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Everything posted by Jaggie

  1. Drove past at 12:30 today and Zodiac was not going, and was in the same position as it was at 8:30 this morning. What happened to it today?
  2. We all know that Luna Park Sydney is opening in March. though one thing we dont know for sure is what market they are going to attack? If they were to go and attack Wonderland's market at it's present state, they would have to go in with a 10 foot pole. And the reason for this- Because they have no major rides that pull people into theme/ amusement parks. What rides do you think Luna Park Sydney should invest in over the next few years to be a threat to Wonderland and be realistic, because you all know what those neighbours of the park are like.
  3. Hasn't been a post in these forums since the 30th of November, wierd? What has been happening up at Dreamworld over the last month, surely something, the Tomb Raider attraction hows that coming along, any other Christmas entertainment/shows lined up? Comon park regulars like Slick any exciting news up there in Coomera?
  4. Man, why wouldn't you be pushin people out of the way to operate the Zodiac, i mean as a lunchtime surprise you can hear the whole of the Magic Show everyday! Now arne't you lucky!
  5. So sorry Bussy That litle friend is my brother and yes i was videoing the new lions actually. Next time why dont you give me a wave and i might wave back?? Interesting We all know who you are- Who is we?
  6. K well im in a scanning mood getting ready for my new website, so while i'm at it why dont i scan my new wonderpass up? Notice that the photo will be blocked out because i dont want every women, man and child to see who i am. As you can see thanks to 10-4 Jaguar Racing Team is that they still have the beastie on there with the name plastered on it "The Beastie" False advertising i say!
  7. Lol at your posts, yes well most proably or have been on Dreamland for to long
  8. I said that i took back the carnival ride thing because the person that told me this also said they were building a new major ride last year.
  9. Yup $49.95 for adults and $33 for concession and kids etc... At least they've got the new lion cubs this time to warrant for the price rise. Before they were having price hikes and taking rides out..... My source, is not reliable, i was bull****ting with you, they just work at an unamed food outlet within Wonderland. I heard though thruthfully that they are putting an exotic animal exhinbit in somehwere, because speaking to the Lion keepers Jon and Liz they said in 3 or 4 months the lions will be to big for the current enclousre and they will have to move, meaning wonderland will yet again build......! Man what has the world come to Wonderland Building I answerd your question now Danny Mcfanny
  10. Well i could sit around all day thinking up **** that wonderland might do, but why bother, cause nuffins ever gonna happen in the rides department around that place for another 2 years at least till their 20th birthday....
  11. My on material that's easy i can make up rumors about the place... :shock:
  12. That's what i was just told, by an unamed person. Danny Fanny you dolt :twisted:
  13. Yer, carnival ride, although what i was told yesterday by an unamed person excited me, they were going to completely revamp the whole area and build an exotic animal exhibit which i would say would be for the lions.
  14. Good to hear about the park Liam, im heading of to WLS tomorrow. Anyway I would love to meet up with you Richard, would be great fun, to welcome you to a park that we call our 'home' park. Tell us some dates and i'll reserve those days if you end up coming.
  15. Looks like i'll be down Wonderland tomorrow making a scene in guest relations because i didn't get mine, last time this happened because they hads my wrong adress i asked them to change it 3 times and tomorrow i will stand there until they make the changes on the computer!
  16. Flea, i mean like advertising, not a new ride, that would be stupid i agree. They would have to let every Sydney-sider know they were closing so that it would draw big crowds and they would make some decent money for the last month.
  17. Well let me say this, why would Wonderland close, without going out with a big bang, i mean making it public knowledge and then people would come from all over to get one last taste of Wonderland. Now Joz you obviously dont know, how much work, without adding new attractions they've put into the place. It looks great now and hopefully can only get better, is that just a statement you made or do you know something?
  18. Joz, you tell me, the would rake in enough there to build a major thrill ride every two years, but i have no idea where the money goes, the beach refurb, 1 million my arse and thats about all they've done. Next year they hoepfully will surprise me..............................
  19. Well Dreamworld would want to have cleanest park and best rides going for it cos it's got nothing else on it's side. True true Danny Fanny wonderland could be good but they dont want to be good. Cood be best in Australia bu seems they can't be bothered, blowing their attraction budget with new garbage bins and new food items.
  20. Pretty sad to think, but hey the poll might be ranking the best fire 'wood' and the **** state ive been told Beastie to be in, probably makes sense, see people who spend their time on the computer are smarter than we thought :shock:
  21. The Beastie is only 6 places behind Bushy beast! It probably is operating more times than the Bush Beast lately!
  22. Sorry mate meant Transalvania, wasnt thinking when i typed that. This new thing that they are closing the path for is this the parade or something that has been announced or some surprise they are keeping for the holidays?
  23. Hey guys, Got back from Wonderland yesterday and was so tired that i didn't feel like posting. Anyway i will now tell you some of the new things that were there this weekend, - Liam will know this one- You know when you first enter goldrush there was those green poles and i said they will put a sign of some kind up there, well they have, there is a Spiderman painted climbing a skyscraper. Looks good. - Down the road to the beach where the Sundown theartre is there is a big white tent that they have constructed, this after i asked a few people will be used for xmas functions. - Saturday nights, Snowy River Rampage and Bush Beast will close at 8pm - The lion cage is no different really from last week, - The quick pathway from transilvania down to Goldrush has been closed off and there is scafolding around the action arena probably prepairing for the new Marvel show to hit at Xmas, - And the news you all have been awaiting........................ THE RED TRAIN IS BACK! Yes i rode the red train for the first time first ride yesterday and i must say that it feels alot more solid than the yellow one. The ride op there also told me that they were doing to the yellow train what they did to the red, but in alot shorter time and they will have two train operation in time for the school holidays!
  24. Man, saw this on the news on 7 and then switched to nine to see their story. Poor Movieworld, hopefully they'll get it up by xmas, Rabid, how was the atmosphere at the park today?
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