little lefty legend
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Everything posted by little lefty legend
The Official Jet Rescue construction thread
little lefty legend replied to rappa's topic in Theme Park Discussion
i agree with Gazza... if the queue could look like a rescue centre, and is really well done it will help make this ride better.... even though it has already set itself apart from MDMC, especially with the theming. just a question for anyone who has seen it on its test runs. on the second launch, does it come to a stop then launch again or does it hit the launch and just get an extra boost? -
at dreamworld, me and my family were in the queue to get in, and we were talking to this family infront of us turns out they were from the same suburb as us, the street behind us (scary coincidence) and we kept running into them all day, ended up on MDMC together, and TOT, and even were in the gift shop together
so looks like they are now cracking down on us, and by the looks of it, they have gotten rid of comments in there as well (or im just not seeing right, in which case please excuse me as i just got home from my yr 12 formal) seems like dreamworld really just cant hack the truth from people if you ask me. they ask for comment yet when its not what they want shoot it down and just stop allowing it. i would also like to add that i agree with AlexB on his previous post 100%, and for that matter what others such as Sonic123488, Gazza, cerberus584, skeetafly and T-bone have said as well. it would be nice if Dreamworld could take note of what some of us are saying really. Business management 101, the customer is always right. would be nice if we could hear from higher up management or someone from Dreamworld about their future plans for the park. where they are heading, their visions for the future all that stuff, about where the want the park to go from here, if at all. whether they take the road where the clean the place up, bring its former glory back, put in some new Thrill Rides to bring back the crowds and make it a proper theme park again, or do they go down this road of delapidation, targeting audiences with brand names and the such and more attractions that cost extra money than actual rides.
WVTP have been the leaders in Innovation for theme park development for a long time now. im sure all of us here could list everything that they have bought to australia that set them apart from DW and give them the edge. its been said that DW are a long time between drinks in bringing us new thrill rides and roller coasters. we have Seaworld putting in a new coaster as we speak, WnW have doubled their size, and MW are bringing an new show, and have also added SE and the batwing spaceshot (hope i got the name right) i will hand dreamworld this, that they HAVE on occassion being innovators. lets see tower of terror, giant drop flowrider and MDMC were all aussie firsts. HOWEVER! Wiggles World, Nick Central and tiger island were not. WVTP have been doing this since the 90s... MW had looney Tunes central long before DW had WW or NC, and Seaworld had cartoon network beach before sesame street. not very innovative there. new brand name, same as the others really. Tiger island? Seaworld has been dominating the area of animals for ages, and always will IMO. while i think that yes it was a new idea having tigers, you were just taking someone elses idea and tweaking it to seem like something new. this V8 supercars attraction IS NOT SOMETHING NEW!!! i have ridden these things before. been there done that and once is enough frankly. yes it is realistic, but when i go to a theme park, i go there because i have paid to ride Rollercoasters and thrill rides, not pay extra money for a racing simulator which i could do at a car show or even in my loungeroom at home. granted i dont mind paying the extra for florider, but everything else just seems to make the park look tacky. in the same time as all of that, what has dreamworld done to really bring the crowds further up the highway? i agree with whoever said it before, never a good idea to insult a potential customers intelligence i learnt about demographics way back in year 8, its something that is taught in all schools, and i would be surprised if anyone reading that didnt know what demographics was.
it would be great to see this happen. ive heard alot about the bowling alley they are planning (being a national bowler theres been alot of stuff being heard through those channels) but can they really expect WWW to keep bringing the crowds in? it might come to the point where if they leave DW alone and dont take care of it, people will only pay for the one day pass to WWW and not even touch DW. the rumour of a repaint next year i believe if it aint broke dont fix it. the ride looks awesome in its current colours. anything else would ruin the theme of it
i went Back up to the Gold Coast this year, after not having been for 4 years, and the park that dissapointed me the most was dreamworld. all the other parks amazed me with the progress they had made, and the new attractions or new things they had done. yet even though Dreamworld had a few new rides, which was excited to go on, i was still dissapointed with the park all over. whereas i used to get this great feeling every time i walked into any themepark, i didnt this time at dreamworld, nothing felt right at all. as i walked around i just felt dissapointed with so many things... the park looked rather sad, and had no life in it, the amount off attractions that costed extra money (florider is the one ride i dont mind paying extra for) and just the sort of jumbled nature of the park. every other park i loved going to and seeing, Dreamworld just plain dissapointed me, but i must say that i was impressed with WWW. the quality of the rides, the park looked great all over and all the rides were great to go on, and it was great to have a few rides that WnW dont have. if DW could follow the suit of WWW, of having rides that no one else in australia has, good maintainance, great theming and just better care of the park in general, it would be a great park to go to.
