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Everything posted by Adam

  1. Thanks kennykoala. I was unaware of this. It seems they've launched a new media site, similar to WVTP's theme-parks.com.au network. http://www.themeparksgoldcoast.com.au/
  2. dreamworld_rulz, I believe Gazza was pointing out the mistake you made in saying that MLT only owns one park (there's no need for you to reply and acknowledge this ). GoGoBoy is spot on. I also think they have deliberately set the prices high because they are capped in terms of how many tickets they can sell. They don't want all of Wet 'n' Wild's customers turning up, they simply couldn't handle it. I can't see any reason why people with a hopper pass couldn't leave the parks and then return later. I doubt there will be a direct park-to-park passageway.
  3. I can't remember where I read this but the ability to hop won't be introduced until early next year. They do have every intention though of making the tickets hopable, so to speak.
  4. It would totally ruin the intense mystery surrounding the elusive anonymous blog if the person's username got out. It is though, surprisingly, the most unsuspecting of persons on this forum. Well, not really actually. Not really at all.
  5. I am talking about: the exterior themeing, the themeing in the queue, the tower's themeing, the storyline of the attraction, the costumes and attitude of the staff members, the themeing on the ride vehicles, and the name of the attraction itself.
  6. It doesn't seem as though they've set a definitive opening date. According the newly launched website: I'm still betting it'll be before Christmas. I can feel it. The park is so finished. Everyday that goes by is another day of lost (opportunistic) revenue.
  7. Exciting! With a bit of hacking I was able to find the park map: http://www.whitewaterworld.com.au/files/www/pdf/ParkMap.pdf Ultra low quality but it's all there.
  8. I also have no problem with the length of the ride. We all know the forces/themeing/story/quality of Superman Escape is a million (literally, one million) times better than Dreamworld's Tower of Terror.
  9. Some heavy construction is definitely taking place very close to the Big Brother house. Perhaps they are building a new house. One that isn't falling to pieces.
  10. I'm definitely a fan of the design/track layout of many wooden roller coasters. I don't really see the thrill in some multiple loop coasters—Cyclone, for example. I believe something like Superman Escape or California Screamin' is far more thrilling and fun. No one here should be using the phase "more better". It's a grammatical nightmare.
  11. Vekoma's version of the Robocoaster, Pandora's Box, is much more exciting. It's pretty much a free fall tower on a track with the added ability of being able to rotate. The themeing possibilities are endless.
  12. Sounds cool. So it'll be a stand-alone haunted house attraction? Hopefully it'll be as exciting as this damn-scary place. If it's going to be an actual coaster surely it would've been better to go international and source a proper manufacturer. There would be significant efficiency gains (economics of scale and production methods etc.). I guess it just wasn't in their budget. Here's thinking a locally designed coaster will be the roughest thing out. The effects and haunted aspect to it sounds very cool though.
  13. According to WhiteWater World's website the tickets will go on sale on the 6th of November.
  14. Just in relation to the linear induction motors on the Rocket Slide, I contacted ProSlide and was fortunate enough to receive a response from their very helpful staff. So as we predicted, there is some form of speed regulation. Whether this is through varying currents or simply switching the magnets on/off is unknown (for certain).
  15. I'd love to hear how tonight goes. If anyone from the boards is going be sure to give us a run down on how it was. Just a technical note: A queue for a theme park is spelt 'queue' (not 'que'). Secondly, if you are referring to multiple queues there is absolutely no need to add an apostrophe between the 'e' and the 's'.
  16. Thanks ParkFan-Germany. The results page you linked to doesn't seem to work. This link shows the Batwing photos on that site ('weiter' meaning 'next'). There's a couple of nice close up photos included.
  17. Hahahaha. There is absolutely nothing speedy about that water ride. It's the most over-hyped terrible addition Wet 'n' Wild has ever received. I'd rather sit another exam than have to queue for such a lackluster experience. The names are fine; I guess. They're no worse than 'Batwing'.
  18. If anyone has anymore stories about spinning rides, feel free to share them in this topic.
  19. Hit Add Reply, scroll down to the 'File Attachments' section, click Browse and locate the image on your computer, then select Add This Attachment. Or give Imageshack.us a visit.
  20. The comparison is almost impossible to do. It's like comparing tyres and roads. Which one is better? A Maglev system is a way of suspending a vehicle/train in the air to reduce frictional resistance. LIMs are used in many Maglev systems to do the actual driving of the vehicles. A better comparison would be Maglev vs. conventional track/wheels.
  21. I don't think many people would have the physical capacity to spew while their body is under such forces (although I'm sure it can happen). The shields are primarily in place to deflect the sound of people screaming. I hope Movie World doesn't get them.
  22. Agreed. I think most people would've (unfortunately) experienced the exhibit by now. It seems just a waste of staff to keep it running.
  23. I seriously don't see why people would bother to renew their Dreamworld annual passes when we've got such an attractive deal down the road at a far superior park. Movie World actually does offer discounts at various restaurants in the park. I think there's like 10 or 15 per cent off at Rick's Cafe Americain. They don't do a great job of marketing it though.
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