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Everything posted by MickeyD

  1. I'd call their Guest Services and check 1st @westical
  2. I love the Enterprise and hope they keep on restoring it for as long as possible. I miss not having my Enterprise fix from DW nowadays. Tailspin simply doesn't cut it.
  3. Thanks for bringing us all such a detailed update on LP Melbourne @Jobe. Hopefully we will see LP Melbourne move ahead with plans in both maintaining their existing gems along with introducing some decent new ones soon. Oh and I thought it was worth re-posting this in attempt to block out a certain feeble response.
  4. Maybe they should have signs to advise the ride is in 'technical rehearsal' and Operation may be affected? Staff out front suggested the problem would be fixed soon and the Store was also left open all day -I'd be surprised if they sold anything! Given how all the Staff hung around most of the day suggested to me this was a pretty major technical issue that they were having trouble fixing. DW is not nearly the Tech savvy Park that MW is when it comes to this type of attraction. I imagine a few calls were being made to Taiwan that day! Can someone confirm what is just inside the doorway between the double doors and First Aid. What looks like SV's Control room? Or is it a Security Surveillance room? Peering inside when Techies were walking in and out, you can see a whole bunch of screens just inside.
  5. Made a special trip to DW yesterday to experience SV for my very first time and..... It was closed due to tech issues.. ๐Ÿ˜ช we were told to go off and enjoy the other attractions etc, which we did and then we waited. And waited. Till finally at about 3 they told us it wouldn't be opening today. . Bugga๐Ÿ˜’
  6. Fantastically detailed read, thanks again Parkz Peeps! I'm so glad all this is happening. There has been so much negative talk about DW on here for far too long, with most folk all but convinced the future of our beloved Aussie Park was all but destined for Suburbia. I hope you all enjoy eating those words as much as I feared em true, because this is the sweetest possible outcome that we never saw coming. Onward and upward๐Ÿ˜Š
  7. 7's posts factually incorrect you say? OUTRAGEOUS !
  8. When I visited last time I was surprised at how slow the Train ride is nowadays. It is certainly much slower than ever before. Regarding selling of land etc, I think the old Thunderbolt site would be an ideal spot for proposed Hotel/convention Centre. I hope they keep DW within the existing envelope of the train, keeping all that Amphitheatre/Blue Lagoon space for future Theme Park development.
  9. They have done this with the chair swing and some of the smaller rides before. It might be easier to fully inspect and repair parts when in pieces in a workshop. Disney also did this recently with their Astro Orbitor ride.
  10. ^ Who doesn't love a Hot Air Balloon? - Besides, DW once featured one over their own Park logo.. (for those of us old enough to remember!) Maybe it's a nod to the past?
  11. Fair enough too. People's own home videos shot on mobile devices etc don't always put things in their best light do they. Doesn't mean we will stop doing it for a second. Neither will it stop other's wanting to view and spoil the surprise for themselves (myself included)
  12. Yeah, there has been the same for Looney Tunes in recent years too. Promoting appearances of a couple of new Costume Characters as Major Drawcards is my gripe. MW have been adding new Costume Characters for years and without being central as Major events, unless coupled with a new Show, Parade or both. In this case neither.
  13. This is probably the lamest thing Village Parks have done this year. Promoting 2 new Costume Characters as a Major Holiday draw? Not to mention Characters that are only well known by Children from generation X, Y at a pinch. Not exactly the Target audience here.
  14. Great read thanks again Parkz Crew! I can't wait to check it out for myself next week.
  15. The old saying "if it bleeds, it leeds" . Disappointed but not surprised that one of our many trash Newspapers are running such a negative Article in an attempt to flatten what would have otherwise been one of the most positive weeks for DW in years.
  16. I reckon the spinning car at the rear of the train is all but a done deal.
  17. Hell yes!! This ride looks like a tonne of fun and a really smart choice for a Coaster DW! Not to mention it will give them the opportunity to quietly retire TOT, if that's the plan. I still wonder if the old Gold Rush site will be the location or could it be the former Thunderbolt /defunct Lazy River spot?
  18. Righto then.. Let me see if I got this .. Seeing's no-one has said they are stupid (Or any body else, for that matter) what exactly is your point?
  19. Welcome @Retardent lol! thanks for posting, may I ask, why are you not riding, as we speak, per-say?
  20. Seems like a Lazy River on Steroids! I think it looks like a lot of fun but too similar to what WnW already have. I think this "not-so Lazy River" would be perfect at WWW - just with some nice landscaping and not the ridiculous enclosures etc that were previously planned.
  21. Actually pretty impressed that they have gone for another original Theme with this. MW would have to throw a bucketload of dollars for licensing a maze based on well known Horrors like "IT", "Stranger Things", "Conjuring" etc.. Surely it makes sense to spend said wasted money on creating a better maze experience? ..So long as that's the only reason to justify having a 5th Maze this year..
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