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Everything posted by Jaggie

  1. Well, put aside all those rumors about Jamberoo closing, I got it straight from the managers mouth on Saturday. 8million is being spent to build 2 new attractions which will start construction when the park closes for the season (May 1st) and will open when it reopens in September. 1st ride- The Wet Races boats will be removed and a 5000 people capacity wave pool will be built. 2nd ride- A Mamoth Falls type ride will be built which will utilise the hilly terrain of the park. This is 100% confirmed, any questions feel free to ask me, newspaper article coming soon when i track it down.
  2. Hmmm... I have heard nothing, and i keep in close contact with the Jamberoo owners and management team, Jim and Dax Eddy. They have just been through an extensive marketing campaign, rebuilt the park image, commisioned 2 new rides for this christmas and had the best holiday period ever in the parks history last christmas with visitor numbers up 150%. I'll only treat this as a rumor but i will try and contact and confirm or deny what coasterfreak has said.
  3. Wonderbuzz, i click yes and it wont download, can u help me out, cheers
  4. Troy, i was a regular at the park every weekend with my brother, i do recall a Troy that worked on Probe and Demon and sometimes bounty's is that you?
  5. Hey Guys, Decided that now im on holidays i should pull out all my old Wonderland merchandise and video collection. I came across my video camera that has 9 tapes full of wonderland footage, in total there would be at least 8 hours in total of Wonderland, but that's where the problem comes in... The camera connects to the computer and can only aqquire photos to upload not the videos, has anyone got any suggestions of how i can upload the video to the computer? Help would be greatly appreciated, and in the end if i do get the footage up a nice long 20minute wonderland video will be coming your way.. thanks
  6. I was reading the Daily Telegraph Today and came across this... He spies with his little eye By IAN LOVETT December 15, 2004 PATRICK de Saint Simon's the name, spying's the game. Unnoticed among the tourists flocking to Sydney, the mild-mannered Frenchman is on a mission – to investigate Sydney's suitability as the next site for Spyland. So far there are only two Spylands, one in France the other in Dubai. Both are in their early stages of development. However, if Mr de Saint Simon has his way, one day they will be common as Disneylands. "Sydney would be an ideal third location for the next Spyland," Mr de Saint Simon said, though he confessed he had yet to check out Wonderland. So what is Spyland? In hushed tones, Spyland project manager de Saint Simon let me in on the secret. "Spylands is a theme park telling the worldwide history of spies and the secret service. It is the brainchild of former secret service agents who wanted to build a museum to tell the stories of their comrades and predecessors," he said. That was eight years ago, and since them "we have developed the idea into an intereactive theme park where people actually learn about secret agent real actions across the world and their role in major world events from the reign of King Louis XIV to the present". Like all theme parks, Spylands also have the usual array of rides and themed restaurants. Asked if Sydney's Spyland would have a replay of the sinking of Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Auckland Harbour by the French secret service, Mr de Saint Simon, responded with a diplomatic no comment. The Frenchman is also here to put the bite on business for money to finance Spyland http://dailytelegraph.news.com.au/story.js...storyid=2384282 What do we all think??
  7. I drove past Wonderland at around 3:30 on the way home from Westfields and Paramatta, and i couldn't notice any differnece to the bush beast structure at all. I was all still intact and there was no sign whatsoever of fire damage. I also know for a fact that the bush beast is not under any danger from fire because it is sprayed with something that prevents that from happening. I could however have been the station that was on fire, or the grassland around it or in the middle of the track.
  8. Demon is being dismantled the corksrew was taken down tonight, i sat just on the side of the M4 to take a look, i will have photos tomorrow. It will be gone by weeks end at this rate, will be strange not seeing the big black towers not standing there again.
  9. Well he was very friendly with the staff at Wonderland, but once it got ut of a hand with him stalking a certain female staff member... I wont say much more because that certain female i believe reads these forums...
  10. Lol good old kev, He was one of the mascots of wonderland and yes he was a funny guy. I still see him at Luna Park every so often but god knows how someone can spend that many days a week at Luna Park. There was a problem with him stalking staff ey Buss? And lets not forget his 2 little toys that he would hold up in his hands on the Bush Beast. Good old Kev
  11. Well Guys Jamberoo now NSW's Number 1 Theme Park has given their image a lift and look set to tackle the people who will no longer visit Wonderland. Check out www.jamberoo.net and have a look around and you will be pleasently surprised of how they have reinvented themselves...
