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Everything posted by screammachine

  1. The X-Files gave me nightmares as a kid. Especially that creeeepy song. I think I remember one about carnie folks. On the topic of the spinning wilde' mouse, I would prefer the chairs that look outwards, they look a bit more intense. Mhe Chaos was pretty cool.. I saw it doing its rounds in the South of Sydney somewhere on the way back from the south coast. My fav. flatride would have to be The Claw at the Eastershow. Screammachine
  2. DJ thats an great idea for a ride concept! I couldnt think of a better one... I sorta like the OTS. It makes the ride feel more "daring". If it only has lapbars the ride comes across sorta tame. Although of Giga Coasters they ROCK!. I hope it doesnt sound too confusing. Screammachine
  3. The Twin Flip looks like a nice peice of Material. Can't wait to try it out. Thanks for the info! Screammachine
  4. Looks good matey! Keep up the good work. Its long and hard work! But if you keep at it you'l get there... ;-) Screammachine
  5. Wow this all sounds really good to me.. Are we looking at a Xcelerator type ride here like at Knotts??? Or am I completely wrong here. I know that it is a Intamen AG which is good.. Screammachine
  6. Hahaha, funny you mention that wristband scanning thing. It was so bloody annoying!! I never seemed to get mine right! Grrrrr PS: how was the surf at Warriewood like? I know North Narra has been pretty swell the last couple of days. Screammachine
  7. Why? Because my reports are too long and boring. And I did go on the Ranger, it was fun but I was also drunk the whole time. No Ranger bashing either. I never bashed it. I said i dont like pirate ships because of their motion. But the Ranger is a beautifull creation. I like the shape and color of it. Screammachine
  8. I was actually at the LunaPark NYE Event. My mate who works at LP got us free ticks. It was a AWESOME night. They had great music going on and the atmosphere was great! And yes the rides were open. ...I wont say toooo much seeing as I will get strangled Happy New Years. Screammachine
  9. Kylie Over Cher Anyday! I wanna get to the Kylie Concert next year. Hey Cher was a christmas present i never asked for it. Screammachine
  10. Old But GREAT news... Can't wait! Screammachine
  11. Mhe... My effort goes into coasters not cheap flat rides...(gets tomatos thrown at me) Thats about it.. I dont hate the Ranger please dont think that. I've never liked flat rides and especially Pirate Ships. They do nothing but make me feel sick.. And as for the long essay... I guess thats the outcome of Advanced English in HSC, can't say the same for my spelling! (ouch!) Guess I wont have to do my trip report when I go to the USA for 6months next may ;-) It will be tooooo detailed. Screammachine Oh yeah hardrock gets 8: Thrilling, with bad g's.
  12. Hello All I went to Lunapark with a group of my mates. It was totally unplanned as we just wanted to hang about the city but got bored around two. So one of my mates suggested that we go across the bridge to LunaPark. We all agreed and went to TownHall Station and waited for our train. We got to the park around 2pm. And by then the sun was out and it made for a great day. We entered the park and went straight to buy the Yellow Wristband ticket, which is the all acces rides thingy. We started at the front of the Park. First off it was the Rotor, which is boring and makes you feel sick without reason! Blah!! 6/10 The UfO was closed due to some maintenance! Thank Goodness! As I dont like spinning rides.. Next up was the Tango Train which is an AWESOME ride!! The que was only a one cycle wait and the Ride Ops were fast friendly and couldnt get any better.. 10/10 The Dodgems which had about 20mins wait on them. Overall it was a great expierence. Call it a group ride as it would be boring with just one or two makes! Some fat chick decided to go against the rules and do a U-turn. The Carny screamed at her and stopped the ride. She then started it up again and the fat chick blocked the whole round area which pissed me off.. I made her feel how angry I was.... 6/10 Stupid fat chick! Next up was the Denominator which had a 3cycle que time. It seems to be pretty popular! Its an enjoyable ride and gives you a good view.. 7/10 We then ventured to the Wild Mouse. Being 19 and not a short ass me and my mate squeezed into the small car and halfway up the hill my leg went into spasm... But luckely decided to die down when we got to the top. Its a great ride! Very Thrilling!! Its got a good location and great view. I think the fact that its really old makes it more scarier! The corners are awesome, Its got great speed! 