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Lucky! Ive never been very lucky at all with SE, Ive ridden it 4 times in 2 visits to MW, but that also includes 3 breakdowns or delays. I was so annoyed when it wouldnt dispatch from the station when I was on it.. it was about 4.30, so we went off and did scooby doo's last rides of the day, then as soon as we stepped out of the park, i spotted SE working. I was pissed.
I'm not sure about September holidays, but a week before the December holidays, the parks were packed with buses of school kids on excursions, and we had to wait probably more than an hour for SE. But, this time around in May, we could get on SE with limited waiting times. Thanks for that video!
Theme Parks/Water Parks In Movies
revolutionx replied to Gold Coaster's topic in Theme Park Discussion
Sorry to bump up old topics, but I had to mention Getting Even With Dad, as they visit a themepark in the movie, but I have googled it, and didnt find anything mentioning it. I also looked on youtube, but couldnt find any footage there. Does anyone know which themepark it is? -
It killed me, on the Surfrider in sort of heavy rain, and its not really that fast! Im sure the fact I was freezing didnt help.
- old Dreamworld book, from about 1999 (i need to try and dig that up) - 3 Movieworld books - many many park maps from the QLD parks - ride photos and photos with characters - a fair few magnets from wet n wild, sea world and one from luna park - key rings - used to have a tot drink bottle - also, a lot of postcards i'll post more when i think of it. also, i have a lot of those collectors cups, you know the SW, WnW and MW refillable ones.
When we were at Dreamworld recently, my sister and dad went on the Reef Diver. When it was finished, my dad undid his velcro and then my sister thought he had split his pants or something, she didnt know what the noise was.. As she didnt actually have hers on, and the ride op didnt even check! That put me off riding it. At WWW I was stuck at the top of the Hydrocoaster, in the tube waiting for it to start for about 10 minutes before a maintenence guy came and fixed it up, and it happened again later when I was in line. I havent been on a LW lifthill breakdown, but my cousin was, he said it was for about 10 minutes before it started up again. Ive had a few experiences with SE. One being in 06, when we were second inline for SE at the beginning of the day, but they wouldnt open it, and they kept testing it. 2nd experience was just recently when we were inline and it didnt launch for a while, and they had to get a maintenance guy in to fix it. 3rd being when I was on it, and it wouldnt dispatch from the station, and they kept raising our restraints and we had to keep re doing our seat belts and the ride ops were joking about how the seatbelts dont do anything. That made me very confident indeed.
Ive seen Superman run in rain before, but it was only light, and it didnt seem to be running to often, but I could see there were people on it.
My god, the Cyclone stops and starts and stops and starts, its so stupid. Most rollercoasters just glide on in the the station, and it takes seconds, unlike the Cyclone.
Ohh, okay. And yeah, I think I know what you mean when you can feel it when it slowly rises up, it makes a sort of clicking noise.
I might just be imagining it, (which is more than likely) but when I rode the GD a couple of weeks ago, when the gondola was rising up the tower, it felt a lot faster than when I rode it in 06. It says in this video that it takes 90 seconds to get to the top, and I could bet on it that it takes a lot less. Have they sped up the speed at which it rises at, or am I imagining it?
http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=crlIz8Dbx9U&...feature=related That video is awesome, #3 looks the best, I would love to ride that in real life.
