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Everything posted by Jaggie

  1. Wet and cold walking down to check my mailbox i stumbled upon a letter from wonderland? odd haven't got one for 3 months. I opened it excited and discovered that it was the winter edition of their wonderblast newsletter! Excited about any announcements i quickly flicked through and there was nothing. Anyway it explained about 'Super Hero Headquarters' "Come and see the all new and exclusive Super Hero Merchandise at the 'Super Hero Headquarters' at wonderland sydney. This is your only chance to purchase these fantastic products, and see the marvel themed retail plaza- a shopping experience you'll always remember. There was also other stuff about the school holiday entertainment- hulk promo and dare to be a daredevil planet x extreme thing. Anyone who is a wonderpass holder should get this or should already have it. Look out for it!
  2. Well on the way home today it was about 5:15 i heard an ad on triple m radio about wonderland. They have yet another promo these school holidays! 'Dare to be a daredevil' There will be moto x jumps (bikes) and entertainment and music. Also every guest that enters will recieve a free scratchie which you can then win 'awesome' prizes. Starts 5th of July which is this saturday! Should be sweet!
  3. oops sorry guys forgot to add the map show where the digging is going on
  4. Hey guys went to the park today (my usual weekly visit) and there were many things that had changed from the previous week. - Next to the beach area which i will outline on a map, everything has been cleared and it is a fairly big space--- here is map the blue it what has been cleared below is the map - little monsters flying school is just closed for refurbishment - there is also alot of other land clearing going on and i was informed by a staff member that it wasnt for the business park it was for the theme park! - Billy was there again- funny guy and he was happy and showed me the letter u sent flea and i said expect mine tomorrow he was so happy! - went on the space probe today many times and the tower was swaying up the top! freaky feeling Ride count from 11-3:30 Demon- 15 Space Probe- 18 Bush Beast- 3 Bounty- 1 (couldnt stand anymore of it) i am happy to answer any other questions about the park and can take photos on request
  5. I was just wondering if anyone knows what the names of the songs are that are played around wonderland including the artist? Thanks
  6. mack rides are at wonderland one of em as far as i know the old time just like the ampol great race vintage cars addy-http://www.mack-rides.com/eng/asp/katalog.asp then goto people movers then old timer
  7. k lol he says that a banana factory is being built over where the carparks are and he was being truthful
  8. yes i think i was were you there when billy was singing
  9. well the thing is i didnt know it was you. I thought it could have been and i thought that you know billy well and him saying "hey liam" i thought well a person that just come on a one off wouldnt be known by staff. But i still wasnt sure. Next time ill say hello. It wasnt till i got home and read this that it said billy said that over the loud speaker i remembered that it was u lol
  10. hey flea/liam i finally have seen you lol i was there when billy said hey liam i was in the back carrige a group of 4 girls and 2 guys i was one of the guys billy is so cool ey... he has alot of enthusiasm and all staff should be fun like him. btw 3 of my friends bought wonderpasses k back to news... did you see all those trees cleared over just before you gwt into the carpark??? looks interesting. Anyways im tired tonight ill post more tomorrow about happenings at wonderland
  11. i dont know about much of the history of wonderland but ill have a stab at what i think i know [aka not much] i thought that the relation that paramount had with the park was that some of the rides eg. zodiac came from paramounts king domain park and some of their other parks. These rides i think were bought by another company and paramount jontly owned the park. that's all the history i know i dont know if its true or not
  12. ok guys some people are really going to be dissapointed here....... i rang the park and the sign means that we are getting a new............... area in the main plaza (aka gift shop at entry) it will have all marvel toys, dvd's etc.......... that area of the shop is now cleared out and that's what we all got excited over. I must say that i am vey dissapointed i dont know about you guys. Also thunder 001 has wls sent you the email back yet concerning the information that you have about the 'new attraction by christmas' ? sorry to break this sad news to you people but it's better than us all being dissapointed at a later date closer to september 27th i will keep you updated on this new area in the shop..
  13. sure wonderland might have been going to build a new ride or land or something but it wasnt displayed to the public like this sign is. That's why i believe that this could be the real thing. On another note that bungee jump attraction was going to be called 'drop by' but i heard that it never went through with because of the danger involved and the training of the staff to use it.
