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  • Birthday 22/09/1985

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    History, Theme Parks (obviously!), fencing, and pretty much abit of everything!

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  1. Big Splash was fantastic! It's a quick ride and also has a large capacity (ie. about 500-1000 persons per hour). Even if the queue is at MAXIMUM (100-200 people in line) you're only waiting about 5-10 minutes. SO an excellent addition - very pleased they brought this one in for the holidays! Hope they introduce a ride like this or a new coaster and make them permanent.
  2. Yeah I went yesterday (Friday 23rd January) and the park was absolutely packed. Queues for many of the rides were 10-15 minutes, and the Wild Mouse was 30 minutes (which isn't THAT bad - considering many of the QLD parks have queues of an hour or longer during peak periods). The Big Splash was a fantastic ride - and you're only waiting about 5 minutes even if the queue exceeds the length of railing (ie. 100-200 people in line). It also does diversify the park which is excellent. I hope LPS introduce some new rides - maybe a new "Big Dipper" or create a permanent log ride. Of course, the problem herein is a lack of room. All in all, it was a fantastic day. And with the new $99 annual pass - I think it is a bargain. Even though the rides are only carni rides - it is still a load of fun.
  3. Well I certainly hope the park does not shut down - its a shame that all of the amusement parks in Sydney shut down (Sega World, Wonderland, LPS multiple times, etc). I think LPS should buy some more land (I heard that they were in talks to buy some of the apartment blocks and use that land for further rides). Its a real shame that Luna Park Sydney is so small - my brother has been to Luna Park Rome (Italy) and it has 3 roller coasters, a river rapids and log ride - etc. What ever happened to the "Big Dipper"? Dreamworld has got it now renamed as the "cyclone". Wish we could have that back in Sydney! But I think you are ultimately right Mrmoon, If LPS does not invest in further expansion I think the numbers of visitors would continue to drop.
  4. I went to Dreamworld with a mate of mine this Tuesday (2nd December) and it is interesting by your experiences, because our's were very similar. To make this short, I was not very pleased with the rides and attractions at Dreamworld. I have to admit, it was my own fualt because I planned my visit during 'schoolies' (forgot about it until I got there!) and the queues for the attractions were 3 hours for each ride. I spent a whole day there and got on 3 rides. My mate and I were so cranky we actually gave a 2-world pass away to our hotel staff because we were adamantly sure that we will never visit dreamworld again. Although, I'm sure Dreamworld would have been great if it was not schoolies. It would have been actually a good idea for Dreamworld to close its doors during the schoolies season - and open it exclusively for the schoolies, as we found out they gave out a 20-50% discount to schoolies. If we have known that previously, we would have made other arrangements. Anyways, it was a good time overal at the Gold Coast. Pity SYdney doesn't offer as much fun!
  5. Well with virgin blue on a return flight Friday night the cost was $180, and then if I was carrying luggage I have to pay an extra $8 so in total $188 airfare for Gold Coast - Sydney on a Friday night. Getting there on a Thursday morning costs me about $80-100 so that isn't too bad. Weekend flights are always expensive. And I find that if you don't book flights months - and I mean MONTHS in advance you will have to pay premium prices for them. As my schedule changes quickly I don't have that option - I usually book, at the latest - 3 or 4 weeks in advance. Does anyone know why the prices for the theme parks have risen so sharply? I hope the parks are still profitable - don't want to see the gold coast theme parks closing down too!
  6. I agree - theme park tickets are expensive and I have cut back on my trips to the gold coast due to increasing prices of air travel. It costs me and a mate $700-800 for a night in the gold coast (and that allows two days at the theme parks). The flight is the killer - sometimes as high as $200 ONE WAY from Sydney. I actually discovered recently that it is cheaper to visit Dreamworld and WhiteWaterWorld ($79) than Movie World and Wet and Wild' ($115). I know I sound like a cheapskate - but every dollar counts these days! That being said - and in all seriousness - theme park tickets are not overly priced. It is the method getting to the gold coast which is increasingly expensive. With Wonderland Sydney closed down I have no choice And I think the annual passes are a bargain If I lived in the gold coast I'd definitely purchase one.
