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Everything posted by MickeyD

  1. ^ and other's to ensure Ride Operator's are standing clear of Ride Mechanisms/moving parts. I really hope they haven't been required to add additional Passenger Restraints. The simple belt across the waist really adds to the freedom in flight sensation that this type of ride is so well known for.
  2. I wish they would remove that facade to the right. It conceals the Alleyway thoroughfare and removing that part of the facade would open up the area and balance crowd flow.
  3. Oh A-Lexi-B, did you just let Kitty out of the bag?
  4. At some stage, sooner or later, I'd say without a doubt.. but you might be waiting a while.
  5. Speaking on behalf of absolutely any CM that ever worked that terrible ride, here's hoping Speedy's been done for Trafficking and his day's are numbered.
  6. Shiny! Lookin good DW! What am amazing difference a change in management and positive new direction can make, who would have thought?
  7. I'd say that's a manual release for unlocking restraints Nice one @red dragin
  8. How could you when they have only just reopened it as "Area51"? Mind you, the "Show" looks pretty much the same as it did before - just some new screen footage added here and there to try and tell a story. There is also upgraded lighting throughout and the ride is looking as new. Looks pretty good!
  9. So the Germany Movie World, err I mean "Movie Park" has decided to keep their Bermuda Triangle going. This one's for you @pushbutton
  10. If you don't have anything nice to say . .
  11. "They'll will" - @Skeeta? Hmmm... A-Lexy-B will take you all the way down to Chinatown for that one, careful!
  12. Check out this article on blooloop about the rise of the Flying Theatre. Interesting facts and figures about this game changing Theme Park attraction and how much it is growing in popularity around the World. DW even gets a mention! https://blooloop.com/flying-theaters-theme-parks/
  13. TBH I would be surprised if there are any new plans for Chairlifts (the ski lift type like AW/Arthur's Seat.) due to potential safety issues surrounding being able to restrain daft Rider's. Gondolas/Skyways on the other hand feel like a safer experience and possibly easier to introduce in our Modern Day Australian Theme Parks. Personally, the old fashioned Chair Lifts scare the shit out of me and for that reason I absolutely adore the experience. Rode one in Rotorua recently and there's something about sitting on (basically) a plank, unrestrained, feet dangling and basically 100 foot drop directly below you...yikes! I sincerely hope we one-day see a Skyway return to gracing the Skies above Sea World. Even with all the new Atlantis additions, this Park still needs something like this, for sure.
  14. Thanks for the pics! I gotta say I was impressed when I visited the Park recently. Fresh paint everywhere and smiling, friendly and helpful staff should always be the norm in any Theme Park. DW definately has that over the competition! The only major ride down was MDMC which was no loss, it sux anyway. We spent a long time out in the Animal areas of the Park, which truly have become one of the Park's greatest assets. They are most certainly getting their fare share of Tourists from.Asian countries still visiting. Honestly DW hasnt looked this good in years and the recent changes in Management are clearly a reflection of this. I'm happy to sit on the side of optimism about the Park's future at this point.
  15. ^ There is no point in spending money on promoting SV with any Advertising or Sponsorship until they can get an all-clear to open it.
  16. That's good to know! Stands to reason why the Train is not currently operating, given the demolition.
  17. I got to visit DW today for the first time in a while (been more than a year). There was an Excavator tearing apart the Ampitheatre area by the old Carpark entry. WORRY NOT! Dear Cannonball Express fans, I believe your beloved Train is safe, at least for now, but not sure of condition the track around that side is presently in? Hopefully still in tact? The clearing appears to be isolated to wiping out the Ampitheatre, possibly adjacent Blue Lagoon too, frankly this is a good thing right?
  18. Good riddance. Big Brother finished when Gretel left the series years ago. Maybe those stupid kids did everyone a favour by burning a derelict snake infested shithole to the ground? Surely nothing like what happened to Magic Mountain Gold Coast back in the early 90's?
  19. Yes. It was the "Garage" space to your left just as you walk passed the ride photos.
  20. I heard they have been having issues with registration of the Fantastic World's title and Artwork due to licensing issues with WB's. The artwork I saw does very much look like Fantastic Beasts, which is kind of expected with that part of the Harry Potter Universe surely getting a spot in this new Park. Very exciting times for Florida Theme Parks!
  21. Interesting if WHSQ are holding this back given this same type of ride has operated safely, for years, all over the world in countries where Insurance premiums are a hell of a lot higher than here. If this is the main reason why, really they are being ridiculous. The TRR accident happened because of years of neglect, ignorance and arrogant decisions made on DW's part to do things DW's way. Comparing that situation to the SV delay is ridiculous and WHSQ need to sign it off and get the fucking thing open already.
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