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Everything posted by steve$

  1. Cool although the theming and everything has been taken down so there wont be that much to see
  2. People are going to get sick of the rides eventually, Theres only so many times you can go
  3. Since when were paramount going to have a theme park in melbourne
  4. Imagine a deserted beach with all these destroyed walls and buildings in the background
  5. But Zodiacs gondolas would be on the ground wouldnt they?
  6. THat loop loooks too small and tight to be safe. It's probably in one of those brazilian waterparks where they have slides that go like 200ks!
  7. What seminar might that be?
  8. Maybe it would have a dip into a underground tunnel then blast up a hill like California Screamin at Disney. BUt then again maybe it will have a 8000 foot top hat....who knows
  9. Luna Park needs a drawcard attraction. Something symbolic
  10. Well you came from queensland. I think I just missed out on riding it my a couple of weeks though
  11. I end up rolling over anyway
  12. Big Dipper and all,Man that is a good model
  13. THat could leave plenty of space for something big!
  14. I never got to ride beastie and unfortunately I never will My 250th Post
  15. steve$

    Halo 2

    I only jst finished Halo 1. But im trying to get Halo 2 as soon as I can
  16. Dreamworld has never had a wooden coaster in the parks history and It would go perfectly with the Goldrush area. The waterpark could be put near Cyclone or under it
  17. steve$


    Its just i live a while away and just to be safe.
  18. Its metal so it must be way smoother than the Wild Mouse and Luna Park and longer as well
  19. What are the slides called where there are four flume slides coming out of the one mountain style building, because they are really fun to ride lying on your stomach
  20. The water park is out of the way at dreamworld and lots of people dont know it is there. Maybe the new water park could be somewhere more noticeable
  21. steve$


    There not mechanic. They are just natural and the element will always work like it does
  22. A park mix of dreamworld would be heaps interesting with just bits of all the rides
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