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Everything posted by cadboy

  1. I am impressed with White Water World for sticking with their original decision and not comprimising it because they might upset one famous olympian. From what I have read in those articles it seems that the park offered many solutions to the problem but instead he called the inforcing of ride rules and regulations, "discrimination". I can sort of see where the guy is coming from, he wants to have a nice day out with his young family and not let his prosthetic limb get in the way of things however, like he siad the reality is that if the manufacturers guide book states metal objects aren't allowed on the ride the park must enforce these rules to ensure their slides stay in top most condition. For goodness sake they were very generous and offered his whole family a pass to Dreamworld which if he had taken he would have been able to have a hopefuly problem free day. Once again I am very impressed by the way White Water World staff and management handled the issue and did not comprimise rules and regulations for a special individual. Well Done WWW. Cheers
  2. What does that post read in ENGLISH. jjutp http://www.parkz.com.au/about/FAQ/Communit...idelines.html#5 take note. So this ride will open as a world first when Universal Singapore opens. Then when the one in Universal Hollywood opens later, will it be a clone?
  3. Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know this was a compitition. Re the giant shoe, Checkout this thread, http://www.parkz.com.au/forums/index.php?s...amp;#entry56014 It is about Mt Druitts Water works and on page four there is a picture of a big boot, I think this was taken Magic Kingdom. I presume this was the one you are talking about. Tribute mabey. Anyway welcome aboard, what do I get for saying it second
  4. This place sounds like a workplace health and saftey nightmare.
  5. Ah I get you now, simple misunderstanding. What I meant by this section of the post wasn't directly relating to MMSES rather the whole park in general. It was just that the removal of an attraction to make way for another is common place at MW and while talking about this attractions remval for a new attraction (SE) I though it would be a good time to tie the whole idea that MW has, that a new ride needs to replace a current attraction. Oh and yes I know there are exceptions but as a general rule.
  6. Superman Escape now sits on the land that the old Movie magic special effects show once occupied. Another case of get rid of one attraction to make way for another even though there is plenty of room to expand to ther areas of the park. Not that I am upset about the removal of the old show but when will MW realise that the ride/attraction count needs to increase as time goes by, not stay the same. OK now back on topic.
  7. Very Nice MW Thanks for the pics klassen I think was a great investment and IMO it adds tabit of class to the front of the park. What 23-24 degrees is certainly a bearable temperature and a mild late spring day. Even though you say they were standing there for 30 mins, was the roof really such a haven for the sweltering 23 degree heat. I really think guest will start commenting when Oxenford recieves its first 40 degree day. The new roof sort of blocks peoples views of SE from the carpark but no bigge really.
  8. Doesn't it also have something to do with the fluid that causes the launch. While were at it could we have a full rundown on how the whole launch system works for SE. I am another person, who is not equipped with the vital knoledge on ride launch systems.
  9. HEHEHEHEHEHHEHEHEHEHEHE!!!!!!!!!! You are sort of right though. Killer whales are just from the same family as dolphins. WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just so you know Check this site out for more info: http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/anim...ller-whale.html
  10. I am sure you already know this ash but a tripod would be essentail. Huh, did I miss something? Re the maze thing, When will construction start because it is 13 days till the 31st. Do these only take a few days to build.
  11. From the MyFun email, Definitely go for the group of four deal it = $22.30 each approx. Hey dexter> http://www.parkz.com.au/about/FAQ/Communit...idelines.html#5
  12. 10 Millions dollars for that is a bit of a rip off. I think the coasters abilities (fliping) and compactness make this coaster a great little thrill ride. When Seaworld go looking for their next thrill ride I think this would be viable option. Edit: How high is that Intamin drop ride in the back ground, it looks very simliar to Giant Drop.
  13. Um I don't know why but for me it is newest to oldest. When I clicked your example the first page to come up (p10) had the newest photos down to the oldest photos on (p1) Have I made a mistake
  14. Great idea Gazza I think if this was implemented it could add to guests opinoin of the show. The more times you see PA the more you notice how important Mad Mike really is, he really gets the audience invovled and hyped. Pretty much everyone in the area gves their full attention to Mad Mike and his tricks, it really was a great way to pass time while waiting for the show.
  15. I thnk you must be right Gazza. Unless the new coaster they are talking about building is at Happy Valley though I highly doubt they would build another world class coaster so soon. I wonder what type of ride they are doing, something we have seen before or a new type. Hmmmmmm only time will tell.
  16. No nothing has happened yet. It is still going through the council approval stages yet. I think I read somewhere that when the proposal for Wet'n'Wild Sunshine coast came from WVTP that the council was weighing up between the two and I really hope Wet'n'wild gets the vote. Adventura is more of a resort/ caravan park with the waterpark bit being only a small focus of the whole project to my understanding and will feature more recreational facilties such as golf.
  17. Hey richo in the new updates thing is it possible to get the vidoe link working? Only if it is no hassle because I am not trying to put pressure on you.
  18. That is just ridiculous. 11:30 is poor and what happens if you need to exchange money to get the many 1 dollar coins need for the lockers. Do they have clear signing and in different langauges so Japanese visitors understand what is going on and aren't just left feeling confused as they tap on the store windows. Hmm wonder whats happening here. How did they get the camera connections over to the Superman exit without anyone knowing. It is abit silly IMO to mix the themes though Ride LW and go to the Superman Area to get the ride photo. Edit: What has been done with the exit now do riders just walk through the empty biulding or what? Well isn't that fantastic, now people have to spend that little bit extra, whats next another entry ticket price increase. Lets hope not. Hmm I'm already starting to not like this guy. Anyway if anyone could shed some more light on the situatiuon it would be greatly appreciated. With all this new news anyone would think MW had just gone into serious finacial crisis. Cheers,
  19. Wow, they are really inruding on Dreamworld. Interesting to see the new development come so close to Claw and Wipeout. Are these just going to be where the runout pools are or just part of the enclosed ride.
  20. Is it really that hard to imagine, I mean you have been given a link to a comprehensive gallery that shows the roof clearly from many different postions. What are you having trouble visualizing.
  21. HEHEHEEHEHEH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG that has to make joz's quote of the month (OCT) Classic, well done DonjaiInLA No offence klasen Hey Gazza if you keep going like that you are going to be a very busy little bee. Still smiling
  22. I can't believe the concrete is there to stay. Does it look bad? Lets hope they turn it into a nice facade. How much bigger is the seating area? They must be anticipating a larger audience. Well Done Gazza I mean community leader. Are you enjoying you new editing powers?
  23. Ops thanks for that shadow, I just presumed because it is on Ian's site and didn't read print down the bottom.
  24. I think he's coming in November. Lines should be good especially if you don't go on the weekend. You can get the major rides at MW and DW done in the morning and I don't imagine WWW would take long to get through, so you could probably have more time re riding at DW.
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