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Everything posted by steve$

  1. I dont know how many 10 yeear olds would understand the show
  2. Yeah,Whats it going to do keeping it standing? Satisfy the coaster freaks as they drive done the M4?
  3. I think he is requesting for the model files to be sent to him to use now that he has RCT3
  4. Wasnt it a mixture of Arrow and Vekoma parts?
  5. But the Guy who posted it Just joined so he could post it.
  6. What was all that about a fire at Wonderland that burnt everything down from a member who was listening to the Emegancy Radio Wave
  7. That sounds good Scott. What is the Parks Flagship Attraction?
  8. They just had to take the gloss of the last day of school,didnt they?
  9. yes. Was that done recently? Because when i went to Wonderland in January you could kind of tell something was happening and my dad said it looks the place is closing down because of the lack of staff and quick fixes everywhere and how everything was so lousy. So Wonderland didnt bother spending much money if they knew they wouldnt have to operate much longer. Dont accumalate more debt
  10. yeah,I would also like to hear the song and there wasnt anything to get over Pattieboi. You are a rude little child:p
  11. yeah,They wont use any of that space for years though. They dont need it yet
  12. All those new camera phones have 1.3 megapixel quality which is enough resolution to set as your desktop background on the computer. PLus the computer come witht eh phones sometimes
  13. I didnt know the demon had one of those. Sorry i just realised
  14. How high and how fast will be the limit though. I suppose we are approaching it very quickly as Kingda Ka became the 1st coaster to break the 200km mark and im not too sure but it was probably only 10 years ago that we got our 1st 100km p/h coaster. But drop rides can go very high without the g-forces getting too strong
  15. Maybe so Joz,Maybe SO. I dont think it will make much difference really
  16. No of course 10 year olds dont know what time share is. It is such an immature thing though to watch
  17. Yeah,Cedar POint has hotels on site to it can make way much more money than Dreamworld which will keep them streaming throught he gate. Its all about the population. In america where there is lots more theme parks people go to the parks lots more often because their will probably be a Six Flags down the road:p. If lots more people are exposed to theme parks then entire families will drive halfway across the country juts to get to a Famous amusement park [i.e Cedar Point. So with more population and more parks you just cant lose
  18. Are they camera phone pictures?
  19. My Advice to You.............Go live near Six Flags Magic Mountain..........and..............get your self a season pass
  20. What the...........That was very random. The park didnt close down.
  21. Yeah,DO YOU SERIOUSLY WATCH SOUTH PARK. That is such boring crap and so stupid. I wouldnt really care if you were like 10 or something and you liked but your 15
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