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little lefty legend

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About little lefty legend

  • Birthday 04/10/1990

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    Newcastle. NSW
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    Ten Pin Bowling

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  1. Indoor waterparks are pretty popular overseas, no reason ardent couldnt go ahead and build an indoor waterpark down in melbourne and up the ante on VRTP
  2. i can definately see my fuel bill rocketing over summer and my car doing a few trips a month up and down the F3 when this opens! its a great location and judging by the plans is going to have some awesome attractions. I do like that there are a few in there that no one else in Australia has. i also like that they have planned for future development. good to see someone trying to make a move in sydney, and who knows, this may encourage more parks!
  3. actually very big. for example http://www.hyster.com.au/ProductLine/detai...ifts&UID=23 above is an example of a 32 tonne forklift, which isnt even the biggest made, hyster make 48 tonne models and other companies can make even bigger forklifts, and believe me these are not small machines
  4. i do remember one day last year when i was on the train from brisbane down to the gold coast looking at the tower and seeing a chopper hovering above it dropping something onto the top of the tower (im not sure what exactly) but i do also remember seeing people on top of the tower. so my point being: 1. it would be possible to get people on top via a helicopter, by winching them down from the helicopter. however this would be rather dangerous. and 2. there must be stairs or some form of transportation going up the centre of the tower for the people to be on the top of the tower
  5. im going to say that the ride at dreamworld getting the major revamp is going to be Tower of Terror. only reason being that when they say putting more power back into it. Tower of Terror is an older ride that of late has had a few issues and has seemed to lack power. its been there a while so its probably due for a major revamp now. be great if dreamworld got a new thrill ride as well.
  6. agree gazza, the fact that WnW outbid WWW is a good thing in all ways. WnW are continually updating, adding more rides and distinguishing themselves as the premier water park in Australia, always adding something new that we have never experienced before. Although WWW do have a few rides that WnW dont (the rip/little rippers and aquacoaster), since putting in little rippers we havent seen anything new from WWW, while WnW have added more rides, and are already planning more additions. is it just me or does it seem like WWW just dont want to compete... I also find it rather dissapointing that twister and speedcoaster are being taken out. while they werent the biggest thrills in the park, they were still great fun and im sure will be missed by many people, as will both terror canyons for that matter. lets just hope we hear something sometime in the next 12 months for another new ride besides the aqualoops. hopefully they use the space to their maximum advantage with the new aqualoops, and get the maximum visual impact as Gazza has said.
  7. im gonna say H2o zone. At 17 metres they are a fair height, and i think with four of them you will definately be able to see them from the highway. also, they will fit in up the back theme wise with their 'extreme' ride rating (at least im under the opinion thata they will be an extreme ride) which i think will fit in very nicely up the back with the likes of Kamikaze, tornado and the rest. it seems to fit the trend IMO, all the new extreme rides are going at the back, leaving the more moderate rides such as speedcoaster, aqua racer, twister and the flumes at the front. keeping rides of similar thrill rating in the same area is a good idea i believe, keeps a general theme going, and meaning that if you only like certain thrills (ie you dont like the more extreme rides) your not trekking from one side of the park to the other to ride the rides you want to, rather you can stay in the same area all day.
  8. apparently theres another one heading our way this weekend
  9. AGREED! ive been to the Gold Coast nearly every year, and the one place i always go to is Seaworld. One of mine and the familys favourite parts of the day was always the Ski show. Over the last 19 years ive seen the many variants that they have had of it, with it constantly changing. But to hear of it being scrapped completely made me rather sad, that they were moving away from their roots, from what had got them to where they are today. I never really liked the idea of the new show anyway. the ski show always had great stunts and was always exciting to watch (not saying the new show wasnt going to be any good just didnt sound as interesting). Bring back the Ski Show i say.
  10. Just found this video off a link off the companies website as well about the resort. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DU42jXwPPco also the link to JVplay's News section for more info: http://www.jvplay.com.au/news.htm
  11. Upon seeing those photos i will retract my previous statement of the possibility of the aircraft being repaired.... I will admit i had not seen any photos of video of the crash before hand so was not aware of the extent of the accident. Even if they only have one helicopter, it would have to be insured. So its really just a matter of ringing Bell and ordering another.
  12. Im sure the helicopter was insured. might not even need to be replaced really, depending on the actual malfunction/failure that brought it down and the damage it could possibly have incurred on landing, it might be able to be fixed and get back in the air. If not, well im sure that it will be replaced. And said insurance should cover all medical and compensation costs of the passengers, unless of course they had signed an 'at your own risk' waiver.... Accidents are always expected to happen, look at the Air France A330 that went down last week. Nothings ever going to be perfect really, always going to be malfunctions and accidents. None the less, congratulations must go to the pilot on being able to bring the chopper down safely in such trying circumstances, with minimal injuries or damage to property.
  13. i work in a major retail hardware company. each morning we have staff meetings and one of the things discussed is any feedback recieved in the previous days from customers. this can be negative or positive, but if its negative we will then discuss how we can correct our services in order to amend what the customer has complained about so that it doesnt happen again, seen as they are a paying customer then they should be given the service of which we promise. now, what im saying is, as a paying customer to a theme park, should we not have the right to complain that we were not given the full experience of which we expected? its like gazza said before, no use paying for a full big mac and only getting half of one. When we are paying such a price then we expect a certain level of service from staff, and that attractions to be at a certain level. therefore, if we feel that these services are not to standard, should we not have the right to complain to management about this? and shouldnt management then discuss this with staff and find ways to fix the problems so that paying park visitors may get a full experience. just my two cents worth...
  14. well there goes my idea of going on it when i am going to be down in melbourne next year...
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