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About JD_bunnies_supporter

  • Birthday 19/07/1991

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    Universal and Disney Parks

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    The Incredible Hulk Coaster

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  1. Interesting to see the auction lot is all in the old LLTR building.
  2. http://movieworld.com.au/latest-news/lot-sale.aspx Although it was last year, theres some pictures of the old cars from Lethal Weapon, and another random theme park stuff that were being sold in that auction. Not sure if anyone else had come across this.
  3. Dont get me wrong, there were some great parts to the show, but overall, the show seemed boring to me, with too many slow parts, where nothing happened. I have walked out of many Cirque shows thinking how amazing they were, this one didnt deliver for me!
  4. Been to both LA and Vegas many times, and most recently July 2012. In terms of Vegas: There is good shopping at both North and South Premium Outlets We saw 3 shows on last trip there. Terry Fator Ventrioquist at The Mirage(Outstanding show, one the best I have ever seen!), La Reve(Also a great show, never seen O to compare though), and The Beatles Love(Abit dissapointing, seen better cirque shows, Mystere was great when i saw it about 5 years back) For LA: I did SFMM, with the unlimited Platinum Flash, which i would say is well worth it. The park itself wasnt busy at all, except for Tatsu and X2, with X2 about an 1.5-2 hour wait all day. So the price of the Flash Pass for 2 people, roughy $200 from memory, plus X2 tickets at $15 per rider, it does work out to be expensive, but in the long run, we were on a timed Shuttle Bus to pick us up in late afternoon, and we were able to get every rollercoaster done thanks to the pass.
  5. Was recently in Florida in early November last year, and did both Disneyworld and Universal while over there. Both amazing places in general and great parks, but the standout would have to be Islands of Adventure. The best park I have ever been to. Great rollercoasters, great wet rides and fantastic dark rides. Well worth the many hours to get there! All 6 parks visted, the average wait times would be no more than 30mins on the most popular rides(Space Mountain, ToT), Islands of Adventure was basically walk ons most of the day(Realising this after already paying for the express pass!) except for Harry Potter&TFB
  6. Assuming this is very similar to Beetlejuice Graveyard Revue at US Florida, I thought it was a terrible show. I'll admit i dont know the whole background of the Universal Monsters, but the show itself wasnt enjoyable. Many other people walked out of the show also. How would you compare Singapore to US Hollywood and Florida overall?
  7. Would love to see a "Transformers" inspired land built now!
  8. I have just recently returned from a great trip to Orlando, and going to both Disney and Universal Parks. But one thing that bothered me was on all the rides with lap bar or overhead restraints, the staff do not physically check them to see if they are locked. They will walk by and say "push up on your lap bar" for example. I even saw a Splash Mountain log launched before a person had even pulled down on the lap bar, and the staff member had to tell her as the log was released. I had never seen this style of checking until now. Has anyone else noticed this style or the reason for it?
  9. I'm still surprised they wont be visitng Adventure world in Perth. I cant say i have been there, but it does look like a fairly decent park. I can understand the time and money involved, but I thought they would of visited there.
  10. 30 minutes only?? I got on SDSC right on 10oclock, then walked to SE and it was closed, then went back after WWF, it had reopened, and then closed again. From the time I was there to about 1ish, it was only open for about 30 minutes.
  11. Bad luck is right, it was new years eve, SE, LW, Batwing and BTR2 at one stage were all down at once. Spent most of the day trying to find a ride that was open.
  12. Hopefully a ride was working at Movieworld went you went?
  13. Took the chance to head to MW today with my brother as I am up at the GC for holidays, with the VIP Pass. Headed straight to SDSC and got on pretty quickly. Decided to head to LW but to my disappointment was having technical difficulties from the time the park opened. Then headed to SE, but once again, technical difficulties had closed SE. With a huge queue at Batwing, we took the walk to WWF, with a relatively small queue but with a "1 hour wait" sign at the entrance, we were able to ride twice within about 20-30 minutes. From here we went back to LW, but still had technical difficulties. SE had re opened, and while queing, the repeated message came over that the ride had stopped. Knowing the time it took last time to re open, we had no other choice, but to head to BW and Batman TR2. But no surprise BW was having technical difficulties with people on the ride. With hope one ride would work, we went on BTR2, with the usual library room and bat cave going smoothly, we got on the "Bat Plane," doors closed, and after a few minutes wait, the opposite doors opened with a worker saying the ride was having problems and we had to exit the ride. After all this, me and my brother both left the park at around 1:00, very dissappointed and frustrated. The crowds werent really a problem, it was spread evenly throughout the park, but it was just the amount of problems the park had today. I was intending to head to WnW tomorrow, but looks like ill be revisiting MW to make up lost time. BTW, does MW have ride passes?? I was surprised that we were just kicked off BTR2, and would have to line up again to ride it when it was fixed.
  14. 60 minutes is on the Killer Whales at Sea World Florida tonight if anyone is interested.
  15. Im assuming the Weight restrictions on this mean that the heavier you are, the less of a chance it is that you will complete the whole loop?
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