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Randy23 last won the day on February 26 2012

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  1. Well not the 'whole ride', half of the ride is inside. Also ride will be opening tomorrow as they will be doing a media launch tomorrow morning.
  2. Eddie is a chick and she does the weather segments.
  3. You should know the standards as you would of said yes on the application when it said do you abide by blah blah.
  4. I also agree with everything as mention. Expecially with maccas. Employers look towards people who have previously work there as mention above. In regards traineeship it is a great experience as I did mine via Village Roadshow Theme Parks. Being able to show you positive vibe is a great start and also questions like that.. ask yourself "if I was in the customer shoes what whould I want or require from you"
  5. Some photos of the night. From train ride and walk the tracks. It was a great night out, a few hiccups during the night! But hey it was a 1st. We had great reviews such as some people didn't like the train but they loved the walk though with all the props and actor's playing there roles but it did however get quiet here and there.
  6. Great feedback themeparknut2011, obviously I was there aswell I have passed on your feedback about everything as you mention it was the 1st time that we did. Also about slaughter fx they are one of the makers of the walking dead show. It was great to have the umbrella corp at the station! It did get amped later in the night! With organisers there was only a few and they had no sleep what so ever they was up since friday morning until midnight last night so shit got crazy. With regarding next year they are planning no walk though and no train ride but they will be doing a interactions like when people did a walk the track with was crazy and alot of people loved it as we had all the scare actors was spread around the land. But now that it's over they will be focusing on a movie that will have movie stars from over USA coming to the sunshine coast. Also regarding the scare actors they all was volunteers/unpaid work. Many came from brisbane etc. They had a great time entertaining everyone! Also good for them to add on there work resumes as most of them are actors for short films etc etc.
  7. It will be a great night, the train ride will last for 30mins so plenty of scares in between. With the walk through it will be like a maze and only $12.50. Or if your brave enough after 10:30 you can walk the track! Which is plenty of time in between groups as it wont be pushy! You will see alot of blood and a few chainsaws will make an appearance!
  8. Yeah I've seen a few young staff in food and beverage and also reatil. But mainly fnb.
  9. ^^^ With public transport some parks aren't a fan even though it good as coomera station is near Dreamworld. But most of time you are 'On Call' so they would want staff to get there in time if anything happens or sometimes trains or buses maybe late which may cause the staff member to late for the shift. IMO
  10. Basically a interview. One on one with the department that you will be applying for. It does get busy. Once you arrive, you'll be asked to fill out a sheet with contact details etc then wait for your name to be called. They will then ask you about 6 or so questions. Then they will tell you when you should hear back if successful.
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