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Everything posted by T-Rex
I know that. I'm just giving some ideas on how LPS could be improved. I just suppose that if Tango Train would be scrapped, then another ride could replace it: either one of LPS's permanent rides, or a potential future ride. Anyway, I was also thinking of another good place for the kiddy rides to be relocated.
That's just sad to hear. So that means that the Tango Train would probably be dead?
No. Why?
Hold on, I just had a thought. Would the LPS kiddy rides fit in that spot between the Wild Mouse and Crystal Palace? I just had the feeling that a KMG Inversion would still be too big for that space. Now that I think about it, because the Tango Train has been under maintenance for a very long time (even longer than Flying Saucer), it will probably be a matter of time before it becomes fully defunct. Maybe they should scrap it and relocate one of their current rides or put a newer ride there.
Really? I hadn't thought of that. Talk about weird. I mean, don't most amusement parks have the sort that I'm describing, particularly a water park? With what Gazza told me, I thought maybe it's best that they start with a water park, and then once they have enough money, start constructing a standard amusement park.
I dunno about scrapping the Tango Train. I do like the ride to an extent, but if they're taking a long time to finish repairing, I must say why they should bother. It never took THAT long for them to repair the Flying Saucer when it was under maintenance last year. When I asked about the Tango Train months ago, Neb said "it will be finished in 4 weeks". Maybe they should get rid of it and replace it with a better ride. Like I say, if things take longer than expected to finish, it probably would never see the light of day. Talking about a ride to replace the Tango Train would be better discussed at the Ideas for Luna Park Sydney section.
Oh yeah, I have heard of that new attraction. It's in the Royal Adelaide Show at the moment. Would be cool if LPS could have it for this Spring holidays, or maybe the Summer holidays. If they don't, I hope it would be someday in the future. Right now, I'm super-psyched to ride it in 2010's Sydney Royal Easter Show. BTW, I've found its dimensions: 14.4 x 11m. It could fit in Maloney's Corner like you said. Only problem is that it is owned by Goldenway Amusements. If LPS wants its very own KMG Inversion, it would be better for them to contact the company. What rides would fit in that space between Wild Mouse and the Crystal Palace? We saw Shockwave before, and Rockin' Tug gets placed in that spot sometimes. That's the spot where I originally thought a KMG Inversion could be placed.
Alright! I've checked out Rides Database, and managed to yield some fruit (dimensions of the rides I would like to see as permanent in LPS). Chance Chaos = 15.04 x 18.29m Chance Zipper = 17.1 x 16.2m Unfortunately, they don't have any info on the dimensions of a Huss Rainbow or KMG Inversion. I've searched all around the Internet, but still no luck. Hope someone could shed some info. We already know the dimensions of the Maurer Sohne XC2000 rollercoaster and KMG Move It 24, so I didn't need to put in that info when it's there already.
Not exactly. The Tilt-a-Whirl functions very differently from the Tango Train. The cars in the Tilt-a-Whirl spin around, like the Breakdance. In this ride however, the cars all run in a straight line while running round a wavy track forwards, then backwards. Really intense, cause the ride goes REAL fast. Another variant of the Tango Train (Musik Express) is the Chance Matterhorn. Very similar, except that the cars can swing while running around forwards then backwards.
When I said a themed ride, what I meant is a ride that offers an experience, you know, like a haunted house, ghost train. That's what I really meant. I also thought that water parks cost more money than regular amusement parks. Didn't know that it's the other way around.
