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Everything posted by Adam

  1. Thanks wonderbus2003 for answering a quick question of mine, very much appreciated. But I do agree with you wonderbus, they're not going to put another theme park in its place.
  2. I was answering zoggyno1 question which was posted 13 days ago. You don't have to read old posts Alex if you don't want to. Nor do you have to reply to them.
  3. Imagination is everywhere. Do you seriously think that the Disney Network are the only group of people in the world with an imagination and the abilty to dream? The only thing that turns imagination into reality is money. This is what sets Disney apart. But that’s not to say it can't be replicated on a smaller scale in Australian parks.
  4. Thanks guys for your help (especially Richard).
  5. Who said it was going to Wonderland, because they were wrong!
  6. So whats going in the site? That website doesn't provide much information.
  7. Hey, What do you think determines if a roller coaster is rough? (e.g. sharp turns in the track, bad track connections) I have always thought that sharp turns in a coaster would most likely make that particular coaster rough, but now, looking at new products from Mack (which I presume would be smooth), they have sharp turns to the left the quick to the right, so now I'm not to sure. If someone could help me out that would be appreciated. I have attached two images of Mack coasters (first is a Water Coaster, second is an e-Motion coaster) would these sections of track be classed as "rough"?
  8. Haha, I agree. Hopefully it will be better themed as well.
  9. This has become a very interesting discussion for the future of Australian parks. I am going to a few Disney parks at the end of this year or next year, will be interesting to see what I think after that (I have been to Disneyland but it was ages ago). Bill Gates did not invent the concept of computer software… Vekoma did not invent the roller coaster… …yet they are both leaders in their field. The question is not whether Disney continues to do what they do; it’s whether Australian parks will continue to grow and strive to reach world-class expectations. I believe it's possible.
  10. It sounds as though its something to do with taking photos and turning them into stars. But rabid said it wasn't, so what could it be. zaney, New Zealand isn't a hole. Its awesome.
  11. hey righty, Good stuff mate. I'm loving it. Looks very nice.
  12. It takes a photo of someone and turns them into a star (or character from a movie), which amazes parents?
  13. Oh so ozcoaster.net is your site Ian? I didn't know that otherwise I would have asked ya.
  14. Scooby Doo is also an Australian wild mouse ride (made by Mack).
  15. lol, some people also call it the Silver Screen if I'm not mistaken. Joz? Are you there...
  16. The movies. joz, do you know what this attraction is going to be?
  17. Yea, it wont be in the same place as the old Movie Magic show anyway. Do you know what its going to be?
  18. Nah, but I suspect it may have something to do with the closing of the Movie Magic Show (e.g. something to do with making movies). But I'm not really sure. Does anyone have any ideas? Hopefully some information will be released on CoasterNet soon
  19. Does anyone have a video of Eureka Mine Ride?
  20. I don't think the coming down of the cable and the new interactive attraction are related (other than the fact that they are both in main street).
  21. Its used in the street parade to make batman fly. http://www.ozcoaster.net/ozupdates/jan05up....php?id=1229041
  22. I have found some more on this...
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