  7. I agree with the OP here. The NSW Government should really get something moving in regards to entertainment facilities in New South Wales. It's ridiculous - seriously - the amount of park closures in NSW - we had Wonderland, now gone, sega world - now gone, Old Sydney Town - now gone. And the list goes on. And whats worse is that the government here in NSW does not fight for more entertainment venues. Granted, we have Jamberoo Action Park (which is fantastic by the way) - but for Sydneysiders Luna Park is a joke. It's ok, but incredibly expensive for the rides it offers and does not really constitute as a theme park. Lets hope that a theme park closer to home - either here in NSW or Victoria will be announced soon Just my 2 cents.
  8. you can download the Wonderland music from this website: Definitely brings back some memories! Wonderland Music
  9. Yeah I know it is shocking. However, that article was rather misleading. The fight did not involve 100 people as it suggests. Instead, the 98 people just watched the fight take place. Newspaper articles here in Sydney suggested that it was a brawl - brawl or not - this antisocial behavior at family events such as the Easter Show is unacceptable. Something has to be done to stop the ever increasing violence in and around Sydney. More and more people do not feel safe in their own neighborhood - which is a sign that something is terribly wrong.
  10. I have some unfortunate news regarding this project. Here is an article from the HERALD SUN, printed April 7 2008. -------------- Super safari park in doubt Ashley Gardiner. Herald Sun. Melbourne, Vic.: Apr 7, 2008. pg. 9 ZOO management has said no to a $220 million plan for a large-scale theme park at Werribee. Entertainment giant Village Roadshow yesterday announced plans for the park, to be known as African Safari World, winning the support of the State Government. Village Roadshow theme parks chief executive John Harnden, who ran the 2006 Melbourne Commonwealth Games, heads the proposal. The prospect of taxpayers' money being used to bankroll part of the project was not ruled out yesterday. But Zoos Victoria chairman Andrew Fairley said the proposal did not have his support. "The proposal, as I understand it now, is not on," Mr Fairley said. The zoo was informed of the plans last week, but secret talks between Village Roadshow and the State Government have been under way for some time. Zoos Victoria is the government agency responsible for the management of the Melbourne and Werribee zoos, and the Healesville Sanctuary. Mr Fairley said he was not opposed to a major theme park in principle, but that the zoo wanted to maintain management over the animals. "If that doesn't affect the welfare of the animals, we would certainly be prepared to consider that," he said. "For us, it is a question of who manages the zoo and who runs the zoo. "But in terms of the stewardship of our animals . . . that's what Zoos Victoria does best." Mr Fairley said he was concerned that development at Werribee could draw patronage away from the other zoos at Royal Park and Healesville. "It's already tough enough to be able to run zoos profitably now," he said. Zoos Victoria was also concerned that entry to a theme park would not be as cheap as to Werribee Open Range Zoo. "I do have real concern about issues of access and equity for people to continue to be able to come here and bring their families," Mr Fairley said. "They can come in for a very modest fee, and if you're going to turn a zoo into something bigger than a zoo, you would have to charge a lot more for it." But Tourism Minister Tim Holding said the proposal was good for families. "(It) can bring great benefits not only to Victorian families who have to fly all the way to Queensland to see world-class theme parks," Mr Holding said. "We've been concerned for some time that without a theme park here in Victoria we are losing visitors, potential visitors, from interstate and overseas. "We think it will attract visitors from interstate and from overseas, and we think that's great for our tourism industry as well." Mr Holding did not rule out the possibility of the state making a financial contribution toward the project. "Whether a direct financial contribution is required from the state, obviously we need to work through that with Village Roadshow," he said. Mr Holding praised Village Roadshow's track record in the management of animals. "They have custody of something like 30,000 animals right around the world, and they're a great partner for us to have in any serious world-class theme park proposal," he said. Mr