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Everything posted by screammachine

  1. I can answer that question Nebu! Its not a beta fault in the game. I'v seen several gameplay video's, and it seems like the coaster track fades away when you zoom out. Reason: I'd say to improve the view of obstructed buildings or such around the coaster... Screammachine
  2. I just entered the comp. Whoooot!!! Lets just hope for the best... Screammachine
  3. I think a Kumba design would be a great Idea... Dont think its to American... If it was to be American it would have little to no themeing. But thats only in Six Flags Parks. Kumba is in Busch Gardens. Screammachine
  4. The half Pipe Coaster looks "fun" not nothing to write home about! I'd say it was a good choice to go with the Gyro Swing. I think it would be a more "thrilling" ride anyways.. Screammachine
  5. I have to say the flyer in PCW looks pretty tame to me, and as kennykoala said "it looks like a traveling carnival ride". Bring on the real stuff!! I want to see something like Air at Alton Towers. Big lift hill, awesome banked first drop over the water...... That would be sooooo good! In all it would be more crowd efficient. Screammachine
  6. Welcome MickeyD, I like the Idea of adding a Tomorrow land... Screammachine
  7. Good work Coasterfreak! Looks really good. I agree with Gazza, it would make a pretty sweet ride! Screammachine
  8. Good comeback Scott... Just think about it. Their talking about Space Probe. Screammachine
  9. There are some pretty good ones here guys! Good on ya I have to say when I went to Wonderland (back when I was still at school) Me and my mates qued up for Bounty and my one friend looked at me and said "did you know once the boat was upside down for too long and all the blood went to this guys head so his eyes popped. " (quote my other friend said), "No he just went blind, because of all the blood going to his eyes. Another one went through my school saying the following..." One night these guys climbed over the fence at wonderland and stuck razor blades to the speed slide at Wonderland, and the next day when the first person went down the slides it cut them too shreds! Uhhhhh......... Well thats only a couple from the list of things i'v heard. Screammachine
  10. I'd probably say from "inside" sources from DW. Damn everyone is getting one now. Maybe I can find one at Luna Park Screammachine
  11. Well, it does look really small doesnt it..... Maybe its one of those that looks inwards. I'd say it would look more like a claw than one that has the seats facing outwards. Well its a ride and its better than nothing at all. Screammachine
  12. I was there yesterday aswell. Its was such a bad day! Clouds, rain etc... But it the park was really busy. At least a 20min wait for the Wild Mouse. We didnt intend to go to Luna Park at first. But after shopping in the city we decided to go to the park. Overall the park isnt doing to bad. And guess what..?? Me and my friend got one of those character comic drawings done, and this guy from the park took a photo of us and said its for the park and advertising!! Woot, Luna Park Modelling career.. Ah well, in all it was a good day. Screammachine
  13. Hey B-Rabid Fewl!! Hehehe.. Nah i dont mind Scooby doo. Dont get me wrong, its a nicely themed ride. Its just that i'd prefer them having build a more unique ride rather than another "type" of indoor mini Roller Coaster! Screammachine
  14. I agree with Joz on that one! And we could only hope for the best. I would disagree in saying this would be a ride that would blow us away! If its a another crappy spookhouse like scooby doo, I wont make the effort goin up there for it :mad: . Give me Inversions baby!! Screammachine
  15. Well my first choice of coaster would have to be a B&M floorless! Second to that a nice Wooden Coaster wouldnt go to bad either! Screammachine
  16. Hmmmmm..... What to think of that??? What do you guys think the name of the new attraction would be??? Screammachine
  17. Hey Dragon Well it sounds like you had a awesome time dude! Just wanted to know something. I'm working for Camp America next year. I finish at the start of August. Would you know if they have those "trips" right through out the summmer season or just peak times??? Screammachine
  18. I think there is some behind the scenes things happening in the park, that the public doensnt know about! Maybe its a new FBI headquaters....And the entrance is through the old space probes entrance. And they'l use the Space Probe as some sort of receiver for messages from space!!! Wooooo.....
  19. A agree with Richard on that.. To a degree I have knowledge on firefighting and safety. I would have done the same being in that position .The structure fire would have burnt out most of the valuable material, and therefore there is no point sending in a structural fire unit being sent in, with the case you might loose them. You can alwys replace the gear but not your crew. And sometimes, its burn up most things and there is no point to save it. Which I think happened in this case. Screammachine
  20. I went to Euro Disney a few years back! Its was pretty good. Except on the bustrip back to our Hotel, I had this constant ringing of "happy kids" songs in my head!! Its a good park. The first and most important stop of all is Space Mountain!! You dont wanna get caught up in a que over there, you can only listen to space music for so long(its kinda freaky)!!!! Then you run across the park as fast as you can to Indiana Jones and the Temple of Persil Backwards!!! I was lucky enough to expierence the ride before it went backwards! And the honor of riding it backwards in their next season. The next stop would have to be Frontierland and go on Big Thunder Mountain! This ride is awesome!! Its starts off with a blast out of the station and into complete darkness as you race underneith the lake and the first spec of light you see is on the mountain but steered into and out of tunnels and steep banking turns! That would have to be one of my top five! Next up head to Phantom Manor, is like a Giant Haunted house. As you come out of the ride you have to go into the graveyard. Heaps of people miss that bit. Walk up to the giant tomb and stand next to it and have a listen inside! It freaked me out cause I was standing on the footing of the grave when I almost fell off!! Well if you have done those you have basically done the best in the park. Other good ones are, Its A Small Word, Pirates Of The Carribean, and the Alice In Wonderland Maze! And if operating go on the Train that goes throughout the park, worth the view. Also try your best to get to Park Asterix!! Great park and awesome roller coasters! Hope Thats Helps Screammachine
  21. Zoinks!!! Sorry guys I was under the influence to think that B&M made those! Uh Stupid Me!!! Well anyways Anaconda is a really good ride! Great Air Time! Screammachine
  22. Well Thats True concerning the Coaster Subject. Aus has more coasters that SA does. BUT I would have to say SA has more thrilling and better themed coasters than Aus. (plz dont hurt me!) A few good examples would have to be: The Shaft Of Terror in Gold Reef City. Take in account its the only B&M 90' drop coaster in the Southern Hemisphere. And its located on a actuall mining site, AND it drops down a actual mine shaft! And when they opened the ride it ONLY had lap bars to keep you in your seat! But lately they added OTS. Just another question on top of that? In the park they have a B&M Inverter. They usually are 4 across seats. But strangely enough its only got two seats. Untill then I never knew they made B&M inverters just a two seater. Personally I think 4 across inverter comes across as more thrilling ride. To answer your Q. Sharwz I was in SA last year. PS: And what Is the ride under Construction?? I contacted my friends about it and they didnt know about any coaster under construction.... Screammachine
  23. The Aztec & Jungle Themeing is from a Themepark in South Africa called Ratanga Junction... See photos below... Pic 1:As you enter the park..Aztec type bridge Pic2:Jungle themed bridge over lake with skulls at the top.
  24. I like Mine Themeing. But My favourite and the best i'v seen was Jungle Aztec Themeing! Blew me away! Screammachine
  25. Thats a pretty cool picture.... When I was in Holland there was a rumour goin around that the first drop on the Ride was on a very steep angle and that it was changed a few years on.... Can anyone clarify that??? Screammchine
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