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  1. Weren't the fire brigade called last year as well for the zombie apocalypse maze? Something to do with the intense amount of smoke they had in there and the smoke alarms kept going off?
  2. I had the same deal happen a couple of weeks ago. I couldn't get the 3D to "work" for me at all. The only way I could bear watching was to shut one eye for the entirety of the film. After watching the thing it would have been a better use of my time to walk out from the start though...
  3. Longest- 90 minutes for SAW maze last year - damn worth it but. shortest - maybe WWF. I remember a few years back, we didn't even get out of the boats cause no one else was lined up. Wait time = 0 minutes.
  4. It sounds like it was a massive disappointment last night. I hope they bump up the scare actors for the more expensive nights.
  5. I'm (like Spencer) a MASSIVE Batman fan. I really hope they revamp the simulator to give it a Chris Nolan workover. If they turn it into the lame kiddy batman animation deal I'm not going to be happy - that would be even worse than what they had for BA2 (and that's really saying something...). It *could* be something in line with the new justice league movie like Wyncerous was saying, but it's going to be opening in two months, and the movie isn't out, so that moots that idea. To be honest, I'm going to be super disappointed if they get rid of the dark rides/dark ride hybrid. I agree with what others are saying, that the atmosphere of a dark ride can not be matched. Atlantis or neverending story would be freaking amazeballs, I just can't see it happening. Imagine if they replaced LTRR with Alice in Wonderland, not going to happen - still, it'd be rad to go hunting for the chesire cat down the river.
  6. I prefer themeing over thrill. I haven't had the pleasure of going to Disney or Universal yet, and I think it's unfair to assume that if people are searching for quality in their rides, then they are required to travel. I'm one of the people who used to queue up for LTRR and batman each time. Even though the rides themselves were pretty rubbish, being inside the library of batman and walking through the caves used to get me excited. Same reason I love scooby as well - walking through the queue lines in the castle is amazing (as is of course themeing in the ride itself). I guess that's why I'll choose movieworld over dreamworld every time.
  7. haha that's so spot on Richard. I think I'll head over and check out the DC superstore that's supposed to be opening today. Maybe that'll give us some more *super cryptic* clues
  8. Is the temporary fencing in the laneway wide enough to have a zombie scare zone between LW and the mazes? That would be awesome!
  9. This sounds like it was an amazing night! I CAN'T WAIT for fright nights now! I'm a bit worried that someone had a panic attack to be honest. A bunch of my friends who I'm taking have quite severe anxiety disorders and it would be absolutely paralysing for something like that to happen to them Hopefully the staff can identify those who look like they're having trouble and discretely take them to an exit? I know I'm dreaming big here and I know that the purpose of the mazes is to scare the pants off everyone (and personally I can't wait ) I just can't turn off my psychologist brain sometimes and am a bit worried about what would happen to those people, especially in zombie apocoalypse which seems to be really hard to escape. I love the idea of the fright night VIP passes. This is definitely something I would jump on board with. I guess the main downside is potential overcrowding again. I guess with the vampire bar, and the extra maze this year, it should spread everybody around enough to keep line sizes more reasonable.
  10. Thanks for the extensive update joz! This is actually my first post ever after four billion months of lurking the forums, so hey! Figured I'd better start contributing to keep these forums as active as possible
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