Holding conceded there were still matters unresolved with Zoos Victoria management. "We obviously have to work through all the issues with the zoo," he said. "Maintaining the integrity of the open range zoo that exists at Werribee is a vitally important part of this proposal. There's a little way to go before we can actually say it's a goer." Mr Harnden said there had already been extensive talks with the State Government. He declined to say how much money he wanted the Government to contribute." ------------------------ Lets hope that this all gets straightened out. Hahaha - seems that the Gold Coast is starting to get hot under the collar by the Melbourne theme park proposal. Here is an article from the GOLD COAST BULLETIN, printed yesterday: --------------- Melbourne targets tourists with a bold safari theme park plan A war of worlds on our doorstep Daniel Meers. The Gold Coast Bulletin. Southport, Qld.: Apr 7, 2008. pg. 4 THE Gold Coast monopoly on the Australian theme park market is under threat following the announcement of plans for a $220 million safari theme park in Melbourne. The plan, which stunned local tourism bosses, comes just weeks after Terri Irwin announced her vision for a Disney-style theme park at the Australia Zoo on the Sunshine Coast. Some political and tourism leaders in the southern states believe the theme park could have the potential to strip the Gold Coast of its tourism crown. But the city's tourism heavyweights last night hit back, declaring the Gold Coast's theme parks would `more than match' any in Melbourne. State Tourism Minister Desley Boyle led the charge, declaring the city was the nation's theme park capital. "A couple of animals in a paddock just outside of Melbourne is hardly a threat to a world tourism icon like the Gold Coast," she said. "The Gold Coast theme parks continue to get bigger and better and are firmly cemented as major tourism attractions." Queensland Tourism Industry Council chief executive Daniel Gschwind, who was informed of the plans by The Gold Coast Bulletin, said he was surprised and found the move interesting. But he said he had confidence in the Gold Coast. "I think the Gold Coast will always remain competitive in the theme park market," he said. "Ultimately, competition is not a bad thing. I think the Gold Coast will more than match the competition from Melbourne." Village Roadshow, the owner of Sea World, Movie World and Wet `n' Wild, is behind the plan that could potentially cut a large chunk out of the glitter strip's tourist dollar and its local attractions. Marketing teams at the Coast's theme parks were unaware of their company's plans in Melbourne until they saw media reports yesterday. Ms Boyle's Victorian counterpart, Tim Holding, yesterday threw down the challenge to the Gold Coast. "We think it's a very exciting proposal," he said. "It's one that we think can bring great benefits, not only to Victorian families who have to fly all the way to Queensland, all the way to the Gold Coast to see world-class theme parks." Mr Holding said the Victorian Government would give serious consideration to the park proposal. Under the plan, the theme park, to be built at Werribee Zoo, would be called African Safari World and include roller-coasters. Thrilling rides would merge with the existing zoo's lions, rhinos, giraffes and zebras. A safari-style park is one aspect of the tourism industry that is lacking on the Gold Coast. Former Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary chief executive Michelle Monsour had attempted to rectify the flaw when she all but lured two pandas from China to the sanctuary. The Coast looked set for the pandas, however the then foreign minister Alexander Downer became involved and the pandas eventually went to his home town of Adelaide. -------------------- My apologies for overcrowding the this post with articles. If you would like me to stop let me know - just thought some of you may be interested in keeping up with the news and gossip regarding the park.
  11. I agree Gazza. This is definitely good news - airfares from Sydney to Melbourne are cheaper and more reliable than those from Sydney to the Gold Coast. It is also great news that this park WILL NOT be in Queensland! No offense to Queenslanders, but it is an utter pain to have to plan a whole trip every time I wanted to go and visit a theme park. So this is fantastic news - can't wait!
  12. Awesome stuff! At least the airline tickets from Sydney are cheap so I can go on a regular basis (if it does go ahead)! But seems really cool - hopefully they may unveil something for Sydney too...
