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Everything posted by rival81

  1. Where can you purchase the ticket? It's not on their web site.
  2. Not long now until the Q150 ends... one month in fact. Personally i'm looking forward to it as i'm hoping the parks will free up somewhat, which means more rides for us annual pass holders in less time Of anyone here who has the Q150, do you plan to buy an annual pass a month from now?
  3. In the 9 month's i've had my annual pass i'd never riden it but decided to try it out on the weekend for the first time. I was pleasantly surprised how much i enjoyed it! The freefall is great and i liked how it bounces up and down a few times... i'll definitely be doing it again next time i visit! Overall it's just a great fun ride.
  4. Went on Scooby over the weekend and it was much improved, everything seems to be working again! Music was on, lights were all working and i either i've never noticed it before or they've actually added a few new lights... the eyes on the rat-looking monster now glow and the grim reaper guys have glowing red eyes. Final drop was great, lots of smoke and laser working nicely. Everyone was loving the ride and the line up was huge! Well done MW in getting Scooby Doo back to it's former glory!
  5. Interesting... though not really a theme park in the sense that it doesn't have rollercoasters or rides, just "attractions": China is building what is billed as its first sex theme park, aimed at improving both the sex education and the sex life of its visitors. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/8053596.stm
  6. I'm sure it does, yes. Twice yearly maintenance sounds about right.
  7. Awesome... i'm amazed you can tell that from the picture though
  8. Glad to hear scooby music is back etc. Looking forward to my next visit!
  9. http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=vmIc...2biE2fGXw_3d_3d This survey was just sent out at the bottom of the latest MyFun newsletter. A good opportunity for us all to tell them we want the music turned back on in Scooby Doo, lasers brought back to their former glory etc. And of course give feedback on all other aspects of the park from the food to the rides, service and shows.
  10. Movieworld just emailed out a survey via their MyFun newsletter. Here's your chance to tell them Scooby Doo needs a bit of TLC.. or the music switched back on at the very least! http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=vmIc...2biE2fGXw_3d_3d
  11. I would be surprised if the exec at Movieworld even knew that the music has been off on Scooby Doo for months now... In my experience executives are often disconnected from issues such as this as they are too busy with the 'management' tasks, meetings, planning, events, budgeting, financials etc. That's probably the real reason Scooby Doo has gone from a world class indoor coaster to an average indoor coaster with no music, and few effects (if you're lucky). Next time i visit i'll be sure to ask guest services why the music has been turned off on the Scooby Doo ride!
  12. Klassen do you have any idea why they turned off the music on Scooby? That was one of the best parts!
  13. I rode Scooby twice on Saturday. No smoke at all, the final laser wasn't on, several other lights were out, but worst of all there was no music at all in the big main room... what a shame. It really isn't half as good when there is so many things that need fixing. Wild wild west on the other hand is in tip top shape... all effects going and they've added a fine mist spray just after the reverse drop where the water spouts shoot up.
  14. Just wondering if the scheduled maintenance has resulted in a smoother ride. Lethal weapon re-opened a couple weeks ago according to the MW site.
  15. I would rather see our existing theme parks add some better coasters similar to Disney coasters (Crush's coaster, Aerosmith coaster, Space mountain etc)
  16. This stunt show at Disneyland in Paris is fantastic... very similar to Stunt Driver, check it out guys:
  17. Hi guys, i saw Stunt Driver for the second time two weekends ago and was quite pleased with their progress. There was (i think) an extra joke or two, and the show seemed to flow a bit better than the first time i saw it. In the final stunt this time the bricks didn't go flying out like they did the first time... not sure why. Looking forward to a third viewing soon.
  18. Took mine from the cable car going over top of sentosa island.
  19. Ok guys here's my report: MW on Saturday was packed out... the entire car park was literally full, i didn't see a single car space empty when i left! I arrived at 10:45, went straight into Stunt Driver, then raced to Wild wild west and walked straight on. But the rest of the day i spent in long queues. 30 min wait to ride the kids coaster, then i waited around until 1pm hoping the second stunt driver show would reduce the queue for scooby doo but no luck, the queue was still 45 mins long, spilling out to half fill up the big room where you first walk in with the TV screens of the movie playing. So at about 1:30 i headed home. A fun day but would have liked to have a few more rides. Having said that the staff were all great and they were handling the large crowds well. Superman had what i assume was two cars going because it was pumping people through fairly quickly - still a 30 min wait or so though.
  20. I'd rather see a Subway go in. It's ideal for a theme park, and the food is actually nice unlike most fast food places.
  21. I've decided to hit up MW and possibly WnW tomorrow in the hope of shorter queues than we've seen these past few months. I remember back in October and November last year queues were about half as long as i've been seeing this year, possibly due to the Q150 pass. Will report back on my experience tomorrow. My last trip to Wet n Wild was fruitless with wait times agonisingly long. I ended up abandoning ship after waiting 40 mins for a single slide and not even being near the front of the queue. Now might be a good time to visit Dreamworld if everyone is visiting the warner parks. Wish me luck.
  22. No one knows yet, the attraction hasn't launched. Until then, no one knows.
  23. I think people will still pay so long as thrilling rides are added on a regular basis. One per year is not too unreasonable i wouldn't think.
  24. I went a couple weeks ago and it was the busiest i've ever seen it. Wet n Wild also is still very much in peak season. Probably due to the Q150 passes, it seems they've been extremely popular, as you'd expect
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