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Big T

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  1. From www.news.com.au Link here: Eight stuck on Luna Park ride after blackout December 28, 2007 11:14pm Article from: AAP ABOUT eight people are stuck on a 30-metre high thrill ride at Melbourne's Luna Park after a power blackout caused chaotic scenes among the holiday crowd. Fire and ambulance crews are on standby as the eight people remain stranded in the dark at the St Kilda amusement park, a Metropolitan Ambulance Service (MAS) spokesman said. The chaos started when a power blackout hit the St Kilda entertainment hub after 10pm (AEDT). "There are traffic lights out all over the place," MAS spokesman Ray Rowe said. "All the power has gone out ... there are about eight people 30 metres up on the ride." There are no early reports of injuries. About four ambulance units have arrived and other emergency services are converging on the famous fun park. A Victoria Police spokesman said motorists were urged to take care in the St Kilda district until power could be restored. It was not clear what caused the power blackout, the police spokesman said.
  2. Both trains were leaving about 75% full. The day I was there they werent calling any single riders to fill holes.
  3. I rode the "Doohan" last week. After reading the concerns here before going, I was a little worried about any pain experienced on the ride. I am 194 cm, about 110 kg. I did remove my shoes before riding as it looked like I would need all the leg room I could get. I slipped into the seat no problems and pulled down the restraint, but it wasnt till the back restraint clamped on that it started to get uncomfortable. I could feel my thighs starting to cramp and my toes were sore from being "point on" to the the bottom of the foot holds. Fortunately, the ride start was delayed (a seat restraint on another bike wouldnt lock in) and it gave me time to make a few adjustments to my poitioning. From then on it was an enjoyable ride, but I agree with other posters that they could fill up each train to move the line along abit quicker.
  4. Saw on tonights news that the Mad Mouse at the RAS is getting demolished after this years show. It will be replaced by a modern coaster. Does anyone have anymore info on this?? Edit: Hmmmm just looked at the master plan drawings and it looks like it is being replaced with a plaza!! http://www.adelaideshowground.com.au/publi...oad.jsp?id=1030
  5. I dont know if this is old news or not, or if this seller is on this forum. But here is a link to some Luna Park Sydney stuff up for sale on Ebay. Looks like one of the vultures that decended on LPS from "Spirits of the Carnival" DVD. Auction here
  6. I was there last night (Friday) and looked up at the columns that support the floors and you can still see the large "clamps" (for want of a better word) that supported the rails, around the tops of these columns. Didnt go any higher up to see what was left on the upper floors though.
  7. Any Photos?? The Demon holds a special place in my heart (or should I say stomach) as it is the only coaster that I have thrown up after riding. Of course it might also have some thing to do with the large cup of Fanta that I drank before riding.
  8. Dont Know if Myer still own the joint, however it is still called the Myer Centre. I think a Fernwood Gym went into the area formerly occupied by Dazzleland. And as far as the Coaster goes (which, if I remember correctly, it didnt go often) I think it was sold at auction to a Victorian who was going to put it inside his home!!! On a similar subject does anyone remember the "Cox Foys" roof top funfair on top of the building now called the Renaissance (sp?) Centre. Opposite the Richmond Hotel. Many fun hours to be had during school holidays in the early 70s there. Also not forgetting the Semaphore and Henly and Grange beachfront "fun parks". There endeth my first post!
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