A future theme park for Southwest Sydney? Hmmm, that sounds like a swell idea (considering that I live close to Camden ). Sydney truly deserves an amusement park that isn't as big as Wonderland Sydney, but at least bigger than Luna Park Sydney. I do like LPS, but it doesn't have as much rides as it used to back in 1995, which is a pity, really. If I can, I do have some suggestions: A themed water park sounds fabulous, but maybe we could have some diversity. How about that one area has water rides, while the other is your basic carnival-styled park filled with rides (rollercoasters, flat rides, etc.) The Waterpark area could have those well-known rides (log-flumes, river caves, etc), including a swimming pool, and a themed cafe. The carnival will have let's say at least two rollercoasters manufactured by either Intamin or B&M. There must be variety of the steel coasters and the woodies. It should have some flat rides we never had, and at least a couple of our favourites. I would highly recommend the rides manufactured by Huss and KMG. A brief layout of rides from these manufacturers. Huss: Enterprise, Top Spin, Breakdance, Frisbee, and Rainbow (perhaps one that is on sale, maybe?) KMG: Dominator, Freak Out, and maybe a couple more rides from them (anybody know some?) The carnival will also have the traditional rides, which includes dodgems, a Ferris Wheel, and kiddie rides. Maybe we could also throw in a themed ride too. That's as much as I could think of (hope it sounds feasible). BTW, I also forgot to say that it should have all the stuff anyone would find in a carnival like game, food stands, and all that stuff. That's about it, I gues...
I'm 100% with this petition. It's time for Australia to have its first B&M coaster. Besides, it's unfortunate that we don't have many good rollercoasters, yet unfair how the US has so many of them (especially their amusement park Cedar Point). For Australia to have its first B&M coaster, I'll say yes.
Whoa! A blackout in LPS?!? Bet many of the riders got freaked out. Good thing the rides still keep them inside, especially the Ranger and Flying Saucer since they're caged. At least I wasn't there when it happened.
They've got a Huss Enterprise there, don't they?
Wow! It's been almost 2 months and no one has posted anything since then! o_O BTW, I hope that LPS finishes their maintenance on the Tango Train soon.
Okay, cool. Thanks for finding that out. I've forgotten that you've posted the Maurer Sohne coaster's dimensions. Now if only someone knows the dimensions of the other 3 rides. I don't care if their manufacturers stopped making them, I just want to know what their dimensions are.
Okay then, this will be a good help. Fellow members of Parkz Forums, I'm not good at determining space and dimensions, so I would like you guys to help me find out the dimensions of the following rides: - Huss Rainbow - KMG Claw (Move It 24) - Chance Chaos - Chance Zipper - Maurer Sohne XC2000 rollercoaster Good luck in your research.
Okay, now I'm thinking, would a Zipper fit in the spot between the Wild Mouse and the Crystal Palace? A Rainbow and the Ranger may seem too big to fit in there, so that's what I'm thinking right now.
Neb, I find it strange that the Ranger won't fit in that space between the Wild Mouse and Crystal Palace, because I remembered that LPS once had the Shockwave (or was it the Hangover?) as a temporary ride placed in that spot, and its a double-armed Ranger. If that's the case, then are the footprints of double-armed Rangers smaller than a standard Huss Ranger? If you think the Ranger is too big, then what would fit there, a Rainbow or a Zipper? So Dragon's Rage isn't a good name for a Maurer Sohne coaster? All I could think of is that and Big Dipper 3, and no one thought that was a good name either. How about I leave you and everyone else in Park Forums to come up with a good name for LPS's future rollercoaster? Hey wondercam, much as I want to see more rides in LPS, maybe Coney Island could do with more indoor attractions. Honestly, I'm not really sure what they could do to improve Coney Island, other than making the arcade section a bit bigger, and I think future indoor rides would have to be in the same old-timey style like all the other rides in Coney Island.
My thoughts: Putting the kids rides with the Tumblebug doesn't seem like a bad idea, but adding a Huss Booster? Definitely no. Gazza's gonna agree with this, cause the Booster is just a souped-up Breakdance. Do we really need that since we have the Spider? Now I agree with moving the Ranger to that spot where the simulator used to be, but what would be better there? The Ranger or a Rainbow? One ride could be in the midway while the other in Maloney's Corner. Good to know someone wants a Rainbow, Zipper, Chaos and the Claw in LPS. LPS really needs another coaster apart from Wild Mouse. I definitely think we should have a themed Maurer Sohne/Xtended SC 2000 coaster (I'd like it to be called Dragon's Rage) placed in Maloney's Corner. My thoughts were to move the Spider to another spot in Maloney's Corner to make room for Dragon's Rage. Suggestion of the Ranger and Rainbow was already mentioned above. That would also ensure a spot for the new rollercoaster. Then we have additonal spots for three more rides. If there's still more room, I would ask for a drop tower ride. Overall, I agree to some of your suggestions, but not entirely all of it because it will be too cramped and not enough space indeed. I don't know about mine, though. Anyway, good to know someone wants to see the Rainbow, Zipper, Chaos and Claw in LPS. If the residents are gonna start protesting because of those future additions, well I've got three words for them: Live with it.
