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  1. Dreamworld needs a ceo that is willing to stay around for a while. The new ceo is going to come in and to keep his bosses happy will cut spending.
  2. I remember reading somewhere that guests at dreamworld spend on average $60 per person on food and merchandise. Im guessing it would be about the same for the other parks. If its still at that level they would be doing pretty well.
  3. When i was at dreamworld i was talking to the ride operator and i asked her why does the Giant Drop now have seatbelts as well as the normal restraints. She said it was because someone fell out of an identical ride in America and died. Does anyone have anymore information about this?
  4. I dont think employing more staff is the answer to long queues. The main problem is the attitude of some of the employees. I was DW about 2 months ago and i was in line for the TOT and i couldnt work out why the ride was only going once every ten minutes. After 30 minutes we got to the last door before the pod and we heard the people getting off the ride and then the ride operators started talking about going to the hairdressers and what they were planning on doing on the weekend, they kept talking for about 10 minutes before letting us on the ride. If the ride operators were not so lazy the queue would have only been about 10 minutes long.
  5. It annoys me when people constantly complain about the queue length at dreamworld without addressing the issues the other parks have. The longest amount of time i have had to wait to go on a ride was at Movie World and it was for the wild west falls. After waiting 2 hours in the line to go on this ride we went up the first hill and where it is meant to turn you around for the backwards drop the ride broke down. For some reason the staff decided to leave us on the ride for half an hour for them to fix it, only for them to finally come and get us off it. The most annoying thing about this is that as soon as we got off the ride started going again. The staff were not helpful at all and when we got back around to the entrance we asked if we could go to the front of queue, because we didnt get the full ride. it took 10 minutes of arguing to final get them to do the right thing. Now I will admit dreamworlds rides do have long queues but at least the staff are friendly and willing to help unlike MW. The longest time i have waited to go on a ride at dreamworld was 50 minutes and that was for the TOT and that was 2 weeks after it opened. the only way the waiting time for rides can decrease is if they put more rides in and that isnt going to happen.
  6. DW will reply and they wont just use a template. As i have said in another thread my mum complained to DW about there poor service and they replied offering free entrance to the park the next time we go. The letter adressed the incident that my mum was complaining about so it wasnt just a standard response. If someone does complain just make sure the letter is written clearly stating the complaint dont just start complaining about everything because the management will just think youre a whinger and wont take you seriously.
  7. Complaining to dreamworld is a very good thing to do because they actually listen to you. recently i went to dreamworld with my parents and because of some stupid employees they ruined an otherwise good day. So when we got home my mum sent a letter to complain about there employees and about a month later we got a letter from the guy running dreamworld saying that the matter had been investigated and action had been taken to make sure it never happens again. Then the letter says because of our bad experience he wanted to make up for the incident and invited us to be official guests of the park. All this means is that we all get in for free next time we go.
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