  13. Goodness, just imagine... thousands of adults and children enjoying their Friday night at the Easter Show... to witness a stabbing at 8:30pm. Has it really come to this? I think it is disgusting. No wonder people complain of their fear walking around at night - because things like this happen. I hope these delinquents are charged and taught a very harsh lesson. Here is the story: "An 18-year-old show worker is in a stable condition after an alleged stabbing at the Royal Easter Show overnight. The carnival ride operator is believed to have become involved in an argument with several members of the public. Witnesses say a group of men seeking a refund started a fight with the ride manager before stabbing him in the stomach and ribs. Police then arrested an 18 and 17-year- old male over the incident but have released them pending further inquiries. Nikki Woloszuk from Police Headquarters says the injured man is recovering in hospital. “The victim, an 18-year-old man, was taken to Westmead Hospital in a stable condition where he was treated for his injuries.” “The man and youth were taken to Auburn police station however they were interviewed and released pending further inquiries.”' Source: http://www.livenews.com.au/Articles/2008/0..._at_Easter_show
  14. Yep, literacy - please! I could barely understand your post. As Gazza accurately stated, Jamberoo owns their land and are moving along their plans to create a Wet n' Wild style fun park here in NSW. The Eddy family have written up (or are in the process or writing up) a deal with American slide manufacturer proslide (www.proslide.com). The deal, from what I have heard, involves the masterplan of rides being constructed over a period of 5+ years. This is because Jamberoo will rely on its profit from the seasons over the next few years to finance these new rides. They envision a new tornado ride, a new bowl ride, and a new rocket roller-coaster. The coaster is due to open in 2011 and the other two 2008 (or 2009). The recent addition of their proslide Dark Mammoth (or 'The Taipan') has proved to be an incredible success for the eddy family and may lead to even more rides in the future.
  15. Hey everyone, just thought I'd post this news up if anyone is at all interested in NSW's largest water park: Jamberoo Action park. The articles below appeared in the last month in the local Illawarra newspaper and make for an interesting read. Police were called to Jamberoo Action Park about a month ago to quell the traffic queue which was almost up to three kilometers long - all the way back to the F6, or Princes Highway (and Freeway). The local council is also considering banning all future construction at the park until all these traffic issues are resolved. Read below for more detailed information: Park drives patrons wild; Police to tackle Jamberoo traffic MICHELLE HOCTOR. Illawarra Mercury. Wollongong, N.S.W.: Jan 29, 2008. pg. 9 JAMBEROO Action Park experienced the downside of being too popular on the weekend. A record attendance of 11,600 on Sunday was tempered by headaches with traffic, the queue at one stage backed up to Albion Park, resulting in concerns expressed to police. Park owner and Tourism Illawarra chairman Jim Eddy said the traffic snarl was a one-off that should be considered in context. "The inclement weather in the week preceding Sunday resulted in a pent-up demand." Mr Eddy said that the park had experienced problems with traffic three times this year, but for the most part traffic flow had been smooth, including yesterday's experience when attendance reached 9000. "We've had up to 10,000 in the past and we've not had a problem with the roads," he said. "It was just that one day and it was out of control, it really was. We lost about 1500 people who turned around and left when they saw the queue was so long." Mr Eddy said that with plans in the pipeline to expand the $20 million theme park even further, he was anticipating the traffic concerns and had commissioned an independent traffic study on the feeder road and park. "The study is looking at the traffic volumes, what the queue lines are and when the traffic hits," he said. While the wait was arduous in the street, Mr Eddy said queues inside for the park's two most popular attractions, the Taipan and chairlift, was no longer than 30 minutes, which he said was not long by international standards. Lake Illawarra police Chief Inspector Bob Noble said he intended to raise the matter of traffic management at the park at the next Kiama Traffic Committee meeting. "That road is, for all intents and purposes, a quiet little country road which struggles at times to cope with the volume of traffic at peak tourist times," he said. Meantime, Mr Eddy has withdrawn his plans to operate helicopter flights from the park, for now. The plans, submitted to Kiama Municipal Council in August, were withdrawn after the council's legal advice indicated the proposal should be dealt with as a stand-alone development with a separate environmental impact statement. He hoped to submit a new application this year but was not optimistic it would be off the ground next summer. ----------------------------------------------- Council