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Park Addict 93

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Park Addict 93 last won the day on December 29 2024

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  1. To be clear I was talking about the previous and current renewal pricing. With the $50 included in new passes it’s guaranteed revenue for the park regardless of if it’s used, I would wager not everyone will use it all/remember to use it before it expires. Same principle as why retailers love gift cards/vouchers.
  2. Agreed, but @DaptoFunlandGuy is absolutely correct for once/is making sense. They did actually raise the price to $119 for a period (and included some Bonus Vouchers) but ultimately have settled at $99. What's even crazier is currently if you don't renew at $99 eventually you will be offered a renewal as cheap as $69.
  3. I did "Rainforest Lumina" by the same company in Singapore Zoo, definitely worth a wander through if you enjoy this sort of thing.
  4. I’m sure there are a few day guests that have remained, but worth remembering those entering after the park is deemed clear of day guests are not given a wristband. Whilst it’s essentially the same as last year I was happy with tonight, everything ran fairly smoothly and they had 2 trains running on Levi.
  5. This is nothing! You should see the latest themed bin in the Land of Oz... I guess it is green... 🤷‍♂️
  6. What Levi said in regards to it being a temporary walking path and works to commence after school holidays. I honestly don’t want them to reopen the station there though, I don’t feel it’s necessary. Would prefer if it remained Main St and Corroboree as it was before the temporary closure.
  7. In all honesty I’m surprised they even got approval to say that, there was plans at one point to utilise the show stage for a show again but from what I hear “float storage” is the plans indefinitely at present. Talking likely at least years down the track it would be nice if the area and showstage is both utilised but I don’t see (nor frankly want) a half assed attempt. Look at the time it took them to make Oz after Arkham’s closure and the obvious issues with the land.
  8. Went yesterday again to Jane’s. Counter ordering still in place but waits were nowhere near as bad 28th. Got in on opening without a wait and leaving around 12pm wouldn’t have been more than 5mins.
  9. Visiting yesterday they were still using the QR codes for drink orders however you needed to go up to the bar to place food orders. This unfortunately meant a 25m wait in line to place food orders, not horrible for a boxing day crowd but certainly not as good of an experience as sitting at a table placing your order with a server or using the QR code.
  10. It's not the first time recently they have done this post Christmas, but arguably they could have done this for opening if the crowd justified it.
  11. I have seen MM get as long as an hour, but yeah Jungle Rush they are dispatching generally within 3mins so haven’t seen a wait time over 30m so far. I recommend doing MM first, then Jungle Rush. Yesterday the park gates opened at 9:45 and staff held people near the coffee shop until 9:55. Rode MM immediately and could see the empty JR trains cycling, then had a 5 min wait for JR.
  12. I think staffing was a large consideration considering on both the 21st and 22nd during day trade they had other rides closed due to staff shortages. Original plan months back was to open in time for all the White Christmas events. The opening date was planned to be a soft opening but yes certainly felt as though it was changed to be official opening to open before DW.
  13. I think everyone keen for them to remove motocoaster for something else or even get new trains at this point needs to be a bit more realistic. It's worth remembering Motocoaster got new trains not that long ago. I would love to see a cosmetic update to make the ride fit Rivertown but I don't see a huge capital expenditure anytime soon.
  14. Even with low expectations of VRTP I was surprised there was this bit of Arkham hidden (but still guest accessible). I’m sure there was a reason to build the mural further out in the courtyard but would have expected this to get the “cover it all in green paint” treatment the rest of the path to Scooby did. IMG_0810.mov
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