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Everything posted by cerberus584
Yes but staff at AOS do not have to work every single night. I'm not sure about Show and Ent but I'm fairly sure they're on a rotating roster as well.
Well yeah, but I can't think of anyone from WVTP who has to work every Friday or Saturday Night
Agreed, but I don't think letting people come in for those weeks will make much difference. People will still figure that if they can come in whenever they want, it'd be sill to come when there's enormous lines. If they do come it'll only be in the afternoon for the movies.
I'd assume they would, because they have late buses during Dive in Movies. I'm pretty sure they did last year.
The whole idea though is that WVTP wouldn't want people to get to the point of drunkenness where security would need to deal with them. There is absolutely no way beer hats would be sold with more than one or 2 standard drinks included because it contravenes RSA rules.
WVTP has actually been training a lot of staff with RSA's this year so there would definitely be enough people to work the nights. I agree though that if people forget they're in a public place and can only drink a certain amount, rather than their own backyard where they can drink all they want, then incidents are much more likely to occur. If the bar is open and people want to have a few drinks then that's fine but the RSA rules would be enforced just as usual. And I am suprised with the suggestion that OH&S would step back. I think the safety of staff and guests would be paramount and would be the main reason alcohol would be restricted (if it is restricted)
well yeah Gazza I see where you're coming from... yes the net result is the same...the food still gets eaten, just in the carpark 100m away... but I really don't see why people would have a huge problem with people eating either at their car or on the grass out the front of the park, if that's what they choose to do. Maybe it's just me, and I do tend to be fairly forgiving so while I understand that some people might be annoyed about having to go out into the carpark, it really wouldn't worry me all that much and I think people will be ok with it. I do want to make it clear that I personally do not necessarily agree with all parts of the policy but I understand why it was implemented. I agree that it wouldn't be the best start to the day to be told you can't take your food in with you but practically all of SEQ knows about it now and those from interstate and overseas are likely to see the info if they check the park website.
While I don't necessarily agree with the policy, I don't really see why people are so against getting a passout and eating in the carpark, walking 10 minutes to go to maccas (from either Movieworld or Seaworld) or just having a big breakfast/brunch and then just getting a snack in the park. I also don't think there'll be as big a backlash as people think. Sure people might disagree but tourists will still go to the parks, they'll just cope with it for one day, and locals who take the time to find out about the QLD VIP Pass won't mind paying for the food considering the massive entry discount.
Slightly off topic, but does anyone else find it a bit suss that neither the Gold Coast Bulletin or News.com or 7 news broke this story until more than a week after the Harry Potter Premiere? I saw the throng of media personnel at Movieworld that morning and am sure that they would've noticed the signs at the entrance telling guests about the new food rules. It seems that they held off on the story to make sure there media passes would still be available before trashing the parks a few weeks later.
I meant that it sounded like a giant sea snake, and that there might not be such a thing as a giant sea snake called a sea viper...
that fish is tremendously ugly... the words 'sea viper' make me think of a giant sea snake. There might not be such a thing but it's a ride and i think a bit of artistic licence is warranted.
But you would think it'd be the 27 year old ride that would be next in line for a re-theming. One way they could do it would be to paint it bright orange for instance Also if it were a replacement for the pirate ship, wouldn't the sign be at the pirate ship, instead of at the entrance to corkscrew?
Nicole Kidman's version of 'Diamonds are a girls best friend' from Moulin Rouge also plays quite a bit. I hear it at least twice a day.
fair enough
that would be f&B Just out of curiosity, why all the questions?
Well i'm biased as I do actually work there but here goes: 1) Scooby Doo... Love it! 2) Scooby Doo! plus I have taken lots of friends including young kids in the past year or so and they really enjoy the shows and characters, as do I. 3) I know that they are all great people who will try their best to make your day. 4) Yeah I do, especially a QLD VIP pass... I would challenge anyone to say that's not value for money. 5) I already do work there, but I honestly love my job. It's not my career choice but while I'm at school and uni it's fantastic. rival... i've been with the company for a few years now but I still enjoy watching the parade every time it goes by. It's a different sort of magic.
oh cool...Thanks
Obviously I've missed something, and I know it's abit off topic but, what Narnia production?
I don't know much about the american theme parks but it seems unusual to me that anyone would be operating a monorail at 2am. Do they run 24hours or something?
I had heard something like this but I can't find anything about it on the site.
Has anyone seen the new pass being offered on myfun.com.au? It's a QLD VIP Pass (basically another version of the Q150 but this time you get unlimited entry to Sea World, Movie World and Wet'n'Wild (excluding events outside normal park hours...halloween etc) until the 30th June 2010 for only $99.95! It's valid for QLD and Northern NSW residents and is available until the 20th of September. I'd definitely get one if I didn't get in for free
I think the HWSD ones used to come with lids and straws but as I'm sure you all know the plastic cups can be refilled at all three parks and lids and straws are not allowed at Sea World due to animal safety. It might seem a bit over the top but people do have a habit of leaving rubbish (and those cups) anywhere and everywhere. There's no reason you can't use a straw though. Do you work in one of the outlets? What makes you think this is correct (especially considering it isn't)?
Then there's Rick's, Mobiles, Nachos from the Dirty Harry Bar... You can also get Chicken Wraps or tenders if you don't want a burger and chips... And the Bakery sells wraps, yoghurt, sandwiches, pies, sausage rolls etc. In all fairness, there is quite a variety of food options available (especially in the bakery). Just because you walk into a burger bar and don't see a salad wrap doesn't mean that you can't get one anywhere in the park. What types of food do you think should be added??? To the absolute best of my knowledge (which has been wrong once or twice) all the food (sandwiches, wraps etc) made fresh, have been made that day. So a certain number will be made each morning and then another order will be made based on how many people arrive in the park. They're not the pre-packaged sandwiches you'd find in a servo.
I was informed by a guest today that a Channel 9 news crew had been in the park (Wet'n'Wild) filming a piece about the apparent theft of the AOS Australian Flag last night. I wasn't even aware it was missing let alone stolen, if that is even true. I noticed that the flag wasn't flying when I left work this afternoon, around 5:30ish but I didn't see anything on the news tonight. It might have been on on the Gold Coast news though. Did anybody see anything on the news tonight?
Yeah you got on the show (as far as I remember) by winning on a scratchie. The audience were also split into three teams and won money depending on how the contestants went. I remember going to a filming once but because I was under 18 I had to sit in the very back of the audience and couldn't win any money. My parent's both won $40 though.