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About matty_o_911

  • Birthday 14/11/1987

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  1. Wow what a shock to randomly pop by the site again and see this thread up in the top few threads in the gaming section. Just over five years since the first post in the thread on 13 Nov 2004. Wow. Where has the time gone?
  2. Thanks. I would have liked to have been able to complete another recreation ... I was especially disappointed that I was never able to finish Cedar Point when I was building it. Dreamworld though bigger than Movie World was easier to fit onto the RCT grid and so I was never able to decide on a way to get MW to work and so never got further than the entrance without giving up because I was unhappy with the look. Sea World probably fits onto the RCT grid better than the other two but since there are less rides etc, its gets a little bit boring spending hours fiddling with terrain heights to create lakes etc and using the wall pieces to make a good looking front building so I never got very far on that one either. I'd like to be able to do another but not quite sure I'll be able to get the time to do it anymore. Appreciate the good comments none-the-less and I'm glad you liked Dreamworld. Looking through this thread again for the first time in quite a long time brings back some memories ... can't believe how long ago it was that I did it.
  3. That's quite good. Movie World is very difficult to get to work in RCT because of the grid which is why I could never finish it in RCT3. But from a distance you seem to have pulled it off so good luck with finishing it.
  4. This is really such a shame. And of all the things in the world to be killed by - gravel.
  5. I know what you are talking about - they had something in the pool beside the ship. I believe it was one of these: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_Killer_Whale
  6. From Official Site: Since I missed out on getting to the Halloween event I think I'll have to book some tickets for this and getting to see Batwing at night sounds good too.
  7. Was there today and the tower is almost finished. There are two pieces of tower left in the carpark and the structure currently is roughly the same height as Superman's tophat. It definately makes a good impact on the Movie World skyline and with the other two parts added this thing will dwarf Superman. Can't wait.
  8. Dreamworld is changing its options ... $185 for full year pass with entry to Whitewater World after 3pm during off-peak periods or alternatively the Max Action Saver for $145 for access to Dreamworld during off-peak periods. Still quite expensive as far as I'm concerned. From Max Action newsletter:
  9. Wow I didn't think I'd be seeing this thread again - but I can't believe how long ago it was that I made those parks. Its a shame that I don't have the time or patience anymore to be able to make them. As much as I'd like to get into playing it again, its unlikely I'll be able to finish any parks though I do start 3 very long and boring months of university holidays so who knows I may get into it again. Movieworld would be too difficult to build I think because of the restrictive grid. The RCT2 version worked out fine because there was no Superman Escape, but because of the angle that main street branches off from the fountain it is practically impossible to build the park on a grid without making considerable adjustments that defeat the purpose of making a recreation in the first place. Thanks again anyway with the comments and it was a pleasure to build them and share them. Apologies though for the lag and extreme load times. Unfortunately RCT3 was not created with the intention to make large, scenery filled parks - another reason I was never able to finish the Cedar Point recreation which I was quite proud of at the time.
  10. Ok, before I go into an anti-media tirade let me first say that I like everyone else was completely shocked about his death. Despite the fact that he dealt with deadly animals every day of his life I suppose we subconsciously all asumed he was invincible. His death leaves a large hole in Australia and he certainly won't be forgotten. His efforts in the field of animal conservation are unmatched and likely there will never be anyone again who can bring animal welfare to the forefront of the human psyche. I think we will all definately miss his presence. Ok that's that said. I have however been increasingly annoyed at the media over their coverage of this. The biggest thing that annoyed me is the way the media has responded to criticism of Irwin. In particular this happened tonight on the abysmal A Current Affair with the interview between Karl Stefanovic and Germaine Greer. Shame on channel nine for using public sympathy to get ratings and dispute in that manner the completely valid opinion the feminist presented for which I to a large degree agree with. Steve Irwin did amazing things for animal conservation, but this often came at the expense of animal rights: effectively achieving good outcomes through reprehensible means. Irwin made his career teasing, annoying and aggravating animals to the extent that they will attack him. I'm quite sure the snakes and crocodiles didn't want to be lifted up all the time, poked, prodded and displayed on talk shows in front of audiences and under studio lighting. Animals just want to be left alone in the wild to go about their daily lives, not have him laying next to them screaming in their ears (obviously tiny animals' hearing will be much more sensitive than ours). He owes his fame to the relative abuse of animals. And so to hear a lowly journalist ask Greer whether 'anyone else actually agrees with her' and criticise her for not 'naming one person who does' I think is evidence of the deplorable journalism that the 6.30pm timeslot is used to. It is of paramount importance in a democracy such as ours for competing opinions to be expressed; and having a biased, propagandist media that silences other opinions is not tolerable. Steve Irwin did wonderful things for animal conservation, yes, but not through the best methods. The animal world has gained its freedom....but at the espense of its savior.