gotta be said the new roof with the lighting and effects looks awesome
Whitewater World Media Beat-Up
little lefty legend replied to Gazza's topic in Theme Park Discussion
rules are there for reasons, and in this case the rules are there to firstly protect their slides from getting damaged and secondly to protect the safety of other park guests. Dreamworld and WWW has a duty of care to protect their park guests after all. its not like WWW can adapt everything just to satisfy one person, after all this could mean that the majority of guests are dissatisfied. out of curiousity, does anyone know if it says on terms of entry/ride anything about disabled people or those with prosthetic limbs riding at WWW, or dreamworld for that matter? -
so that wave pool can only produce a wave once every 90 seconds??? whereas the cave of waves and the wave pool at WnW can run continuously i suppose its a case of quality of quantity
The Official Jet Rescue construction thread
little lefty legend replied to rappa's topic in Theme Park Discussion
just to be a pain in the backside and be politically correct.... turned out that poor collin was actually a girl making it collette i believe in the end jetskis are used in alot of forms of marine rescue, dolphins seals whales you name it... -
The Official Jet Rescue construction thread
little lefty legend replied to rappa's topic in Theme Park Discussion
Schoolies starts 26th November, and im pretty sure most schools go on holidays officially around the 19th of december. so realisticly i think we are looking at an opening date in between those two above or around then -
i remember this ride. went on it when i was bout 5 or 6 if that. loved it. got slightly scared though in relation to memorabilia i still have a little stuffed gremlin at home somewhere, and a photo of me with a giant gremlin that was walking round the park
i think it sounds more like a DW cut off, seen as the article was in the gold coast bulletins, and i havent heard anything from a few mates of mine that are high up in AMF which are one of ML companies.
Main Street In for a Change...
little lefty legend replied to mattcrombie's topic in Theme Park Discussion
they are definately for a shade sail, however im not convinced entirely that it will be a shade sail roof i think it will more be like at seaworld, a membrane roof as gazza stated, still provides shade and doesnt let the water through as its a solid plastic like material -
i bowl at AMF centres (i travel around australia competing at various tournaments btw) and $3 a game is cheaper then what league and tournament bowlers pay, our tenpin bowling australia membership only gets us $5 games
do we know whether they are putting in the MK1 or MKIII would love to see something like the MKIII, looks fair good from what gazzas link says... do the sidewinder bit, and then go down a slide and end up in a splash pool. also it seems you can have more than one of these off the one platform, does anyone know whether they are doing just the one or maybe 2 of these (from the peg layout it looks like one, but you never know)
well.... that just plain sucks i was looking forward to that park. had trips down to it planned and everything. really is a shame that everyone couldnt cooperate and get something going. hope they put something in NSW though, by the sounds of what you quoted Gazza, we could have something coming to NSW then again it could end up like this idea... just a dream
i heard something briefly on the news tonight that it looks as if this plan might be scrapped, from what i can gather (please dont quote me on this) there seems to be too much uproar from conservationists that the rides and animals cant co-exist, the government cant afford it and village cant afford it. will try and track down an internet article
http://au.news.yahoo.com/a/-/latest/474565...rribee-zoo-plan Report questions $200m Werribee Zoo plan July 1, 2008, 7:22 am AAP © [Enlarge photo] Plans for a $220 million theme park at Werribee Open Range Zoo have been thrown into doubt, with a report warning it could cost taxpayers dearly. An interdepartmental committee which has studied the proposal by Village Roadshow for an African Safari World at the zoo has identified a raft of obstacles, The Age newspaper reports. The problems, not yet considered by Village or Tourism Minister Tim Holding, include multiple land titles, complications of transferring Crown leases to a company, potential loss of revenue to the existing zoo, and animal welfare issues. "He (Mr Holding) got sold a pup," one senior government figure told the newspaper. "These sorts of proposals are always more complex and challenging than they first seem," another source said. A government insider told the newspaper the proposal was "not necessarily the most important thing on the government's agenda." The theme park proposal was strongly backed in principle by Mr Holding, but vigorously opposed by some animal experts, local environment groups and zoo