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mattcrombie last won the day on January 5 2023

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    Los Angeles, California

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  1. No carnival rides that's for sure. I would rather they just clear that area and expand on western land and utilise the area for a larger attraction. I would love to see a multi launch coaster of some kind. The area is quite big for them to work with something good and themed to western precinct. Runaway mine carts ?
  2. Waiting patiently for an on ride video to surface....
  3. Years ago. Mid 2000's but you could see the orange track with the cream/yellow
  4. Might be there still but back in the day they had a few pieces laying around near the big brother studio area. I have attached where roughly... But might not be there anymore.
  5. I didn't think to make a new topic but if admin wants to they can move it to its own. UrbanSurf has been open for a few years now and its very popular attracting a lot of visitors. Will be a good activity hub
  6. *News* Australia's second TopGolf to open in Melbourne mid 2027... Melbourne Airport is proposing to develop the Elite Park precinct as a premium leisure, entertainment, retail and hospitality destination which includes Australia's second TopGolf. Read the article here: Elite Park Development | Melbourne Airport
  7. Back on topic. Does anyone know how long this coaster will go for? It seems smaller than expected to me
  8. 100%! I still think about the time Lord Mayor Sally Cap said last year: " I'd love to see a splash mountain coming down from the Bolte bridge into the docklands Yarra river" lol So delusional of her.... I do hope Disney get some kind of park presence here or experience... But I don't see it happening anytime soon.... Also not in the state of Victoria.... Definitely not supported by the Victoria government, they are broke!
  9. Didn't even make a year and the rumors started again. It wont happen..... These news outlets just love to make a story.
  10. The whole area has a theming downgrade, from the original concept art... Looks like it's from Wish.com or Shien now with what was originally revealed and announced.... Let's see what comes with the finishing product.🙈
  11. Thanks for confirming. I just found the older post on here. Thought this was something new. Cheers
  12. Outback Lodge tourist accommodation project planned for Paradise Country. Plans to expand one of the Gold Coast’s biggest theme parks to include visitor accommodation. Anyone able to post the article here from the Bulletin?
  13. I went on it prior to the loop installation back in 2010. Very fast launch and not the smoothest ride or take off.
  14. I was only reading about Oceana Water park last week and updates with the slides and stuff. Looked awesome and now this.... This is really sad. Hope no one was injured. Hopefully they re-build it all.
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