  14. yer sorry richard i was going to take a photo but i had no film left i was to busy taking shots of the park and i was going to take a shot on the wayout and had no film left so next week.
  15. ok then it was that there was a guy behind me in the wonderpass line that looked like you on your space probe photo.
  16. Well i went for another visit to wonderland today and i walked into the main plaza. There was an area over the far side and i saw a poster on it. Curious i walked over for a look and the sign said exactly this "Super Hero Headquarters" Opens September 27th The poster had the wonderland logo and all the marvel superheros around it. All day i was excited. It got me thinking that we may have a new land or even the start of a new land by that date. ON another note Flea were you at the park today because i think i saw you.
  17. Yer hey flea The lady at my box office thingy where you get the tickets said its been packed all weekend. I did see the sp with no cover looks sweet! Did you get or see any of the 'kids passport to fun' things. You get stamps and when you get 19 you get a free hat and marvel poster. All staff were happy it's amazing. Last week i went there and it was a mess staff were ****ty and no1 was there this week its like a brand new park with new owners! Congratulations wonderland on this queens birthday public holidays everything was great!
  18. Well i was at the park today and it was packed never seen it as busy as it was. I will do a full trip report on changes, promos and staff word on new rides. Stay tuned
  19. hey guys im finally back in the forums posting yay! I can keep everyone updated on this issue every week as i try and get down there every week wether its 2 hours or a full day. So i will update any new stuff every monday. All sounds exciting cant wait till something happens!
  20. Hello all in this thread i will update it of any new things when i goto wonderland. First of all the last ride (except the beastie) has been moved out of Little Wonders Land (hanna Barbera) and opened up somewhere else in the park. It has been put in where the Skyhawk a.k.a Parachutes at the beggining of goldrush were. The money machine was running and it is fairly good. Wonderland is doing the money machine these holidays which is the biggest promotion of any australian theme park. Incredible Hulk, Daredevil, Spiderman are now appearing in the park. Thos big stuffed toys from the sideshoes are now being sold. First day of the holidays went there and they were going for $50 with a free sideshow, now they are only $35 The Bounty's Revenge has reopened and has a nice new paint job aswell. And some little things that dont matter at all such as a new bridge that goes over the river created by the space probe waterfall and new signs around the place for coca cola and the park. I also noticed when i was on the space probe that where i said the site office was there is now piles of bricks around 10 blocks so that would be 1000 bricks i think. Anyways until next time that is another wonderland update.
  21. Guys the action man show has now finsihed forever. The action man logo on the back of the theater have been painted over so i think the contract has expired.
  22. Well is was at wonderland last sunday and i saw something out of the corner of my eye while i was on the zodiac. In one of the car parks (that isnt being used) not the one that has the business park proposed to be built on it had a white site office. I asked an atenednt and they said that you just wait till christmas. Im excited!!!!! Ill get a photo next weekend for ya's and ill be taking more photos of everything else so i can put em in the album. Also someone posted in the forums that there was all netting and construction gates around the 2 sideshows down the bottom of goldrush near the bush beast, well the gates are gone now and does everyone know where the platforms are you walk on to get to the sideshow? Well they are gone. so there you have it
  23. k yer the day the demon was out of order i was there during the day. It got stuck on the second hill before it goes backwards and they had to winch it down to get the pople out. I was once stuck in the zodiac. I run up for the first ride (dont know why) AND I HOPED ON IT JUST ME AND MY BRO IN SEPERATE CARRIGES AND it got up and all of a sudden stopped. The lady was on the ground screaming are you alright etc..... 20 mins later a truck turns up. 2 guys hop out the lady is still asking that we are alright. 30 mins later we were on the ground.
  24. lol yer i went with my friends last weekend and they were so impressed they bought a wonderpass anyways i had to bet my bank accoiunt on that the probe wasnt scary. And what happened they loved it. I always go on it 10 times + depending on lines. Once on a weekday i did 28 times in a day. I had to stop cause my parents were going off at me on the phone cause it might hurt me lol
  25. well about the wizards fury yes it was pulled out becuase the staff told me it was to old and too noisy. yer what do u guys mean by overhang maybe a little diagram to explain if you dont mind
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