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Everything posted by steve$

  1. I went for a surf at warriewood this morning and there was really nice swell's,especially down in that right corner. But Nth Narrabeen was huge,although where the surfers in the comp were wasnt as big as it was in the Flags. I went down to the comp for the final and just saw the Brazilian dude catch two really good waves which got him 18 poitns in total nearly from two waves in the same set. The other hawaiian guy couldnt get any decent waves,the brazilian guy was really lucky to ge tthe good set
  2. What is Hard Rock on your list? I love that ride after riding it at LPS yesterday
  3. Ok,now to part 2 After the Dominator and Tango we rode the Wild Mouse. I'm finally not terified of those corners at the top any more I took the digital camera on the ride and got some nice pictures of the harbour and the rest of the park. After the turns at the top that headchopper is killer;) I thought i was going to hit it and ducked,imagine how close someone 200cm tall would go to hitting it. But those last turns before the end are the worst of all,no trim brakes,no nothing I have one word for those turns a*s - snapping! Next Was Coney Island,which as usual wasnt operating the walkway with the moving floorboards etc. I have apsolutely classic photos of the cutouts which you put your head thorugh;) (see the attachemts)First in coney island was the barrels of fun !!. The line for this was soooo long by normal standards,it went al the way back to the cardboard cutouts! We still waited for it though. The funniest time of the entire day was this,my litte brother went into the barrels of fun,and he couldnt go through it,he fell voer straight away and coulnt get up,he struggled the whole way through and was about to get off but couldnt so the ride operator had to stop the ride. ....Next was the sldies,which were all open today. Often it is only one of them, either freefall or the bumpy slide,we rode all of them except freefall where the queue was way too long. No pictures of the slides because of bad light inside......The joy wheel( ??)was way too long wait and couldnt really be bothered to wait that long for something so minor,my brother oli and I walked the Donkey Walk thing a few times then we headed out back to Maloney's Corner,where the serious thrill riding would begin(and end:( )Everyone decided the the Huss Bremen 1800 Spider First(which is quite possibly the worst ride in the park rright now) Only one ride on that. Next was the most anticipated ride of our trip(me and oli's at least ) The Hard Rock which is positioned right on the other side of Ranger right behind the end of the train tracks,I didnt realise to a large enough extent how horrible Maloney's Corners' ride placement is. From the very top of the Spider queue you can see the end of the train lines surroudned by all this horrible barbed wire that comes with train lines and the fat (with a "ph") metal buffers to stop trains ploughing right into Hard Rock;) From the top of the Spider queue is the worst view aroudn the park i have ever seen. The back of Ranger with all it's trailer showing clearly,the hard rock surrounded by terrible high rise apartments and the train lines in all of their horror,plus the simulator has been moved right next to ranger. Dominator is where it is normally] Anyway,back to Hard Rock. We loaded in to out seats nervously as we waited for the ride to start. They were taking a long time every cycle to start it for some reason. The spinning of "the claw" as the ride started it swings were really good. I wish it had kept on spinnig later in the cycle because it very much just turned into your average pirate ship from there. The ride operator on this was so serious when he talked(ex-army no doubt )"Now this is the part of the ride where the most people chicken out,if you would like to chicken out raise you hand and i will let you out:rolleyes: Same thign said on Ranger too,it was actually the smae guy because we had gone to get something to eat in the cafe' aroudn the front of Coney Island. They had swapped. He said practically the same thing on Ranger "Because once the ride doors are locked there is no going back " A teenage girl asked him how long they could be held up top in Ranger and he replied with"any time from 5 to 29 seconds. He said his last cycle was held up for 28 secodns hanging:) Sir yes Sir! I dont actually if this possible but he actually said somethign about controlling the weight in the counter. The ranger ride was average like it has been on my last few rides(we didnt get hung up for too long. And it was a walkon as usual,same with Claw(Hard Rock) MOst rides were Walkons that day except for Wild MOuse and Rotor which the queue was crazily long for. There was a lot of people in the parkt hat day but nobody seemed to be riding the more thrilling rides(ranger,hard rock,Flying Saucer. After this we were getting ready to leave and we walked down thorugh the midway back down towards the car park,we planned on rding 3 more before we went Ferris Wheel,Rotor. We didnt ride Ferris Whhel and The rotor because of the queues but Me and Oli rode UFO before we went. Anyway gotta get off the Pc now quick but before I go one last thing. The wristbads have to be scanned carefully under the little booths, which are usually never used in non holidays i assume. it was really annnoyed havign to scan them,which took ages every time. I had a great at Luna park as usual and I will attach more pics next post
  4. steve$


    Well,of course the Vomitron/Slingshot area. They have another jumping thing there.
  5. I know,he must be on holidays somewhere
  6. Make you take heaps and heaps of pics to make ur recreation super duper good
  7. It's coming tomrrow. sorry had to get off the PC then
  8. Wonderbus was definitely not trying to help
  9. Im Leaving anyway Alex. I dont care anymore,thats why i posted that
  10. Hey, Today i went out to Luna park Sydney with my Family plus a friend o mine The edited picture of my brother is attached LOL. Before going to the park we went for a surf at warriewood beach at about 8.00,we finished there a bit late. So by the time we had got into the park at 11.30 it was a bit late for crowds and it was already filling up nicely. We got our unlimited ride wristband's(which took about 30 mins to get). While we were sitting down opposite the ticket booths the guy in a clown suit came up and tried to give my brother a hug but ryan gave him the biggest "bear hug";) you would ever imagine. Didnt get a picture of that one although( would have been good as gold:) )it was the start of a very twisted and crazed day. Our first ride was the Tango train,which was good as usual. I wish they could play some better music though sometimes. One minute they will be playing jet are you gonna be my girl and the next minute some crap that i have never heard of:mad: . The tango train also seemed to be running much slower than usual. I remember it as being crazily fast last time but now it just seemed soft:o Next was the Dominator. Which gave me a nasty surprise with the roughness of it. It looked so tame after watching it for a while we went staright on. The lurching feelign in the stomach when it spisn the entire way round it is killer:mad: My brother rode it 6 times in a row:D
  11. Hey I went out to Luna park today and am gonna write a huge trip report with heaps of pictures but just one question. With file attachments(in my case pictures)if the limit for attachments is 2mb then does that mean 2mb worth of attachments in the post or 2mb per attachment,because i have at 35 3.2 megapixel pictures to post. I need to know before i write
  12. Of course i know that Paul. In case you want to know i read the paper almost every day,and no not the cartoons LOL
  13. Huss was talking about the general pizazz,zozoopla, whatever you want to call it about Ranger
  14. That would actually be good. The holidays are when the parks get much of their revenue
  15. The chain wouldnt even be heard fromtm he units if it was down in the park
  16. Maybe it would be better to do a seasonal operation,like in the us
  17. When you think about it,12 million is a lot of money and if put to the right use we coujld get something really nice here
  18. That would make a nice game,good idea gazza
  19. Im riding the claw(hard rock) tomorrow at Luna Park. Maybe a trip report
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