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Everything posted by pushbutton

  1. To an extent, but I've seen buildings painted a year prior to their demolition! I still say the monorail needs some fairly serious money spent on it if it's to remain in service much longer.
  2. That sounds insane. It's only a simple matter of having a sensor attached to the doors that doesn't allow a car to proceed until the doors are open! I have set these up at work. It really is very easy!
  3. The doors are there now because I saw them this morning. They're just not attached properly for some reason, so they only close very slightly. Perhaps Movie world could seek the support of someone from Westfield, as they rarely seem to have much trouble with automatic doors!
  4. Since it (combined with the Bawd Brothers show) is my favourite attraction at Dreamworld at the moment, that's really good to know!
  5. The joke in my message above was obviously not clear enough! It was intended to imitate the text from the quote from Bikash.
  6. WOW! That's the kind of immersive theme park experience I really love (although I've never been to one as good as that)!
  7. I think it's going to be something absolutely amazing - could be something fairly good - I'm guessing Scooby-Doo Spooky Coaster is going to be revamped (properly this time) 🏰
  8. More images from the new "Artvo" at Robina Town Centre in todays Bulletin. Personally I wouldn’t pay for it, but comparing these to the images on the "Trickpic" Facebook page, it's obviously a far better experience at Artvo. I guess I can see now what they were trying (but failed Spectacularly) to do! Both the website and Facebook page for "TrickPic" have now disappeared.
  9. How a ride can reopen after maintenance, and still have elements not working is frankly beyond me!
  10. What an awesomely optimistic article in todays Gold Coast Bulletin!
  11. Very very good to hear that Village are planning a series of further upgrades to Sea World after this one, and especially that the facade is next on the list. It is much needed!
  12. Nothing much for now by the sound of it, but they don't seem to have any plans to do anything with it. Considering it was the first (and is now the last) monorail system in Australia, that's a serious concern. I won't be at all surprisedif it quietly disappears soon after (or even before) Atlantis opens.
  13. Well it's in todays paper as you can see, so if it did come out a week or 2 back, that's taking lazy journalism to a whole new level!
  14. It's just lazy journalism, but I doubt anyone here is surprised by that!
  15. No real new information, but this article in todays Courier Mail gives a bit of an update / further confirmation on what's going on.
  16. I much prefer the way this has been announced to how DC Rivals was. No need for months of guessing what the name, theme, and colour will be. Or even what type of coaster it will be. We know all that right from the start!
  17. I'm not a fan of Aquaman. It was just a quick idea of something with a water / sea theme. Perhaps something with a "Bedknobs and Broomsticks" theme might be better recieved? (The above is NOT intended to be taken seriously, in case anyone thinks it is)!
  18. A fair question. It just seemed to me like more of the same old poor quality "stunts", and shouting for no real reason. What I'd much rather see on that lake is areal show. I know there was some sort of pirate show once, and I only vaguely remember seeing the actual ship. Not sure if it was any good, but I am sure a good pirate show there could be very good. Otherwise, any other sea related (or more broadly water / marine themed) show. Just something with a story to it. Some fun, some songs, some audience interaction (not just "who can shout the loudest". Perhaps something Aquaman themed. Just a few quick ideas.
  19. Since I'm at Sea World today I thought I might as well take a look at the new Thunder Lake show. 5 minutes of mediocre 'stunts' (at best), accompanied by constant yelling down the microphone was more than enough for me. Let's hope maybe they might properly rethink this now that they're finally going to invest in the park!
  20. It's not as if Dreamworld didn't already have its work cut out for it, but they must surely be emotional wrecks seeing that Sea World is building these new attractions, and to rub (much deserved) salt in their wounds, that includes the new Wipeout! Meanwhile, Dreamworld is planning a shaded seating area! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Come on Ardent, it's well past time to play!
  21. Sounds like Sea World is going to be a theme park once again! I agree with the comment that an additional monorail station near Atlantis would be great. I also would like to see the remnants of Vikings Revenge removed and that space reused for a new attraction. Would be good if they could reinvigorate the entrance to Sea World. It's really bad right now. Very pleased to hear Movie World will get more Movie set pieces. Finally, while Tom and Jerry are obviously only really going to be aimed at kids, I'm very happy to hear that some non-DC characters are coming to Movie World!
  22. Would the Brogent Q ride be a 7D / 9D cinema? Looks like one. It would need more seats though to work in a theme park. Log flume and big dipper would be replacing Vikings Revenge and Sea Viper, so all good. However there'd still be the chairlifts and most importantly, Bermuda Triangle to replace.
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