supporters. Village is believed to be seeking a 99-year lease and has reportedly asked the government to contribute $100 million, the newspaper said. One source said the committee's evaluation of the public cost showed it as much higher than identified by Village Roadshow. Village is a regular donor to political parties and contributed more than $60,000 to the state ALP in 2007, one of the year's largest corporate donations, the newspaper reports. Under Village's African Safari World proposal, thrill rides, shops and restaurants over 40 hectares would be built. Village's international theme parks chief executive John Harnden said he was not aware of the committee's findings. He stressed that the government had been "very, very positive" about the scheme. "We're very excited and optimistic about the project and are looking forward to discussing it with the government when they've finished their work," he told the newspaper. A spokesman for Mr Holding said the minister had the committee's report but would not comment on the timing of any announcement
according to my dad who has ridden it countless times over the years, right back to when it opened, this was the first time it has lost acceleration about half way up the horizontal and then gotten power back again and accelerated more i was rather surprised we didnt end up in the bog hahaha... they should just make that permanently part of the ride now.... and figure out a quicker way to get it out of there the way things are going
while the concept of another batman ride sounds good, i dont think it will work "too many cooks spoil the broth" (or whatever) movieworld already has the batman simulator ride and batwing escape, no use making another, when both are perfectly fine and still drawing numbers. best off doing what someone has said. update the theming to the new movies on the simulator one, and spend the money that could be spent expanding it on something completely new Speed racer sounds alright, but there are probably a tonne of viable themes out there. personally i think they really need to do something to the WWF area, it hasnt been updated in god knows how long and could definately use new life
from what i could gather, it was going into the bog pit behind the station, considering it closed about 4 or 5 times in the one day for extended periods im guessing this is why. i eventually got to ride it that day. however it sort of stopped accelerating on the run at one point then accelerated extremely hard before the hill (not sure if thats normal or not) but when we got off it got closed so not sure what went on there.
my only interesting story was from dreamworld this year, around april although im sure many people have had this happen was cueing up for motocoaster. and everything was getting held up by 2 'obese' men. they couldnt get the part that folds down, to come down and cover their legs enough for the back bar to come in and lock in. two ride operators were practically sitting on it trying to put it down only other thing was on the same day tower of terror getting shut down after every run.... so glad i at least got one run on it.
African Safari World: New Village Theme Park
little lefty legend replied to rosscoe's topic in Theme Park Discussion
anyone whos been to tiger island at dreamworld (and im imagining a vast majority of people on this site have been there) would notice how close to the tigers the tower of terror is... id say from where the tigers actually are to the station is less than 50 metres. i noticed when i was there last month that when the car launches and returns it makes a fair amount of noise. and you can definately hear that if your a tiger. and looking at those tigers they just dont care.... so obviously the noise of that isnt affecting them. you can also hear a few of the other rides on tiger island. but really the tigers dont seem to be affected by it. im sure if animals were to be put within proximity to rides they would make sure the animals arent affected at all... seaworld have done a fantastic job of this and so has dreamworld with the tigers. so i dont see why so many people are so worried about the animals... -
The Official Jet Rescue construction thread
little lefty legend replied to rappa's topic in Theme Park Discussion
when i was there a week ago they had filled in part of the lake in the section between bermuda triangle, the pirate ship and corkscrew. so now the lake stops at the bridge. not alot of activity all that was happening was that they had fenced off that area and gotten rid of the water. motocoaster isnt really that low to the ground. well not what i would classify as low to the ground.... so you dont exactly get that sensation of speed.... but im sure WVTP will learn from the mistakes dreamworld made. if they market it as an actual family ride instead of a thrill ride then they will be right i think. seaworld is more family orientated anyway except really for corkscrew, so this will hopefully fit in well.