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  1. ive been on alot of coasters all around the worls and let me tell ya, the bush beast is crap now. before the "trims" the beast was great and the roughness gave it character. but it does indeed just roll along the track now. it has no energy
  2. Hello fellas im back from what was the most amazing 3 months of my life!!!! i left australia on the 15th of june from sydney and flew to LA. reasion for my trip was not for coasters but rather to be a camp counselor over in NY at French Woods www.frenchwoods.com. when i arrived in LA pretty much i was jet lagged and feeling like **** but i coyuldnt sleep because i had orientation to go to at my hotel. that night i didnt sleep i was too excited so i hired a car from the air port and drove the santamonica to party the night away!! the next day i drove to SFMM and spent the day there. let me tell ya its awsome the theming is nothing special but X is somthing and same with riddlers and Goliath. the park is huge. the other coasters including the new Scream are all great but seem to be simillar to other coasters i well be riding. the next day i went to knotts which was great too. the park is much smaller. good all round park Xcellerator is awsome! that night i flew to camp where i would then spend the next 10 weeks working harder than i ever have. days off first day okk i went ot SF great adventure in new jersey. this park is great when i went there it wasnt too packed which was great because the line up for superman was only 2 hours. from what ive been told that is pretty reasionable. Nitro is now my favourite coaster it is amazing. superman is alot of fun not terribly scary but fun i got to do it at night aswell as during the day. great amercan scream machine sux. i recommend you do it anyway but its not worth doing 2 times. scull mountain was closed that day. im pressed for time so i will tell you more when i get the time cya bill installment 2: Camp alone was great. i was a bunk counselor which means that i looked after a group of kids in the bunk as well as teaching during the day in your specialty area. i taught Ceramics and advanced Salsa classes. it was alot of hard work but it was heaps of fun. these kids become YOUR kids and when it comes to the day that their parents come get them, its very destressing. on my next day off i went to Ithica. which is a college town in NY. its a really nice little town which is well kept. it is located at the bottom of the finger lakes. ithica has the most stunning gorges and waterfalls in its area so i spent that day chilling out smelling fresh air rather that screaming and smelling deep fried food. other significant days off were when i went to Niagra falls. they are amazing words cant really describe what they are like. if you ever go, make sure you get on the canadian side of the falls(which wont be a problem for Australians and Americans). the canadian side is much like a theme park with a Madam toussauds, guinnes world records, haunted houses and launched free-fall rides strapped to the top and sides buildings. they also had a marvel building planet hollywood, hard rock cafe and Marine land. which is a theme park that didnt seem too appealling so i didnt bother. make sure you go on the Maid of the Mist boat ride which takes you right into the falls. another must do is the helecopter ride over the falls and around its a little pricey for some but well worth the cash if you have it. that night i went to Six Flags Darien Lake. no where near as good as other SF parks ive been too. but superman was good really the only thing of intrest there. the evening was enough time to do the whole park. thats it for now, more to come though cheers bill
  3. here is me on demon,BB and beastie in 1999
  4. ive never heard of it ever being stuck there but hey woulda been fun.. ive seen it get stuck at the top and bottom of the second hill but thats about it. ive been stuck 3/4 the way up BB chain lift tht was interesting. it was in the middle of some serious rain i think it was my 6 ride in a row and while we were going up the lift there was some lightening and we just stopped.. they shut down the ride i would say but ppl came up and un locked us and we walked back down...inderesting end to a day at wonderland. bill
  5. hey hey hey!!!!!! i have just posted some photos(old ish) of wonderland..not the best quality im afraid but still worth a ook i guess...they r in albums enjoy Bill
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