8/10 It lost the marks because the cars are so small and compact. Next up was thew Tumble Bug which was about 5mins wait. A good ride but gets boring after the first cycle. Its a bit more thrilling seeing as its mountain on a roof top and pretty high up. 7/10 Coney Island was next on our list but gave it a miss and decided to go out to Beloney's Corner. I dont like the whole pirate ship ride and neither did two other mates of mine. So we waited while my 3 of the other ones went on the Ranger. When they came off they complained and said that they feel all wierd in the gut from the ride! And I said I told you so! hehehe 0/10 Didnt ride it.. Now for the Big one! Hard Rock.... Ok this baby is similar to The Claw but a different look and etc etc... Waiting in the que and looking at the ride in motion freaked me out quite a bit. It looked like a smooth ride but spun very fast. After about 4 cycles of swining side to side. The whole "claw" locks up and just swings. Now for the scarier part. After about +-4 swings it starts spinning "hella" fast! While swingin fast! I gave a big gulP! Up next was our turn and I was a bit shaky gettin on the ride. The seats are a bit crap. They cup in and it makes an uncomfertable ride. The restraints give you no Arm freedom at all! It basically locks your arms in place. Ok the floor gave way and the seats started rotating. I'm thinking ok this isnt so bad.... Then the arm started spinning.... Yeah this is ok... Start pickin up speed and all of a sudden bang the G-Forces on the start of the ride is Unbearable!! You should have seen the peoples faces! It was easy to see as we were facing each other. It was a case of eyes wide shut and an expression of pain/ or am I gonna be sick feeling.. When I got off I wasnt too happy! NOT HAPPY JAN!! Do you guys know if its the same case on the Claw?? How are the G's on that ride??? The Spider... Its a fun and great ride! Especially if the person in the Carriage infront of you spews their guts out!!! IT WAS SOOO BLOODY FUNNY! And just before when we were in the que we spoke about the movie Called Problem Child where the kid turns the ride up full blast and everyone spews. And look! We had some random puking out baby food infront of us! I never thought it happens in real life! And the first thing that popped up in my head was RCT3. And i was thinkin "Now I know why they all spew!" But a great ride!! 10/10 Yeah Baby Food!! Coney Island was great but we got bored after being on the slides once! :-P 5/10!! There is this electronic game you can play where you can win a PS2 game/ Controler/ Memory Card etc etc... This is the story. The dude infront of us spent 30bucks tryin to finish buildin the blocks up the top but always screwed up on the last two or last block.. He had a crowd of about 20people watchin him play. So this guy runs outta change and I decide to have a go. 1'st time and one dollar later..... Dammit! 2'nd time and $2 later! OMG OMG dude I won... I won the Shrek 2 PS2 game. You shoulds seen this guys face, I could see he wanted to strangle me! :-P By then it was 7pm and we decided to go on the Ferris Wheel before leaving the park.. If it was in any other park I would have givin it a 1/10 but this ride is amazing! The view is breathtaking! Its a great ride!! A must do... 10/10 Great View In general LunaPark is a great "mini themepark". The staff are amazing and great to talk to! Their friendly and very helpfull! I give them 10000% Also try the Meat Pie!! Hmmm also the Icecream shop.. The food is great! bit overpriced but you pay for the view! Have a good one... Screammachine
  13. Oh, sorry for my lack in reply. To answer your question steve$ In the City Ultimno.. screammachine
  14. Just give me a rollercoaster and i'l be happy. I'm sick of rumours and crap! hehehe........ Screammachine
  15. There is a Second patch on the way peeps! It would have been released before christmas, but delayed due to installer problems.... Keep a lookout till after New Years. I'l post the link on here anywayz..... Happy NY... Screammachine
  16. Hey Guys & Girls! Here is the link for the first patch you NEED for the game. The patch fixes allot of problems in the game (aka Bugs!) And it also speeds up the game quite a bit.. Click Here Merry Xmas! And Happy New Years!! Screammachine
  17. Well I didnt like the bush beast! In the shakey-ness of the first drop I hit my knee on a bolt sticking out of the seat. And I now have a scar on my right knee that reminds me of my painfull day I had walking around Wonderland... Dammm coaster... Screammachine
  18. I dont see making a new topic just for my question, BUT.... What are the crowds like at Dreamworld this time of year?? Friends & I will be up there from the 2'nd Jan. And I would like to know if the waiting times will be terrible?? I can't wait to get up there and try out The Claw. Oh yah and I'm new cam... It will be sooo sweet if Dreamworld gets a nice coaster for next year. Lets just hope there is no building put up for some crappy magic show or something.... Screammachine
  19. Well from what I can see it looks interesting. But then again, i'l believe it when I actually see it.... Screammachine
  20. What a boring Themepark! Oh well at leats it will serve its purpose at the park in enteraining the guests... I'm pretty sure they will enjoy the ride as much as we did! ;-) Screammachine
  21. About the wierdo who stalks the staff at lunapark! My mate works in the bigtop and he tells me all about this Lunapark fan. Screammachine
  22. Well that sucks! The demon is leaving.... OH yeah, get over the whole spelling thing and the use of words ay... Its a website, not a Advanced English HSC exam. Been there done that. Screammachine
  23. Well last day of being a College bum today! Dam it went so fast! Eeer suppose thats why i'm up at 1:20am finishing of my major work! Oh yeah good park buddy! Screammchine
  24. Call your Lawyers I suppose... Screammachine
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