The weather turned out to be pretty bad when we went, the sun was hardly shining all day, but it made it all the more enjoyable, what with the rain. We rode Surfrider 12 times, and even when the rain started, it didn’t stop us. There were no lines AT ALL, and the operators would run the ride just for one person! The rain was pretty painful when it started to speed up, and I ended up almost completely frozen after it, but its definitely my favourite ride at Wet n Wild. There were no water jets running, but I’m thinking that’s maybe because its almost winter or something, but anyway, I can tell you it was cold enough without the waterjets! We did most slides once, eg. Speed Coaster, Aqua Racer, River Rapids, but didn’t end up going on the Twister, as we were down that side of the park, but it was alternating between Speedcoaster, and so we didn’t end up going back over that side of the park. Mammoth Falls was good, although we didn’t pick up much speed, and I remember it a LOT smoother, as it would bump every time it went over the cracks between each part of the slide. I didn’t ride the Jetstreams, but did the Sidewinders a few times. They should have two person tubes, not just three, because it’s a bugger to lug up a 3 person one for two people. Also, the sooner Wet n Wild puts in a conveyer belt for the Tornado, the better. After experiencing the Green Room and its tube conveyer belt, I think Wet n Wild needs to hurry up and put one in, because those 4-leaf clover tubes are pretty heavy. Are those two-seater tubes still around? Last time I was there in 06 they only had two-seater ones, not the fourleaf clovers. Whoever’s idea it was to put in the ‘Extreme’ Volleyball pitch was a bit of an idiot, as who really wants to go and play around in sand, when youre at a waterpark? Not me. Whirlpool Springs were busy, and in the middle of the day we weren’t able to get ourselves a spa, so we hung around in the wave pool for a bit, in hope of getting a bit warmer. Near the end of the day when the rain began, most people cleared off, so we could get a spa, and who ever thought of putting spas there is a legend, those spas are great… even when its raining. Black Hole was good, but only went on it twice, as again, we couldn’t be bothered to lug up the tubes. The good part of the Black Hole was the temperature of the water, I think it was the warmest water out of all the slides. Good day it was, apart from the rain, but at least it kept the crowds away.
My mind has changed from the time of my last post about this. I think the mountain should definitely stay, but get rid of the visible track.
I had fun at WnW in the rain, although the Surfrider was painful went the rain started to get heavier, there were no lineups, most people stayed in the spas all day.
My guess was pretty close. On the 30th of May, at Dreamworld I was looking over at WWW in the afternoon, near closing time, and there was only ONE person that I could see as I was inline for the Cyclone. It was rainy that day, but it was even rainer at WnW the day before, and there were still people there.
Thanks for that, the ride seems incomplete without those fountains.
Haha, it was really good, no lineups at ALL. There would have been less than 50 guests there, probably. It was surprising, what with it being the weekend.
Went to a Big Brother eviction on 25th of May, the double eviction. I surprisingly got on TV, as they handed out posters, and I got given a Bianca poster, and after Bianca nominated the camera did a closeup on me and the poster
EDIT. title is supposed to be 24rd of May. First park off the list was White Water World on Saturday the 24rd of May. Driving up to the entrance, we thought that it was closed, as we couldn’t see anyone inside! It basically stayed that way all day, there was almost never any lineups, so we could just walk-on to everything. Supertubes Hydrocoaster broke down twice (that I’m aware of), once when I was inline, another when I was sitting in the tube ready to go. From what I’m aware of, it was the same problem twice. The ride operator couldn’t get the ride started, and the buttons weren’t working, so she called up a Dreamworld mechanic and he got things started, but my dad and I were waiting in the tube for about 10 minutes waiting for it to start before the mechanic rocked up. Apart from those two mishaps, I love STHC, after more than 5 rides, it surprises me everytime at the speed at which the tubes glide up the hills! Also, I love the Green Room and we got to ride it at least 6 times. I rode the Tornado at Wet n Wild a couple of years ago, but Green Room was just a lot more enjoyable, what with the 4 leaf clover tubes, and only 2 person tubes at Wet n Wild last time. Also, we seemed to gain a lot more speed than the Tornado, and we went a lot higher. The RIP was very fun, that first drop in complete darkness surprised me every time! Also, the Little Rippers were fun, but the RIP was better in my opinion. The Temple of Huey was quite good, I love the Cut Snake and Broken Headz, but Screamin Right Hander wasn’t as fun for me though. BRO wasn’t as enjoyable as some of the other slides, as I could never get started! I find it easy to get started on the Aqua Racer at Wet n Wild, but I was always stuck waiting to get going on BRO. The first time we climbed the stairs to BRO, at the beginning before the stairs, we didn’t go around the queue lineup part, so we didn’t realise we had to get a mat, so when we got to the top we were all a bit confused on how to go down, but the ride operator let us go up to the RIP instead. Pipeline Plunge was closed, but I don’t think I really missed out on much there. Cave of Waves was pretty good, we returned there a few times as the water there was a lot warmer than the slides. At the end of the day we were going to head over to Dreamworld as we had WorldPasses, but we decided to have the whole day at Dreamworld a few days later. Overall, WWW was a very enjoyable day, and we were somewhat spoilt with the ability to walk on to almost every ride.