mulls water park's traffic woes MICHELLE HOCTOR. Illawarra Mercury. Wollongong, N.S.W.: Jan 30, 2008. pg. 9 KIAMA Municipal Council will consider placing a ban on all future development at Jamberoo Action Park until traffic problems are resolved. The decision, made at last night's general meeting of the council, follows congestion at the theme park on Sunday when a record attendance of 11,600 resulted in a traffic jam that extended as far back as the F6 at Yallah. Councillor Joyce Wheatley asked that the council defer consideration of any future expansion of facilities at the park until "satisfactory arrangements" were made for traffic movement. She asked that this include any new rides proposed as part of a master plan that had been submitted to the council. Cr Wheatley also recommended the matter be referred to the Kiama traffic committee, which includes police and RTA representatives, with a view to "facilitating traffic movements". In yesterday's Mercury park owner Jim Eddy said Sunday's congestion was a rare event, largely resulting from a week of inclement weather and the resulting "pent-up demand". Cr Wheatley, however, indicated the problems extended beyond these isolated events, asking that the traffic committee review the traffic problems "which occur at the park, particularly on weekends and public holidays". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ In another article, Jamberoo truly shines as a growing park with numbers almost doubling this soon to end summer season. Snakes alive, Jamberoo mesmerises 17,800 GREG ELLIS. Illawarra Mercury. Wollongong, N.S.W.: Jan 16, 2008. pg. 6 THE new twin Taipan water slide's impact at Jamberoo Action Park was highlighted last weekend when the state's largest theme park smashed its attendance record. General manager Dax Eddy said 9100 people visited the park on Saturday, followed by another 8700 on Sunday. The previous best was 7800 on Sunday, January 21, 2007. Mr Eddy said it was interesting to see the difference in how the park handled the new record and the significant role the new Taipan ride played in providing thrills to 3000 people an hour. "Over the years we have been breaking records but the park has never handled the increase so well," he said. ---------------------------------------------- Investment in action park pays off; What I'm hearing Source: Illawarra Mercury. Wollongong, N.S.W.: Jan 12, 2008. pg. 53 LAST Saturday I ran a story about two businessmen in their 30s who have made an impressive mark on the Australian auto industry since they purchased Wilsons Holden two years ago. Ashley Tory and Dean Leary took their enthusiastic management and ownership style one step further last week when they acquired Albion Park Mitsubishi. But this week I would like to highlight the business bravery of another in this age group. They say once bitten twice shy, but Dax Eddy has been rewarded for his courage in investing in the Taipan waterslide, which is swallowing up hundreds of people an hour at Jamberoo Action Park, the state's largest theme park. But it is not the first time the public has responded to Dax's willingness to invest in multimillion-dollar improvements to the park. He has show change can be good if you give people what they want; that is, fresh new outdoor adventures with a greater choice of activities. And that response has given him the confidence to continue with the $20 million revamp of the theme park his father Jim Eddy started with a grass ski slope on a Jamberoo dairy farm more than two decades ago. A couple of years ago Jim told me the time was right for Dax to take charge because he brought a new energetic approach to managing the tourist attraction. Last week Dax told me that on two days between Christmas and New Year attendances had exceeded 7500. Dax knew the new ride would generate record crowds, but even he was not expecting to hit those figures so early in the new year. On the biggest day so far this summer, Dax said it took just eight minutes for 400 people to get through the ride. "That's 500 people per hour faster than expected," he said. If the weather holds, the potential visitor numbers generated by the park and its new action-packed twin-water slide could be huge. And the spin-off for accommodation houses and restaurants will provide a major boost to the Illawarra economy. But this achievement has not come without risk, as I mentioned earlier. So, congratulations Dax and members of the community who have supported such business bravery. Such massive investments in tourism infrastructure do not come without the confidence generated by large numbers of people responding to the modern facilities. Of course, the good news is that if visitor numbers continue Dax and the Eddy family will have the confidence to pursue their grand vision that will see more of the world's best water rides at Jamberoo. It could see the arrival of one of the most technologically advanced rides that incorporates the same magnetic-levitation technology as the Maglev train, which propels thrill-seekers up hill faster than they come down.
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