  11. Thankyou. They really need to get Grant to do a few more ride specific things there, like doing one of the short segments giving a behind the scenes tour or something explaining how it works. When he was at Movie World for Superman Escape, every cross (I think) to him that morning was just him standing below the tophat just to lead up to when he finally rode it right at the end - they could have let him in behind the scenes to look at the themed section or something else at least. Still, at least they visit the themeparks regularly often - still, I certainly don't like being up that early in the morning so I generally don't watch it.
  12. Yeah Grant was even pleased enough to be announcing an exclusive with Stephen Gregg - that Dreamworld is building a waterpark. Shock horror. Its not like that hasn't been known for months. If he was doing that at 8:00am and doing flowrider at 8:30am, can anyone tell me what he was doing at Dreamworld beforehand?
  13. NOTE: While not entirely related to this topic, I apologise for getting into a Movie World vs Dreamworld debate but I couldn't help myself. I couldn't possibly disagree with you more. Movie World is by far the more superior park in my opinion. I have been regularly visiting both parks over the previous year - at least once a month during Superman construction - and to distinguish the staff at Movie World as being so bad in comparison to Dreamworld is very wrong. Both parks would be quite even in terms of staff - the majority are very friendly and helpful and do their best to make sure guests are enjoying their time and occasionally some may not. Movie World by far does a better job in the entertaining of guests with performers who roam the park regularly and seem from my experience to go down very well with guests. Dreamworld - as I've noticed - sends two koalas on the back of a vehicle maybe once a day who merely wave. The rest of the time, Dreamworld just puts the occassional Nickelodeon character near the Cat-Dog food area for photos. And to suggest the rides are always closed is wrong to - maybe you just went on a bad day? or maybe even I was just lucky enough to go on 15 exceptional days? In terms of rides, I disagree also. I like to compare Dreamworld and Movie World by the types of attraction and its clear from that (in my opinion of course) which are better: Traditional full circuit coaster with lift-hill - Cyclone vs Lethal Weapon - despite the headbanging Lethal is far more interesting to look at, better themed, and more exciting. Movie World 1 - Dreamworld 0. Log flume - Rocky Hollow Log Ride vs Wild West Falls - theming, length, enjoyment give this one to Movie World of course. Movie World 2 - Dreamworld 0. Launching coaster - Superman Escape vs Tower of Terror - a bit more of a contest here, though in my opinion, Superman's better (while not perfect) theming, and also more intense acceleration and more interesting layout gives it the upperhand. Movie World 3 - Dreamworld 0. Theatres - Shrek 4D vs IMAX - Shrek is by far more popular - though Dreamworlds is usually good to watch and educational. Movie World 4 - Dreamworld 0. Family coaster - Roadrunner vs Reptar - difficult contest here because they are so similar, but I enjoy roadrunner more (and I always liked the cartoons) so Movieworld 5 - Dreamworld 0. Wild mouse coasters - Scooby vs Eureka - close contest and both have their pros and cons but I'm going to give it to Scooby for a backwards drop and elevator, as well as theming and generally fast load times. Movie World 6 - Dreamworld 0. I've run out of other comparisons so I'll give Movieworld another point for having Batman - but Dreamworld does have a number of other thrill rides that are both popular and fun so I'll give it 3 points for Giant Drop, Claw and Wipeout and an extra point for the extra rides and attractions it contains from being the larger park that Movie World doesn't have. In terms of rides and attractions, therefore Movie World 7 - Dreamworld 4. And so its not just theming - the rides at Movie World are generally of a much better than those in comparison at Dreamworld. The 4 points Dreamworld got were for only having a few more thrill rides that Movie World doesn't. I could rant for ever, but Movie World is my favourite park and I therefore shall jump to its defence, lol. On topic: its quite sad that the public doesn't necessarily realise how great Movie World and continue to go to Dreamworld despite not doing anything substantial now for years. It is just as sad to see them having to cut back on staff - especially in the performance and entertainment side of things for which Movie World has traditionally done so well with. Lets hope things improve for Movie World in the future and lets hope it catches up.
  14. See here for the article from news.com.au: http://www.finance.news.com.au/story/0,101...710-462,00.html From the article: 'Village said it would continue to partner with Warner Bros in theme parks in Australia now via a long-term licensing agreement.' So hopefully we'll continue to see things operating as normal at the parks. And its interesting to see they might be expanding the Warner Bros parks to Asia through the deal.
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