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About tolly1804

  • Birthday April 18

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    Water Skiing
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    Storm - Wet 'n Wild

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  1. Does anyone have an update on the additional benefits being advertised with the membership?
  2. I just got back from Singapore and loved the city. I would recommend looking on Airbnb.com for accommodation. We also splashed out and stayed at Marina Bay Sands on our last night (they have shuttles to the airport, and access to the sky garden) When we arrived we went out to the night safari (we took the SAEx transfers for $4.50 each way), on our second day we went out to Universal Studio's (free shuttle bus for tourists, check their website), after Universal we got an evening "play pass" and rode the cable car, went luging and saw Songs of the Sea (rofl). The following day we went shopping (Bugis Street has a massive amount of stalls at cheap prices), on our final day we savored the casino and hotel. We also checked out Chinatown (be aware it's very comercialised) before returning to the hotel and taking a shuttle out to the Airport. Keep in mind Changi is on of the best airports in the world so dont be afraid to spend a bit of time there (duty free grog is the cheapest you will find), and the MRT (subway) is super easy to use
  3. I was at the Pyjamas in the park last night and we had a special screening of "Illuminate 2010" :/
  4. He has come up from Bridge Climb Sydney and is an old Wonderland Executive. He said in all its years of operation that Wonderland never made a profit. The new attraction where avalanche is now will be for both kids and teens apparently... something along the lines of you pick your own ride. In regards to his comments about the mistakes he said that they had a period of under investment 3-4 years ago. He also mentioned that their beef patties were only 30% beef, however they are in the process of rolling out 100% beef :-) He also said they have been spending a bit upgrading the back of house, with new kitchens in their main food service areas.
  5. I went to a presentation by Todd Coates yesterday at Skypoint and some key points arose: -Wiggles World is getting a new ride -Avalanche will close down after the July holidays and a new ride will take its place (one that has a mild and wilder ride setting, for both kids and teens) in the Po's Garden area -He admitted that Dreamworld slackened off a couple of years ago -Passholders will be able to attend special Big Brother Events for free -Illumination is back for the Holidays
  6. Did anyone see the article on page 8 of the Gold Coast Bulletin today? It had a couple of comments from Tony Lines (from VRTP HR) who commented that interactive 3D attractions have experienced massive growth and demand internationally, and that this technology should be coming to our shores shortly.
  7. It's a shame to see it go, It was a good fun ride, if a little short, but I am excited to see what Universal will bring in next. Shame it went before Fear Factor live.
  8. Superman Escape has even made it to millions of years in the past! Check out the next episode of Terra Nova
  9. They seemed to be testing the lights when I drove past last night. Looked pretty good from the Highway.
  10. The new pass options include: Super Pass: 28 days all three parks for $129.99 Escape Pass: 14 days to two parks for $99.99 Local Summer: Unltd entry for all three till Feb 28 for $99.99 So no more VIP this year
  11. Currumbin is also offering adults at kids prices trough tickemates and experienceoz.com.au I've been a couple of times, and the ones at Tamborine are more advanced, but the ones at Currumbin are good fun. I would highly recommend both. Laser tag at Adventure Parc is good fun as well.
  12. To touch on the locker thing, when a locker is mandatory for a ride, it should be free, as in Universal Studios. They work on a time system based on the wait time, should it be 30 min wait, the locker hire is free for 40 min, should the wait be 60 min, the locker hire is free for 80 min. I enjoyed this and it made me feel like they cared for me a bit more then parks that charge for every last thing.
  13. It would be interesting if Paramount was involved, looking at their recent activity?
  14. I love how they seem to grab the best parts of both Disney and Universal for this Park, Should be a real scoop for Spain. Parque Warner will need to lift its game to remain valid competition!
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