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Everything posted by Reanimated35

  1. Since everyone else has been posting pics of it, here's some more DD shots from today. (These are obviously hugely cropped and scaled down as I don't want the high res shots ending up on some random's FB page)
  2. I'm not entirely sure where it was posted, but it's on the forum somewhere.
  3. CBF scrolling back to find it, but I know that's been posted before
  4. IMO that would be because the US parks have the money to throw at a bunch of stuff at once and get them all confirmed. It wouldn't surprise me if all our parks had attractions lined up for the next 5-10 years but change the plans every month when something pops up unexpectedly and pushes the budget out a bit. We'd probably be hearing about a new coaster in 2020 or something if they were able to confirm it was going ahead. Look what happened when Sea World tried to advertise 'wild' too early.
  5. @Theme Park Girl Shit. I actually took some photos of that yesterday but forgot to show you haha
  6. Think of it more like Australia's internet, it gets the job done, but there's always something better on the market or just around the corner. In saying that, the AvP kits weren't actually that bad compared to some other places.
  7. Now what if you "accidentally" left this "project list" on a table, and just happened to "accidentally" take a photo of it, then by some amazing coincidence just happened to "accidentally" send me said photo.......
  8. I'd read that as "it's M9's thing" so why should they compete with themselves. As in, why pay for M9 if you have a dreamworld pass and can do it for free while you're doing a bunch of other fun stuff?
  9. Unfortunately I don't sorry. I didn't get out there early enough today to see it before it filled. I'm pretty sure though that in the photos on the Parkz profile for the rapids it has some "dry" photos.
  10. Only took 478 photos today, but I'll start with something that I was most curious about. We've seen the rails that were added to the rapids, but we were yet to see a clear shot of the other additions. So here's the preventatives that stop the rafts floating into the reservoir as well as the anti-rollback devices on the chain. Simple, yet effective. And a question, @The Original Belinda Brown What did you guys do to the stage? It all looks normal again but the other day photos showed it sanded right back.
  11. Tot still closed. Got photos of the additions to the rapids for you instead
  12. I would have thought vinyl given the curved edges, but not sure. Are those silver things lights or screws?
  13. Is a vinyl wrap that lets water pool on it now more grippy though?
  14. Much easier to move large items around when there's no facades restricting the movements.
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