  12. Tassy Devil is all around the country in pieces Dragon's Flight and the Merry Go Round are over at Sunway Lagoon in containers
  13. Hey, If anyone has any Wonderland merchandise from any time period in the parks life, i am searching for some. Memrobilia from flags to logos anything that has wonderland sydney, or australia's wonderland on it i will buy (if you want to sell of course) note that i am not definately going to buy anything you show me but probably will. Got a nice little budget aswell, send me a PM, post here or email me @ rideaustralia@yahoo.com.au Cheers ozthrills.com
  14. September 18 the same day as Dreamworld's ride. It was supposed to be an attraction for last christmas butnwas late because of rain and pushed foward to this year. Jamberoo are looking at another possible christmas attraction my source says should i say ex-wonderland...
  15. Lol yeah buss it was me, late night trading if i remember correctly the lines were to big for everything else. I also asked for the turbo on demon with my friends... U always trying to hide from me at Wonderland..... how fun were those weekends i used to spen down there
  16. Could be $10 but they said that they would refund "the outstanding time" left on the card...
  17. I put in for mine and should have recieved half of what i payed because i only had my new pass for a little under 6 months, though haven't recieved anything yet. I have contacted fair trading and see where it goes from there. If i guess correctly Mary in the Guest Relations office said i should recieve about $75...
  18. Arnie, good luck with the new site....
  19. Sorry to burst your bubble guys but Wonderland is definately got no chance of being revived now... Check out this story by the Sydney Morning Herald pretty much saying that ING got it re-zoned and they are happy that they can build their industrial estate on the theme park. Check the story out here- http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2004/07/06/...l?oneclick=true
  20. Wonderland Sydney's sister park Sunway lagoon in Maylasia is advertising Marvel Super Hero's in the park. What a coinsedence with all the merchandise, costumes and sets Wonderland had. Your favorite Marvel™ characters are no longer just drawings on paper. Head over to Sunway Lagoon and see them 'live'! Watch in wonder as student turned crime fighter, Spider Man™ spins his web of wonder in the Wild Wild West, World of Adventure and Waters of Africa. With his arachnid-like powers and amazing abilities, you will be enthralled by his agility and speed as he roams around the theme park. There are more huge surprises in store for you at Malaysia's premier theme park. Catch the green giant, the Incredible Hulk™ as he ploughs his way around the park meeting and greeting visitors from all over. Come and meet one of the most powerful men to ever walk the earth! Of course, the fun is never complete without the character from X-Men™ - Wolverine™. Wolverine™ has always been the rebel with his devil-may-care attitude. With his heightened senses and razor-sharp claws, he lives on his own terms. He is the deadliest mutant on the face of the earth. With the good guys, comes the villain - the Green Goblin™. Formidable and resourceful, he will go to great lengths to get rid of Spider Man, his arch-enemy. Will there be a battle at Sunway Lagoon? Come, meet and greet your favourite Marvel characters and have your photographs exclusively taken with them, only at Sunway Lagoon! On top of that, you can now get an assortment of official Marvel merchandise from the retail outlets - backpacks, t-shirts for adults and children, tumblers for the little ones, Frisbees, caps, beach towels, yo-yos and a whole lot more. The introduction of these characters re-emphasizes Sunway Lagoon's commitment to providing fun and world class entertainment to families.
  21. Could Wonderland have closed it's doors, only to restructure and get rid of the problems, like loads of Wonderpass holders, staff, management etc... and start fresh because it seems that some of this stuff may be true, talking to some ex-staff.
  22. Guys lets make sure we dont make up any 'shifty' rumors to look good, and every single rumor posted in here has a source behind it, so there's no crap that some people may get excited about only to find out that the person is just mucking around.
  23. Zordmaker- Do you want to get in contact with me about the website, i would be extremely intrested and have some contacts in local and federal governent through my father that could try and save it. My email is scream@ozthrills.com send me an email a.s.a.p and we will tkae it further from there. I would be able to provide web software including hosting and online petitions so it's worth a try. Cheers
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