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Everything posted by paauly101

  1. Well the zipper has the big long trailor behing the ride that it folds down onto doesn't it? Considering lunapark just throws the rides in there, then nah. Doubt a zipper would fit in there. Maybe if you could take away the trailor? Im not sure if that can be done though and I doubt lunapark would want to bother.
  2. A intamin Zacspin over the water ! Oh wait.. They are more than 3 stories :\ That thing absolutely sucks. What coaster can you build thats under 3 stories?
  3. Im talking about the pain on SLC's. Its not so bad that you cant enjoy it.. I wasnt saying what you though I meant & Boomerangs are fun.. They layout isnt the best but its still fun and is more intresting than anything they have there at the moment.
  4. Id love to see one here again. Its one of the few coasters LPS might, just might be able to fit in. I dont know why everyone is so against them either. Theyre no where near as bad as SLC's and most people can tolerate them. And isnt there some new train design for the boomerang? Harnesses are more like vests.. That would have to decrease the head banging.
  5. Isnt that too much like Batman? They both indoor simulation type things. Id rather see MW save up & come out with something that will shock us all in 2010 Speaking of 2010 and shocking us, im guessing your sig doesnt really mean anthing cadboy?
  6. Ive thought of that too. Dont think it would fit in Maloneys Corner though. Unless they removed Ranger and/or Spider. Even so, look how close it is to the apartments. Doubt we will ever see anything other than temp carnival rides at LPS in the holidays sorry to say.
  7. My friend who lives in Michegan (coast fan) said she loved it. Really looks like you get wet in the front. I wish one of our parks brought out something like this but with more themeing. I know its not done yet, but still. Whatre they gunna do? Throw in some trees.
  8. *Mondial Topscan themed to fit into seaworld somehow!*
  9. Its been 5 years from today. So sad. I miss that place still heaps.
  10. Hey guys, well I recorded this video the first out of 3 times I went to the eastershow. This isnt all the rides, just a small handfull. Ill be going back to the show on wednesday and ill be sure to get more videos of more of the rides. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCpn553TFbg Song may not be appropriate for everyone. Apolgies if it offends anyone!
  11. Yeah, I thought lunapark would be busy. Some families cant afford to get to the Eastershow so Lunapark is a good alternitive. As much as I dislike the place, $30 is a pretty good deal and I can see why so many people are choosing to visit. $30 At the eastershow will get you in + one ride. Ouch. Ive been to the Eastershow 3 times now and yeah, my wallet is feeling alot lighter since before the holidays. Haha. And yeah, wild mouse is pretty low capacity which sucks, but its a pretty quick ride. It sucks how you wait about 20 minutes for this 30 second, quite tame coaster when you can wait the same amount of time for a coaster such as Xcelerator. Blah.
  12. Wonderland had more of a Themeparky feel to it than Dreamworld. I would also have had a better day at Wonderland than Dreamworld. With the whole goldrush area.. They did have some good fun rides and i miss that place so much! Its been almost 5 years
  13. Ah. Haha, sorry, I wasnt being smart or anything. I thought I heard it somewhere and couldnt think of where. I agree. It would be a great idea. Topscans offer high thrills and would go great in dreamworld. Maybe they could put it near the giant drop and have it as some sort of oil spill to continue the theme with the giant drop. It would be good to see dreamworld pick up some more themed areas with themed rides and coasters instead of just throwing them down like they have IMO.. If I ran the place I would put in a B&M invert. It could go towards the back of the park where all the trees and stuff are. They could theme it to some sort of jungle creature. Or maybe even after the Anaconda.. And have a bridge over water to get to it etc.. Thats what I would work on. A few new attractions with good story lines, and fix up the rest. It would also be pretty sweet to see a B&M dive machine in there. Or maybe a Intamin MegaLite. Them things dont take up a massive footprint but they sure pack a punch with loads of airtime. So much they could do with the place.. I hope they do add a major attraction in 2010. If you look at places like Six Flags Magic Mountain, they are adding coasters so often.. At one period they added 5 coasters within 5 years : 1999 - Canyon Blaster 2000 - Goliath 2001 - Deja Vu 2002 - X 2003 - Scream! Then they waited a few years and BAM. Its ... 2006 - Tatsu 2008 - Thommas land 2009 - Terminator 2010 - Unknown Then look at Dreamworld.. Over the last 5 years what have they got? Claw.. MickDoohan..? *sigh* Oh how I wish Australia had more intrest in Themeparks.. I just hope were in for something big soon!
  14. Black Hole was terrible. I cant believe I even wasted 10 minutes lining up for it. So slow and nothing fun about it at all. Anyone else feel the same or did I just expect to much after riding Terror Canyon..?
  15. Where have I heard about a Topscan themed to mining equipment before.. Hmmm..
  16. 6 days till it starts. Cant wait to ride the zipper ! Also excited for Spaceroller
  17. 1. Jet Rescue 2. Giant Drop 3. Superman Escape 4. Lethal Weapon 5. Corkscrew 6. Cyclone 7. Claw 8. Batwing 9. Spooky Coaster 10. Wild West
  18. The Taipan is just a Galaxy coaster. There is a galaxy coaster at Lunaparks Melbourne, called metropolis? I think. Yeah. Basically the same ride. Alot of fun if you ask me! Be sure to try Spaceroller. Australias only Mondial Topscan! It would be the best flat ride ever. PERIOD ! I will be going for sure and i can post some pictures on here if you guys would like to see them, for those who cant make it this year.
  19. Just saying.. It would be sweet if they did find a way to use this space.
  20. There is alot they could do with the place and id love to see a permanent drop ride go in. The views at the top would be great plus the drop would be thrilling. The mega drop (temp drop ride) was great. All good ideas.. But what about the picnic area and dead end track at the back of the park? If they could clear that a rather large coaster could go in. Just sucks that the only free area that a large coaster could actually go in is ocupied by trains at a dead end stop.. =[
  21. Thats what i thought. They ofviously dont go by the whole "sometimes you gotta spend money to make money" thing.
  22. Eeek. You know wha really hurts? Sun burnt while riding the Jet streams. Its not pleasent =[ The Jetstream type slide in Waterbom Bali was the best thing ever. I dont know how they do it but its 100% smooth all the way + splashdown.
  23. Yeah im sorry guys.. It was just my opinion of the place and it does sound ignorant. I just wish they did put a new attraction in such as one of the things mentioned above. The parks in QLD are adding attractions on a regular basis. Look at all the new things Movieworld, Seaworld, Wet n Wild and Dreamworld have put into their parks over the last 5 years. What has lunapark put in over the last 5 years? Nothing. Just more carnival rides as temp holiday attractions :[
  24. I remember seeing one about a unconfirmed Western Sydney themepark a while back and I always wonderd where the info came from or whether it was just a rumour made up by someone. But the first one on parkz says confirmed? I dont know why, but i doubt it the way the economics is and all that. So im guessing this was old news and it didnt go ahead or something. But thats just a guess. Does anyone know anything for sure?
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