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Everything posted by pushbutton

  1. I can only agree completely with everything Gold Coast Amusement Force said. Absolutely brilliant video. I'm hoping it might indeed be shown by a TV channel too. The more people who are aware of the truth behind all this, the better!
  2. Anyone who found the above video about the Sydney monorail interesting might also like to watch this one, by British Pathe from 1965. It's about the development of the first UK monorail system at Butlin's, which was also touted at the time as the future of public transport! I find it of great interest that whilst monorails were obviously not taken up widely for mass transit purposes, there are signs now that they were ahead of their time and, in a way, might yet be used for just that, only in the form of MagLev, which is currently being considered by the Queensland government, and is very similar to a much faster version of the monorail!
  3. I'd have a go but I know hardly anything about using Photoshop. I also don't have it on my PC either. Sorry! Good idea though.
  4. Could be improved if they just removed the concrete path on the left. Considering they've just repaved the roads I'm surprised they didn't do that.
  5. Funny time of year to be doing any sort of unnecessary construction work in a theme park. Anyway I hope whatever they're doing looks a lot better when it's complete!
  6. Well I really don't think they'd set up a stage for security to stand on!
  7. Dreamworld was open at 8.30am this morning (rides from 9am)!
  8. I'm sure once word gets around about SkyVoyager, that's gonna be a huge boost for Dreamworld!
  9. Yes absolutely, and yes to the helicopter too (although I'm disappointed that it now hangs still in the air for quite a few seconds, which completely spoils the illusion that it's a flying helicopter! Even so, it's still worth going.
  10. Some excellent points there. I'm amazed Dreamworld didn't use the historic Queensland aviation links you mentioned. Talk about a missed opportunity!
  11. Having now seen "Heartland" twice, the second viewing has confirmed my initial thoughts on the new show. I get what the story is meant to be, but only from reading the descriptions online. Unlike the previous shows, it's not very clearly portrayed in the actual show. The projection mapping is superb as I've said previously, but it's only a visual effect which should enhance an already good show. Unfortunately as I said above, the show needs a fair bit of work. On both the two times I've been so far there's been either no pre-show entertainment, or if there was I found it impossible to engage with as all I could hear even before I entered the building was "BANG. BANG. BANG!" (loud thumping noises). That's in contrast to the family friendly country music, including singing, dancing, jokes and some audience participation in previous shows. New menu ok, but personally I don't like it as much as the previous one. Unfortunately the show still ends with "I still call Australia home", which I had hoped might have been replaced by now with something new. Overall, the price has gone up but the quality of the overall experience has gone down somewhat. I did still enjoy it. Just not as much as before!
  12. It's not up to Universal standards themeing wise, but it does look good!
  13. Shop is now being stocked up, and this!
  14. I've heard people come from all over the world to park their cars in the Dreamworld carpark! 😆
  15. Some rides can be short but good. Storm is just short and very disappointing to me.
  16. I did wonder myself. Every time I see it I cry a bit inside my mind, remembering what was there before and how amazing it was! 😥
  17. Depends what sort of ride you enjoy. I for one will be on it at the very least once a month.
  18. A few of the white panels are slightly dented. Presumably done during construction to force them to fit when they were not quite the right size. It's not a huge deal but it is easy to spot. Not sure if Dreamworld will be demanding the contractor rectify this but I think they should. If the metallic finish was applied though the imperfections would likely be unnoticeable.
  19. The first giveaway for me was the glass door bit. the only ride this sounds like is Junior Driving School, and there's no glass door to that! Merry Christmas everyone! Oh, everyone except paranoid mothers and animal rights activists. I'm sure these 2 groups will be far too busy trying to cause panic to enjoy Christmas!
  20. Why would the Wiggles need an event space? A stage is surely more appropriate, and Dreamworld has several of those.
  21. As long as when it does open it's safe, and finished so the first riders don't go away disappointed! (That would be a very foolish move!)
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