, to slow it down a lot. Something about, if it stops moving the current stops flowing which doesn't induce the magnetic field to bring it to a stop or something of that nature, so it always has to flow. But thanks for all the answers about brakes on roller-coasters folks.
  9. Read between the lines buddy, my main question was about the safety of the standard brakes on roller-coasters, and the amount of roller-coasters that utilise magnetic braking, not the elecrtomagnetic brake crap on the GD & TOT. As for Scott's question, I was quite sure that the brakes on the GD are always on, or they don't require power or summat like that.
  10. The rides they've said are the noiseist rides are the 'new ones', I have no idea what they mean by that though, I can't recall too manny new rides having a permanent residence at Luna Park (except maybe the Dominator if that's still there).
  11. Definately a ride like Perilious Plunge. I saw this thread and immediately thought of this ride. I also don't mind the scaffolding on that ride, looks alright, I wouldn't be adverse to covering it, or landscaping it (somehow) so that the supports were covered.
  12. After reading through a thread in the Seaworld forum, I read that the Corkscrew is parked manually. So I was just wondering are there still roller-coasters that are manufacturerd today that have to be parked manually, and if so, what safety devices do they have to prevent ride operators going crazy and letting the train fly through the station, if any? Also, on the subject of braking, are the magnetic brakes that they use on rides such as Xcelerator the same as they use on drop rides and high speed trains (something about eddy currents I hear, we were learning about it in Physics)?
  13. According to Channel 10 news, a new resident group is taking Luna Park to court, once again about noise. They claim that "the noise is unbearable" and it is "impossible to hold a simple conversation on ones balcony" with the amount of noise. Luna Park will be defending themselves on the grounds that they are compling with their development application (or something of that nature) and are operating in acceptable noise levels. I would have created a new topic but all this resident action is getting a little old now. I think we need to invest in an assasination squad to get rid of these folks once and for all, leave Luna Park alone.
  14. Have you ever looked at some of the ways that they designed the buildings at Olympic Park? Some of them are pretty damn crazy, even at your local shopping mall there is some wacky building designs. But yes, it does sound like an Intamin track so I won't bother to deny it.
  15. The Ranger needs to be put back near where it originally was. Now I gues that means that somehow, it would have to be put on top of the ticket booth at the front of the park. My Luna Park memory is a little rusty but I don't remember much being on top of that huge ticket stall. If it were possible (which it's not) I would also move Coney Islan down to the very back of the park, that way, the midway would be able to be extended and a Zipper and Moveit 32 would be able to be stuck in (my choices for rides that should be put in Luna Park). If it were possible to have a Rainbow sitting next to Coney Island (on the side of the Harbour) and facing the front of the park so that when it rotates it glides over the harbour (or at least the boardwalk) that'd be swell. I guess I'd also hire more of them crazy Luna peoples. You know, the big feet and the large eyes, they look cool and add to the day they do. I'd plant some trees down the midway (big ones, maybe palm trees even) to add some much needed foliage to the park. And lastly, buy a new sign that says "Luna Park". I don't like the current one they've got sitting atop of the big face, I want something new! I also think that supposing that a drop ride would be able to find a permanent home at Luna Park is laughable, the residents would cough and spit all over this idea, It'd never go through.
  16. Um, does this include all rides, roller-coasters and carnival rides? Or just the roller-coasters. If it was just roller-coasters mine would be....pretty limited.
  17. Is this ride going to be one of these 'revolutionary' B&M's with the fancy new elements like Hydra: The Revenge at Dorney Park? Or is it just going to be the standard B&M inverted coaster?
  18. In My opinion? That's gotta be one of the dumbest internet shorthand words I've ever heard. LOL I find acceptable because 'Laugh out Loud' sounds really pathetic, and it has come into a world of it's own, to me, it is a word to express laughter, rather than an abbrieviation, unlike this 'IMO' thing. Paul Hollibone is also paying a certain fee to be a subsciber, or an important member or whatever of this site. I gues he would have special privilages of bossing people around over me or you, or any other non-subscriber. Anyway, I, uh, wouldn't come into this forum telling people how to post etc, I made that mistake a long time ago, let us never speak of it again. Let us all calm down and drink a cool glass of turnip juice *groan from children*
  19. It's your responsibility to abide by the community guidelines to the best of your ability. It is not your right to be here, so hence, you really have no excuses about your spelling. Having said that, I also get extremely annoyed when peoples don't answer my questions, so I'll answer yours. Yes the Twin Flip was rather intense, it's fast, and very forceful, much more forceful than the Claw (which I would have regarded as the most intense ride there until I rode this one). The most g-force inducing part is where they simply twirl you around in a motion similar to that of a Cha-Cha. I didn't ride the Energy Storm cause it looked pretty crap, much like the Megamix also looks like tosh. I also thought that the Hard Rock did get a bit forceful in some ways, but this didn't lead to the ride being any better. The fact that this ride is insanely fun stems from it's gentle (in comparison to other rides) and airtime giving ride motions, not from it's intensity. Also, the the carny that made a post, if you can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen. I made a comment that my views on carnies were probably based on a few bad stereotypical like carnies, and most of them are probably not like that. But it's the same as a lot of people regard Texans as stupid, Aussies as yokels, the Republican party of America as power hungry psychotic looneys (which most of them are), all because of a few bad eggs. I'd also like to say that my money pays for your lifestyle buddy, so get used to it. And what does IMO mean? I know what LOL means but until this site I've never seen 'IMO'.
  20. To Dr. Teeth, I buy my Faller models from Hobbyco in Sydney, which is above HMV in Pitt Street Mall. I'm sure that your local hobby shop would have some Faller models, so you never know, check them out anyway. They're quite expensive, with the most expensive one being about $500 and the cheapest being around $100, the non ride models (such as buildings and such) made by Faller are cheaper, and of course, the bigger the kit, the more expensive.
  21. Well I've never seen a coaster dynamix kit in the hobby shop, but they have basically everything else in the Hobbyco shop in Pitt Street Mall in Sydney. So I'd reccomend giving them a ring to find out. I'm sure they could order it in for you anyway if they didn't have it.
  22. Pah! Coaster Dynamics indeed, they do look like fun, but nothing can beat the satisfaction of building a scale model of your favourite carnival ride (or roller-coaster or log flume). So my thoughts are that instead of spending your money on one of these insanely popular, fun looking yet kinda unrealistic roller-coaster kits, you should spend it on a nice scale Faller model. That's what I did. Much thanks for young HussRainbow for introducing me to them. But uh, yeah, the models are quite cool (and harder than the coaster kit ones), so I'd give it a serious thought before you spend your money on the coaster kit. I get mine from the big hobby shop in Sydney, the one in Campbelltown doesn't have em. Give it some thought.
  23. But of course. I made me debut ride on it at Luna Park though. I liked it better all wet and uncomfortable at the Easter Show for some bizarre reason, it suits it. Great ride, I think I gave it 10/10.
  24. What the hell is a Captain Sturt? Was Sturt a captain! Bah! If he was I say it sucks. Apart from that question I got 9/10 for the first one... Annnd, 10/10 for the second one.
  25. Is this game basically the same as the version that was on the Gamecube? and just how good is it?
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