Next park on the list was Warner Brothers’ Movieworld, which has always been a favourite of mine, on Monday 26th May. First ride of the day, was Superman Escape, as I was so excited to go on, as I only rode it once when we were in Queensland last time, due to technical difficulties. When I rode I got to go on the very front, which was what I was wanting most! Waiting inline for the first time, we waited for a while, and the train wasn’t dispatching, it was just sitting there, so Im guessing there was some sort of technical problem, or breakdown. We ended up riding SE 3 times. We would have ridden it 4, and we were all strapped in to go, but it didn’t start. We had to keep undoing our seat belts, and pulling down the restraints, which wasn’t making me very confident. The ride operator kept calling up to the other operator, and I heard him say “It just wont dispatch” We had to get off the ride, and wait at the doors, but we could see through the window things that it wasn’t going anywhere. We were told to go off and do other rides, and come back later, but it was almost closing time by that point. We were then told again that they weren’t having any luck, and to go elsewhere. We got to exit through the special exit that leads you from the entrance part to the Superman shop. We rode Batwing twice, which was alright, nothing to get really excited about. My cousin was ready to ride, and he was in his seat strapped in, but then the operator told him because he had an ankle brace that he couldn’t ride unless he got it checked out medically. So, he just took off the brace and came back later, and rode it, and it was fine. Lethal Weapon was awesome, much much MUCH better than I remembered. I only rode it once when in Queensland last, and I HATED it, as it was too rough, I had a headache and I felt sick on it. We rode it 3 times, and I now love it. My cousin and his mate rode earlier in the day before me, and they got stuck on the lift at the beginning, about half way up, and they were apparently up there for at least 10 minutes, before continuing through the ride. I tell you though, there are some absolute idiots who come to these themeparks, and no matter how many times they’ve been told, they still leave stuff in their pockets when going on Lethal Weapon. It annoys the hell out of me, as it only delays the next cycles when they have to keep lifting the restraints. My old favourite, Scooby Doo, was awesome; I think we ended up riding it about 5 or 6 times. It sucked, as we had 9 people in our group, so we always had to split into a group of 4, then groups of 2 and 3, and that happened with Wild West Falls also. Scooby doo was just as I remembered, fun and slightly nerve-wracking on those corners. It was my cousin’s first time, and even though he’s 18, he was freaking out on the elevator! Wild West Falls was good, although I still think that 9 people could squish easily into one carriage, but I suppose they can’t for safety reasons. Have they stopped those water fountain things, in the final splashdown? We did get wet, but I remember getting absolutely SOAKED when those fountains were on. Overall, another good day, but having experienced or seen or heard about 5 breakdowns of rides in two themeparks (Movieworld & WWW) and having been so close to riding SE again, it was disappointing.