Okay, maybe I was wrong to say that I would choose the Chaos over the Zipper because its not that rough. As I will repeat, I would like to see both rides in LPS. Frankly, I never ridden those two rides, and I would like to do so. Concerning the Tumble Bug, I thought its old spot near the entrance was better, but then, than means that the Rotor will have to be relocated to another spot.
What would you do if 'you' owned or managed DW?
T-Rex replied to skystar_a320's topic in Theme Park Discussion
Never thought 4th dimension coasters could be so expensive! Better to steer clear of them in that case. With a B&M coaster, they should just have it as a regular coaster. Not floorless, inverted, or even stand-up, just your basic sit-down B&M rollercoaster. -
I don't think I'm with demolishing the Tumblebug because it is a pretty good ride in a way, though relocating it the Dodgems may not be a bad idea (only question is where would be the ideal locations for those two rides). With all that huge space, there might be room for a small coaster. Being both manufactured by Chance, the Chaos and Zipper are fairly similar in the sense that the cars flip up and down. I'd rather see both of them being permanent rides in the park. I guess I would choose Chaos over the Zipper if there is a choice for either one, because although the Zipper looks more fun than Chaos, there will be too much headbanging involved. If nobody wants a Dominator as a Midway ride, then we could have a Zipper instead while having the Chaos in Maloney's Corner. Besides, this is just to save the one we got and the Claw from being sold to another country. Probably not, but river cave and ghost train rides take substantial space anyway.
River caves and ghost train rides are not bad in my opinion, but are somewhat tame compared to rollercoasters since they have some of those adrenalin rushing features (high-speed hill drops, helixes, inversions, etc). Even flat rides have that too, though their functions are repetative. But that doesn't make them boring because I as well as some riders enjoy being spun around or propelled upsidedown for multiple rounds. Though river caves and ghost trains are fun to some extent, they don't have the air time and g force sensations that both rollercoasters and flat rides have in common. If there is a chance to revive a River cave and ghost train ride, then I think it would be a job for LPM. Flat rides can be cheap depending on how well they are designed. The rides manufactured by Huss and KMG are high-quality rides, so although most of their rides are transportable, that doesn't mean that they're cheap or bad rides. The thrills that the Huss and KMG rides offer are just close enough to rollercoasters in my opinion. Zamperla does make some good rides, but most of them seem to be more children-friendly than intense thrill rides (although they have their Power Surge flat ride and Wild Mouse/Cat coasters). If the Disko Coaster is only a park model, then, I don't know what. I'm not really into Zamperla rides, honestly. I think a Maurer Sohne coaster is a really good choice, since it does seem to go a bit longer than the S&S Loco coaster. My other suggestions do seem to be somewhat feasible. We never had a single KMG ride staying in LPS (Speed and Music Trip were just temporary, and if they bring in Sky Walker, it will also be a temporary ride too). LPS would also show its true fandom for Huss rides if it adds a Rainbow (5th Huss ride), and we need to prevent the ex-travelling Chance Chaos and KMG Claw from being sold.
What would you do if 'you' owned or managed DW?
T-Rex replied to skystar_a320's topic in Theme Park Discussion
Apart from a B&M coaster, maybe they should have a 4th dimensional rollercoaster, like Six Flags Magic Mountain's X2 and Japan's Eejanaika (I hope I spelt the name of that coaster correctly).