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Everything posted by paauly101

  1. It was real vomit wasnt it? If it was fake nah, i wouldnt have been mad. But no way would i have agreed? To have vomit thrown on me, nope. Not even for tonnes of money and to get on tv.
  2. Did i hear a while ago that there was going to be a temporary ride at SW over the holidays? Or a travelling carnival ride there or something like that? What is it if thats true?
  3. How pissed off would you be.. If i was them i would have knocked that guy out. If someone vomited on me.. Gross.
  4. Ofcourse. I dont know what it is but. Google Kirmis sims. Its something like that.
  5. Im saying id rather have speed in. Its a better ride. I didnt say i wouldnt really like it. Its just a let down that something better isnt there because a flume isnt the best thing in the world to have there. Lunapark does NOT get anywhere near as busy as Jamberoo so thats just a stupid suggestion. But Jamberoo at least has rides that are connected to the ground. Its a worry that you think Lunapark is the best thing that people go to in the holidays. Getting sick of their rides. Im still going to go but because it'd be a good day with some friends.
  6. So am i the only one that would rather have Speed in? Cause thats all im saying. Id rather have something more thrilling. Id be sure to give it a go but im still pretty disapointed LPS couldnt come up with something good for the xmas holidays. Ive been waiting since RES to get on another major thrill and its been a total let down. But im sure it will still be fun..
  7. We all know LPS would never get a non carnival ride. Im saying put some GOOD carnival rides in. Not old rides that date back to the 70's. That just sucks. I only ever go in the holidays for the temporary rides. So i think a whole bunch of new rides would draw in some crouds. But these xmas holidays im not really that happy that there isnt going to be a thriller. They could have definately picked a better ride than a flume. 2 little splashes and its over. Id rather speed/megadrop/powersurge any day
  8. Im just sick of all of lunaparks rides.. They get very boring after going to lunapark so many times. Its not a real theme park like wonderland. Ah, i could never had got sick of riding their rides. And it had alot to chose from too. The flume is owned by Joylands better amusement hire. It was manufactured by Reverchon. Thats all i know. I saw a picture and it seems to be a bit like splash canyon only in reverse. Also one of the drops is wavey. Looks alright. Im still disapointed there isnt a major thrill worth going for like speed or megadrop or some of the rides theyve had in previous years.
  9. Heres an idea: Knock it all down and start fresh. Replace the cheap carnival rides with some good ones. This time round dont take up so much space for resturaunts and empty, pointless buildings. They could fit tonnes more rides in if they just got rid of all the left side of the park. Another let down with the rides that are going these Xmas holidays too. A flume.. Hooray.
  10. Found a tonne of awesome 3D ones. Airwolf is probably my favourite (:
  11. thanks guys. that ride at 1:17 was the Hurricane. yeah i think its more of a big peoples ride but. haha, i dont really see young ones going on it. i was using Windows movie maker so i really couldnt make that good of a video. and i used that music cause i liked the song. it went good with the mega drop! but yeah. thanks for watching (:
  12. heeeey everyone. heres a video i just put together. 2 of the photos of space roller were taken by spaceroller freak from my home town of AAF. http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=1EtzbXJgMsk please tell me what yous think (:
  13. paauly101

    Virtual Rides

    Hey everyone. I have been searching the web for some virtual rides. Ride games how you can operate them. Ive downloded a few good ones on www.amusements-online.com But there are no fantastic ones.. Does anyone have any ride sims such as the ones seen in NLVR? They dont have to be that good, but they do have to be pretty decent. Even if its a good ride, bad graphics, it doesn really matter. Just whatever you guys have found. Thanks
  14. haha, yeah, i know i know. thanks for watching tho
  15. oh, haha, well im only using windows movie maker so i cant do much, but we can still talk about smileys i suppose!
  16. hey everyone. here is a video 2 awesome rides. please watch it and tell me what you think http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=n-qtgZnX0BU enjoy,,
  17. i remember when i rode it AGES ago with my sister for the first time there was a lift that took you up. it was a old small noisy little elevator that took you up a few floors and you could hear the train roar past when you were in there. i havnt been to dreamworld since 2004, that was when the big mouth was there. im going in january 09 and cant wait to ride it! see what they have then
  18. oh thats good! yeah i heard that some rides may be down but id rather get on a few than get on 1 ride all day. haha, thanks.
  19. Hey everyone! My names Paul and I live in Sydney. Im going to the Gold Coast the first week school goes back. School goes back on the monday and i go to Goldy on the monday. I am doing all the themeparks that week. Dreamworld, Movie World, Sea World and Wet and Wild. Im going to do them on the tue, wed, thur, fri. That being on the first week back so i was thinking it shouldnt be very busy? Am i right? You'd think everyone would be back at school and the chaos would all be over but you never know. If anyone could help me out here that'd be great. Thanks everyone.
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