Last themepark of the holiday was Dreamworld, which I had been looking forward to all holiday (for the Giant Drop), on the 30th of May. The day before we went, there were forecasts of torrential rain on the Gold Coast, but we braved the rain and went anyway. Giant Drop was the first ride of the day, as it was one of my favourites last time, and I only got to ride it once last time. There was almost no line, so we were on in no time. A lot of the rides were closed at the beginning of the day due to the forecasts of wind and rain (MDMC, Cyclone, TOT), but Giant Drop was open almost all day. It was certainly windy as we rose up the tower in the morning, it was freezing up there, but I still loved it. They were only running one side of the tower all day, but there were no lines. The second and third times we rode were in a row, but we had to get off, run around, then go to the entrance again. Third time on it, as we started rising, the Tower of Terror went, which scared me ****less, as it made the whole tower shake, so I’d be absolutely terrified if it went up the tower when I was sitting at the top of Giant Drop. Tower of Terror was awesome, as usual, but it was closed for part of the day from the rain. We rode once, then again three times later. The later two times, we didn’t have to get off, we just stayed in the pod, as some girls in front asked the operator and he said okay. Got front row for two of those times, which I enjoyed, as I think front is the least scary part, because you can actually see the track. When youre in the rows behind, you cant see where youre going! We rode the Cyclone three times, and the last two times were the last two rides of the day. It was really windy at the end of the day, so we had to wait for 20 people so we could actually ride. I don’t really see the significance with this, and wouldn’t only half full be fine? Of course, Im not one to say this, as I don’t know the mechanical side of rollercoasters. I think the Cyclone has gotten somewhat smoother than when I rode in 06, which is surprising as most rides deteriorate their quality with time. In my opinion, they need to refurbish the exit on the inside a bit, as the turbine thing in the middle was looking weird with the what looked like streamers or something in the middle. But I think they need to do some sort of theming in the entrance, as there really isn’t much to connect the name to the ride with. Only rode the Claw once, as it doesn’t really suit my stomach. When we were lining up to go on, we were the next on and the ride operator announced to us that they had to ‘clean up some hair wax’ from the seat, and that it would be running shortly. Well, we all figured out what that meant, and when we chose where they were sitting everyone avoided that seat. Did the River Rapids three times in a row, which was great fun, even though it was pretty cold. I think with the Eureka Mine Cart Ride, if they just got rid of the visible track in the mountain, it would be a lot better, considering the River Rapids which run underneath. Ahh. The Mick Doohan’s Motocoaster. Im agreeing with everyone on this, its definitely not what I would consider a ‘thrill ride’. The only thrilling part is the takeoff, the rest is just boring and slow. If the speed kept up through the whole thing, it’d be a lot better. Not to mention the harnesses which KILLED my thighs, and hurt my stomach. We lined up for about half an hour the first time, before it started pelting down with rain. It had already been spitting lightly for a while, but the ride was still operating through it, but they had warned us that they would close it in heavy rain, so when it started pouring, it was closed immediately, which frustrated me as we were about the board when the rain started. So we had to wait about 10 minutes for the rain to stop, and they waited another 5 after the rain had stopped before actually testing the ride. We got to ride after the test run, but I tell you, it takes AGES for the ride to actually get started and for it to dispatch from the station. They take their time as they check the restraints, if the ride operators actually hurried up, the wait time would be shortened. The first time, my restraint wasn’t too uncomfortable, but on the second ride, my thighs were crushed, and my stomach was hurting from the back restraint pushing my back into the bike. Overall, it wasn’t worth the 45 minute wait the first time, the second ride it was better as it was a walk-on, but still not a favourite. Wipeout was hardly running all day, they said they needed 20 riders to actually run the ride, but no one was volunteering, and I certainly wasn’t, but I suppose I am regretting it now. We gave Rocky Hollow a miss, we were going to, but from watching the other riders, and we could tell we didn’t want to ride it. They got absolutely drenched, so we decided against it. Dreamworld was good, although the weather was a bit of a let down, it was a great day
Really? The air time is good, but I love the launch, just sitting there and then BANG. Youre off at 100km.
I'd like to see it too Id like to experience a rollback, the launch is my favourite bit, so I'd love to do it twice without the lineup
Okay, thanks for that
Im heading up to Queensland tomorrow, and of course, going to all the parks. The only thing is, we might be going to WhiteWaterWorld on the 31st of May (saturday) but Temple of Huey and Little Rippers are closed. Are these rides any good, and will I be missing out on anything?